// Disclaimer alert box $j15(document).ready(function () { $j15(".showDisclaimer").click(function () { return confirm('You are now leaving the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site.'); }); }); /* // Section Description Rollover Effect $j15(document).ready(function () { // On hover in/out $j15(".homeNav dt").hover( function () { displayNextMenuItem($j15(this)); }, function () { hideNextMenuItem($j15(this)); }); // On tab over/out $j15(".homeNav dt").focusin(function () { displayNextMenuItem($j15(this)); }); $j15(".homeNav dt").focusout(function () { hideNextMenuItem($j15(this)); }); }); function displayNextMenuItem (ele) { ele.next("dd").addClass('showDesc').animate({ opacity: 1, width: '250px', height: 'auto' }, 300);} function hideNextMenuItem (ele) { ele.next("dd").removeClass('showDesc').animate({ opacity: 0, width: '250px', height: 'auto' }, 300);} // Clear Input Values $j15('document').ready(function () { $j15('input').each(function () { $j15(this).val($j15(this).attr('defaultVal')); $j15(this).css({ color: 'grey' }); }); $j15('.txtClass').focus(function () { if ($j15(this).val() == $j15(this).attr('defaultVal')) { $j15(this).val(''); $j15(this).css({ color: 'black' }); } }); $j15('.txtClass').blur(function () { if ($j15(this).val() == '') { $j15(this).val($j15(this).attr('defaultVal')); $j15(this).css({ color: 'grey' }); } }); }); */ // smooth scroll css-tricks.com var jump = function (e) { //prevent the "normal" behaviour which would be a "hard" jump e.preventDefault(); //Get the target var target = $j15(this).attr("href"); //perform animated scrolling $j15('html,body').animate( { //get top-position of target-element and set it as scroll target scrollTop: $j15(target).offset().top //scrolldelay: 2 seconds }, 500, function () { //attach the hash (#jumptarget) to the pageurl location.hash = target; }); } $j15(document).ready(function () { $j15('a[href*=#]').bind("click", jump); return false; }); // Pull Twitter Feed In // jquery.tweet.js - See http://tweet.seaofclouds.com/ or https://github.com/seaofclouds/tweet // Convert twitter API objects into data available for // constructing each tweet
' + s.intro_text + '
'; var outro = '' + s.outro_text + '
'; var loading = $j15('' + s.loading_text + '
'); if (s.username && typeof (s.username) == "string") { s.username = [s.username]; } if (s.loading_text) $j15(widget).append(loading); $j15(widget).bind("tweet:load", function () { $j15.getJSON(build_api_url(), function (data) { if (s.loading_text) loading.remove(); if (s.intro_text) list.before(intro); list.empty(); var tweets = $j15.map(data.results || data, extract_template_data); tweets = $j15.grep(tweets, s.filter).sort(s.comparator).slice(0, s.count); list.append($j15.map(tweets, function (o) { return "