ࡱ> W\VC g"bjbj -BhhJ ***8b\$*;A  d@f@f@f@f@f@f@$BE@@@`YYY^d@Yd@YY=0> Ov8>$P@@<;A\>$FFH>>F>Y@@;AF X : AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS AND [DESIGNATED SERVICE PROVIDER] Article I: Introduction 1-1. Purpose: To establish an agreement setting forth the understanding of the parties regarding the provision of in-kind services by [Designated Service Provider] to the Department of Veterans Affairs. 1-2. Authority: The Secretary of Veterans Affairs has delegated to local VA Medical Center Directors the authority to accept gifts for use in carrying out all laws, regulations, and VA policies administered by the Veterans Health Administration in accordance with 38 U.S.C. 8301 38 U.S.C. 8103, and 38 U.S.C. 8104 1-3. The Parties: [Designated Service Provider] is a [government or not for profit] organization with offices at [address]. The [VA Medical Center] is part of the United States Government with its offices at [VA Medical Center address]. Article II: Mechanism for Accepting Gifts 2-1. In-Kind Services. [Designated Service Provider] will provide the following in-kind services to the Department of Veterans Affairs: case management and supportive services for Veterans eligible for services in receipt of a housing voucher from [Public Housing Authority] as part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Collaborative Case Management (CCM). These services are described in additional detail in the enclosed Memorandum of Agreement between [Designated Service Provider] and [Public Housing Authority]. 2-2. Acknowledgement of Gifts. Although VA cannot endorse commercial enterprises or products, the Department of Veterans Affairs may thank donors for gifts. If requested by [Designated Service Provider], the Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration agrees to provide verbal and written acknowledgments directly to [Designated Service Provider]. Article III: General Provisions 3-1. Amendments. This agreement may be amended. Amendments must be bilaterally executed in writing, signed by authorized representatives of both Parties. No oral or unilateral amendments will be effective. 3-2. Duration: The agreement is effective when signed by the parties and will remain in effect until terminated by either party. This agreement will have a Period of Performance of one (1) year, followed by 4 consecutive option years. 3-3. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement by providing the other party at least 30 days written notice of its intent to terminate the agreement. Article IV: Limitations 4-1. For the purposes of this agreement, a partnership is a voluntary, collaborative, working relationship between VA and [Designated Service Provider]. The term partnership does not imply that VA and [Designated Service Provider] are jointly liable for either Partys obligations. This agreement shall not be construed to create a joint venture, agency, employment, or any other relationship between VA and the [Designated Service Provider]. This agreement does not authorize the expenditure or reimbursement of any funds.This agreement does not create a binding contractual obligation, obligate either Party to expend appropriations or other monies or enter into any contract or other obligation, or create any rights between the Parties. Should any exchange of funds or resources be necessary, the Parties will first enter into a supplemental binding instrument. 4-2. [Designated Service Provider] will not use this agreement to sell or promote any products or services. 4-3. [Designated Service Provider] will not use the name of the VA or any of its components, except in factual publicity and with prior written approval of VA. Factual publicity includes announcements of dates, times, locations, purposes, agendas, speakers, and fees, if any, involved with activities or events. Such factual publicity shall not imply that the involvement of VA serves as an endorsement of the general policies, activities, or products of [Designated Service Provider]. Where the publicity references the VA, publicity will be accompanied by a disclaimer to the effect that no VA endorsement is intended. [Designated Service Provider] may use VAs logo, seals, flags, and other symbols only pursuant to a written determination by VA that the proposed use by [Designated Service Provider] advances the aims, purposes, and mission of the Department. VA approval is not guaranteed. 4-4. VA will not use and has obtained no ownership interests in [Designated Service Providers] names, logos, and/or trademarks (the Marks). VA will obtain [Designated Service Providers] prior written approval to use the Marks. 4-5. This Agreement is not intended to be an exclusive arrangement. The relationship established in this Agreement in no way limits VA or [Designated Service Provider] from establishing similar relationships with any other entity. 4-6. This Agreement does not represent any endorsement by VA of the general policies, activities, or products of [Designated Service Provider]. 4-7. Any publicity released by either Party concerning this agreement, the services or supports provided within, or any resulting outcomes, will be subject to prior approval of the other Party. 4-8. Each Party shall bear its own costs, risks, and liabilities incurred by it arising out of its obligations and efforts under this agreement. One Party cannot commit the other to any cost, expense, or obligation. 4-9. This agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred by any Party, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4-10. VA and the [Designated Service Provider] will only disclose data to one another as permitted under applicable federal law. 4-11. With regards to any copyrighted materials created during the performance of this agreement, [Designated Service Provider] will grant to VA (the Government), and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in such copyrighted data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly by or on behalf of the Government. 4-12. The liability, if any, of the United States for injury or loss of property, or personal injury or death shall be governed exclusively by the provisions of the federal Tort Claims Act. This agreement is subject only to federal law. 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