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VA Transplant Services

Our expertise and long history of success greatly helps Veterans experiencing organ failure. Each patient works with one of our certified nurse coordinators, who have special training in transplant and know how to organize the Veteran’s care. The coordinator works with physicians, surgeons and other specialty care providers to manage each patient’s specific organ failure needs and guides the Veteran through their transplant surgery and beyond. They are always available to answer questions, provide education and support the Veteran.

Understanding your VA Health Care Transplant Benefits

Madison VA Hospital and Clinics provides benefits for U.S. Military Veterans who need an organ transplant.

Veterans using VA Health Care pay much less toward their care

  • Some Veterans have zero co-payments for medical care (including prescription costs) and some have a limit set on their co-payment amount
  • All Veterans have medication co-payments capped at $700/year (if they have any co-payment)
  • Co-payments depend on things like the Veteran’s disability rating, income level, military service record and which of the VA’s 8 priority groups the Veteran is assigned to upon enrolling in VA Health Care
  • For more details re: copayments visit

Other benefits for Veterans using VA Health Care

  • Transportation is free, provided or mileage is reimbursed for travel to/from the Madison VA Transplant Center for transplant-related care
  • Lodging is free for the Veteran and one support person while the Veteran is in Madison for any pre- and post-transplant related care
  • These benefits depend on where the Veteran lives and/or where their primary VA is located
  • The VA system shares electronic medical records, giving us direct access to all the Veteran’s medical records which improves timeliness and communication
  • Care is managed by an experienced transplant nurse coordinator who aligns care from our clinical experts in transplant medicine, surgery, pharmacy/medications, social work, nutrition and physical therapy

Post-transplant Veterans can still benefit from VA Health Care

These benefits are helpful to Veterans who received their transplant, especially the pharmacy benefits. The VA will work with Veterans who request dual care (having a VA PCP and a non-VA PCP) or the Veteran can transfer all their care to the VA, if preferred. If the Veteran is not transitioning all care to the VA, they will need to see a VA PCP at least once a year to use their VA pharmacy benefit.

Connect with a care coordinator

Transplant Coordinator

VA Madison health care
