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Middleton Mem Veterans Hospital 9:15 10:15 fMRI reveals abnormal central processing Dr. Robert Haley of sensory and pain stimuli in ill Gulf War University of Texas Southwestern Veterans 10:15 10:30 Break 10:30 11:15 MEG imaging Patterns in Gulf War Illness Dr. Apostolos Georgopoulos Minneapolis VA Medical Center 11:15 -12:15 Functional consequences of repeated Dr. Alvin Terry organophosphate exposure: potential Georgia Health Sciences University non-cholinergic mechanisms 12:15 1:15 Lunch 1:15 2:00 Meta-analysis of cognitive effects from Dr. Diane Rohlman Organophosphate exposures Oregon Health Sciences University 2:00 2:45 Gulf War Brain Bank Update Dr. Christopher (Kit) Brady Dr. Neil Kowall VA Boston Healthcare System 2:45 3:00 Break 3:00 5:00 VA Gulf War Research Program: Mr. Jim Binns, Chairman Update and Discussion Res Adv Cmte Gulf War Illnesses ORD: strategic plan, FY2013 budget, Dr. Victor Kalasinksy RFAs, other initiatives Dr. Robert Jaeger VA Office of Research and Development OPH: An Overview of OPHs Gulf War Dr. Victoria Davey Activities Dr. Michael Peterson VA Office of Public Health 5:00 5:30 Public comment Meeting of the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses June 19, 2012 Boston University Medical Campus, 80 East Concord Street, L109, Boston, MA Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 8:00 8:30 Informal gathering, coffee 8:30 9:15 From inflammation to sickness and Dr. Rodney Johnson Cognitive dysfunction: when the University of Illinois, Urbana Immune system subjugates the brain 9:15 10:00 The effectiveness of acupuncture in the Dr. Lisa Conboy Treatment of Gulf War Illness The New England School of Acupuncture 10:00 10:45 The effects of mindfulness practice on Dr. Britta Holzel the neurobiology of pain processing and Massachusetts General Hospital emotion regulation Harvard Medical School 10:45 11:30 A randomized trial of Tai-Chi Dr. Chenchen Wang For fibromyalgia treatment Tufts University School of Medicine 11:30 11:45 Break 11:45 12:15 Structural MRI in Military Pesticide Dr. Kimberly Sullivan Personnel from the Gulf War Dr. Maxine Krengel Boston University School of Public Health 12:15 1:00 Committee discussion Mr. Jim Binns, Chairman Dr. Kimberly Sullivan Res. 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