(function () { var e; (e = { result: 0, validate: function () { var e; return ( (e = !1), $("#potassium_calc .error_explanation").removeClass("pulse"), (this.result = $("#potassium_calc #potassium").val()), this.result != null && this.result.length > 0 ? $("#potassium_calc #potassium-g").removeClass("error") : ($("#potassium_calc #potassium-g").addClass("error"), (e = !0)), (this.result = this.result * 1), e ? $("#potassium_calc .error-explanation").addClass("animated pulse").removeClass("hide") : $("#potassium_calc .error-explanation").addClass("hide"), !e ); }, displayResult: function () { var e; return ( (e = '

Potassium value: ' + this.result + " mg/dL

"), this.result > 5 ? (e += "Too high! Your potassium level is above the target range. This may start in stage 3 CKD, as the kidneys become less able to rid your body of potassium, or if you take some types of blood pressure pills. If your kidneys fail, it is all too easy to get too much potassium from food. If your level went up slowly, you might not feel any different. If it went up quickly, you may feel weak or tired. Be careful! VERY high levels of potassium can stop your heart. Talk to your doctor if your levels are high.") : this.result < 3.5 ? (e += 'Too low! Your potassium level is below the target range. This can happen if you throw up a lot or have diarrhea, or if you take diuretics ("water pills") to help lower your blood pressure. You may feel weak, tired, or have extra heartbeats.') : (e += "Just right. Good for you-your potassium level is in the target range, right where your care team likes to see it. Keep up the good work."), $("#potassium_calc .calculator_results .vcenter").html(e) ); }, calculate: function (t) { t.preventDefault(); if (e.validate()) return e.displayResult(), ekidney.calc.showResult("#potassium_calc"); }, init: function () { return ( $("#potassium_calc .calculate_btn").click(e.calculate), $("#potassium_calc form").submit(e.calculate), $("#potassium_calc .calculate_again").click(function () { return ekidney.calc.reset("#potassium_calc"); }) ); }, }), (window.ekidney.potassium = e), $(function () { return window.ekidney.potassium.init(); }); }.call(this));