{ "strategies": [ { "strategyId": 1, "strategyTitle": "Harmonize Identity Management and Access Control Across VA", "decisionDate": "10/01/2013", "ombInitiative": "Other", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost savings and avoidances will be reinvested according to agency's IT modernization plan and unfunded projects list.", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0.91, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 25.59, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 40.84, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 32.36, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 38.12, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 5, "strategyTitle": "VA Integrated Service Network Data Warehouse Elimination", "decisionDate": "10/01/2013", "ombInitiative": "Other", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost savings and avoidances will be reinvested according to agency's IT modernization plan and unfunded projects list.", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 0.15, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 8, "strategyTitle": "Server Virtualization", "decisionDate": "10/01/2012", "ombInitiative": "Data Center", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost savings and avoidances will be reinvested according to agency's IT modernization plan and unfunded projects list.", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 1.79, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0.42, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 9, "strategyTitle": "Renegotiation of Enterprise License Agreement (Microsoft)", "decisionDate": "10/01/2012", "ombInitiative": "Commodity IT", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost savings and avoidances will be reinvested according to agency's IT modernization plan and unfunded projects list.", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 13, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 37, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 37, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 37, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 37, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 68.3, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 10, "strategyTitle": "Strategic Capital Investment Planning/Capital Asset Management System Redesign", "decisionDate": "10/01/2012", "ombInitiative": "Commodity IT", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost savings and avoidances will be reinvested according to agency's IT modernization plan and unfunded projects list.", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 1, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 11, "strategyTitle": "VA Region 2 and 3 VistA migration", "decisionDate": "07/13/2011", "ombInitiative": "Data Center", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost avoidance was money that did not have to be budgeted to implement the project", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 3.8, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 4.8, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 5.0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 4.0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 3.8, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 12, "strategyTitle": "Commodities Enterprise Contract (CEC)", "decisionDate": "10/01/2013", "ombInitiative": "Commodity IT", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "In general, VA's largest cost savings from CEC are associated with large lifecycle procurements. Large VA lifecycle procurements typically have optional quantities in addition to the base quantity requirement. Under these procurements, VA typically has a base requirement and optional quantities. Savings realized from base requirement purchases are typically used to fund optional purchases.", "amountType": "Both", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 36.74, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 64.66, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 13.16, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 59.77, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 39.51, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 26.01, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 13, "strategyTitle": "Contract Savings - Other", "decisionDate": "11/01/2020", "ombInitiative": "Other", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "The Cost-Savings from contract savings will be used to offset the IT debt.", "amountType": "Cost-Savings", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 93.12, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 7.84, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 53.71, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 49.93, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 40.83, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 7.36, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 14, "strategyTitle": "Contract Savings - Commodity IT", "decisionDate": "10/01/2018", "ombInitiative": "Commodity IT", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost Savings and Avoidance realized from base requirement purchases are typically used to fund optional purchases.", "amountType": "Both", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 19.32, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 10.4, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 8.4, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 3.76, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0.03, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 15, "strategyTitle": "Contract Savings - Software License Management", "decisionDate": "10/01/2018", "ombInitiative": "Software License Management", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost Savings and Avoidance realized from base requirement purchases are typically used to fund optional purchases.", "amountType": "Both", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 1.0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 2.31, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 61.66, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 3.38, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 3.43, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 16, "strategyTitle": "Data Center Consolidations Savings", "decisionDate": "11/01/2020", "ombInitiative": "Data Center", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "The Cost Savings and Avoidance from data center consolidations will be used to offset the IT debt.", "amountType": "Both", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 1.0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 3.38, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 7.88, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 7.53, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 5.36, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 5.48, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 17, "strategyTitle": "Enterprise Cloud Solutions Savings", "decisionDate": "11/01/2020", "ombInitiative": "Digital Services", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Cost Savings and Avoidance was result of contract competition. Resultant savings will be reinvested in other OIS required IT investments.", "amountType": "Both", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 14.75, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0.08, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 20.43, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 63.93, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 84.56, "netOrGross": "net" } }, { "strategyId": 18, "strategyTitle": "Sharing Quality Services", "decisionDate": "11/01/2021", "ombInitiative": "Sharing Quality Services", "useOfSavingsAvoidance": "Increased efficiencies and effectiveness resulting in increased productivity.", "amountType": "Cost-Avoidance", "fy2012": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2013": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2014": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2015": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2016": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2017": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2018": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2019": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2020": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2021": { "amount": 0.02, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2022": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2023": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "Net" }, "fy2024": { "amount": 0, "netOrGross": "net" } } ] }