Bloomington VA Clinic
Our outpatient clinic provides primary care and specialty health services, prosthetics, cardiology, X-rays, and more. Below, you’ll find our address and hours, parking and transportation information, and the other health services we offer at our Bloomington VA Clinic. The Mental Health Clinic is located at 1332 West Arch Haven Avenue, Suite A, Bloomington, IN 47403 Patients must be assigned to the Bloomington Mental Health Clinic to receive health care services. Speak with your primary care team about a referral.
Location and contact information
Phone numbers
Facility hours
Hours may vary for different services. Select a service on this page to check the hours.
- Mon: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Tue: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Wed: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Thu: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Prepare for your visit
Select a topic to learn more.
Cost: Free
Wheelchair availability: Wheelchairs are available upon arrival for patients who need them to access the building.
Van services for Veterans
The Volunteer Transportation Network can help transport ambulatory Veteran patients that have no other means of transportation to the VA medical facilities – you can get more information about transportation from the VTN office,
Many localities in the region provide other van services to Veterans.
Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county
Beneficiary travel
Beneficiary travel benefits include round-trip transportation from your home to the medical center, mileage reimbursement, or special mode transport.
Other services at VA Indiana health care
Health services offered here
Select a topic to learn more.
Addiction and substance use care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We help Veterans on their recovery journey through outpatient and inpatient services. Our residential facility helps Veterans deal with substance abuse, homelessness, mental health, and unemployment through its 24-hour therapeutic and educational programs like:
- Rehabilitation
- Health maintenance
- Community support
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Walk-Ins are accepted based on situation and availability of providers.
Our multispecialty team (Gynecologist, nurse practitioners, clinical pharmacist and pelvic floor physical therapist) provide ambulatory care, office procedures as well as surgical management options for common disease issues that present throughout a women’s reproductive life.
Mental health care
Common conditions: addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our medical center and clinics provide consultation, evaluation, and treatment for a range of issues that may impact your mental health or emotional well-being. Our confidential outpatient services include individual and group therapy for:
- Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression
- Marriage and relationship problems
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Anxiety, addictive behaviors, and personality disorders
- Aggressive or self-harming behaviors
Nutrition, food, and dietary care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our registered dietitians can help you maintain or improve your health with good nutrition tailored to your needs. Through group, individual, and telehealth sessions, we provide nutrition education and counseling in areas such as:
- Cardiovascular and heart health
- Chronic kidney disease
- Diabetes (including gestational diabetes)
- Eating disorders and digestive health
- Pregnancy and postpartum nutrition
- Weight management
- Nutrition Care - oncology, pre-surgery
We also have nutrition clinics available at Brownsburg VA Clinic, Lafayette VA Clinic, the Domiliciary at Fort Harrison, Terre Haute VA Clinic.
Common conditions: vision exams, prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Bloomington VA Optometry Clinic
Service Hours
- Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Sat. Closed
- Sun. Closed
Our optometrists provide comprehensive eye care which includes:
- Evaluation for glasses
- Treatment for diseases and injuries of the retina, cornea, and other parts of your eye such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts
- Low-vision services for conditions like macular degeneration that can't be corrected by glasses, surgery, or medication
- Tele Eye services which include for diabetic retinal screenings
Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiotherapy
Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiotherapy can help restore movement and function if you have been disabled by injury or disease.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
If you're living with or recovering from an injury, illness, or chronic condition that limits your mobility and independence, we can help. Our physical, occupational, and movement therapists combine therapeutic exercise, counseling, education, and training to help you improve your health and quality of life. Our services include:
- Pain relief and joint mobilization
- Movement and exercise therapies to improve your strength, endurance, balance, and coordination
- Mobility assessment and training with wheelchairs and walking devices
- Occupation therapy includes assessment and treatment of Veterans to increase independence with all meaningful occupations including activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), rest and sleep, education, work, play, leisure, and social participation.
- Aquatic therapy to manage chronic pain
- Evaluation and treatment for a wide range of medical, orthopedic, psychosocial, and neurological conditions
Primary care
Your VA primary care provider will work closely with you to plan for all the care you need to stay healthy and well throughout your life, including immunizations and vaccinations. They will also work with family members or caregivers who support you.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Bloomington VA Clinic
Bloomington VA Clinic
Service Hours
- Mon. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Tue. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Wed. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Thu. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Sat. Closed
- Sun. Closed
A strong network of primary care and internal medicine specialists and services can offer you the best possible care. Internal medicine doctors (internists) prevent, diagnose, and treat adult diseases. Your primary care team can coordinate the many services you receive such as:
- Labs and blood work
- Mental health care
- Women's health care
- Radiology
- Social services
- Telehealth
Prosthetics and rehabilitation
We provide and help you use medical aids, hearing aids, state-of-the-art adaptive home equipment and other equipment to help you preserve and increase your mobility and independence.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
VA is the world's largest and most comprehensive provider of sensory aides and prosthetic devices. Veterans enrolled in the VA health care system and referred by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician can receive a full range of services and equipment like:
- Artificial limbs and surgical implants, including artificial joints and pacemakers
- Wheelchairs and other medical devices
- Aids for Veterans who are blind, have low vision, or are hearing impaired
- Adaptive equipment and modifications to make your vehicle or home more accessible
- Other devices and services to help increase your mobility, dignity, and independence
- Clothing allowance for Veterans with devices that damage their clothing
Sleep medicine
Common conditions: insomnia, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, sleepwalking
The sleep medicine service diagnoses and treats your sleep problems, including trouble sleeping, breathing difficulties while sleeping, snoring, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
At various points in our lives, all of us suffer from a lack of sleep. But, if you are spending enough time in bed and still wake up tired or feel very sleepy during the day, you may have a sleep disorder. We can help. Our sleep specialists can:
- Diagnose and treat sleep apnea and other sleep disorders
- Monitor your blood oxygen levels and heart rate
- Study your brain waves during sleep
- Evaluate possible causes for your excessive sleepiness
- Conduct sleep tests performed at home or in the lab
- Work with your doctors if you need surgery or dental appliances to help you get a good night's sleep
Social work
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Social work is integral to health care. We can help you and your family manage stress-related problems due to injury or illness, and find VA community resources to meet your needs like:
- Home health services
- Legal services
- Transportation
- Community living
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We use the latest in secure digital technology to set up remote visits with our health care providers. We offer video conferencing, home telehealth services, and store-and-forward telehealth that lets you securely send your health information to experts at VA facilities. We offer telehealth visits with providers in:
- Mental health
- Retinal care (eye)
- Bariatric surgery (visit remotely with your weight-loss surgery team before and after your operation)
- Dermatology
- Rehabilitation
- Primary care
Wheelchair and mobility
We provide support and assistive devices, including wheelchairs, scooters, walkers and canes, to help you preserve and increase your mobility.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Patient Response Center
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We train you in the proper use of your wheelchair or other mobility devices to increase your wellness and improve your quality of life. Our team works with you to:
- Optimize correct wheelchair seating and positioning
- Achieve maximum function and independence
- Promote good posture, breathing, digestion, and tissue health
- Prevent complications and additional injuries