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Farmington VA Clinic

Our Farmington VA Community-based Outpatient Clinic provides primary and specialty health care services, including laboratory (EKGs, blood draw, clinical testing), social work, telehealth (mental health, behavioral health, dermatology, eye screening, sleep study, nutrition), and more. Below, you’ll find our address, hours, parking, free transportation options, and learn about more health services we offer for our Farmington, New Mexico's Veteran community.

Location and contact information


3605 English Road
Farmington, NM 87402-8303

Phone numbers

Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:

Facility hours

Hours may vary for different services. Select a service on this page to check the hours.

  • Mon: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tue: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Wed: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Thu: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed
Farmington VA Clinic facility entrance in New Mexico

Prepare for your visit

Select a topic to learn more.

Cost: Free

Wheelchair availability: Wheelchairs are available upon arrival for patients who need them to access the building.


Our VA New Mexico Health Care System network have transportation options for Veterans needing a ride to and from their scheduled VA appointments in the Farmington area. If you’d like to schedule a ride, check with the DAV and Rural Transportation programs for more information and availability.

Disabled American Veterans Transportation

The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) provides free van rides to and from 14 of our VA health care facilities in New Mexico and southern Colorado. DAV covers Veterans who don’t have other transportation options who live outside the Albuquerque metro area. Each month, between 1,500 and 1,700 Veterans receive DAV transportation.

If you’d like to schedule a DAV van ride, contact our local DAV Transportation Coordinator.

Arrange a ride

DAV Transportation Coordinator
1501 San Pedro St., SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108
Phone: 505-256-2821

All DAV drivers are 100 percent volunteers and rides are subject to availability. Please note that DAV vans can only provide rides to ambulatory passengers (passengers who are able to move around without the driver’s help). For information on accessible transportation options, review our other Veteran shuttle services.

Guidelines for using DAV vans

DAV van passengers are expected to follow certain guidelines, established by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the DAV National Headquarters. These guidelines include the following:

  • All riders must be ambulatory (able to board and exit the van without the driver’s help).
  • The DAV van driver is only allowed to stop the van for rest stops, emergencies, and to pick up and drop off passengers. Passengers should not ask the driver to make side trips to take care of their personal business.
  • Passengers are not permitted to smoke, chew tobacco, drink alcohol, use foul language, or bring weapons, drugs, or any illegal substance on the van. Van drivers are not required to provide transportation to any Veteran who is intoxicated, abusive, or who poses a threat to the driver or other passengers.
  • Passengers should not do anything to distract the driver.
  • Passengers should wear seatbelts at all times. Any passenger who refuses to wear a seatbelt will be denied transportation.
  • If a Veteran needs another individual (for example, a caregiver) to ride in the van with them, they need to get authorization from their VA attending physician or VA-certified nurse practitioner.
  • Veterans being discharged or granted passes can ride on a DAV van during the van's trip back to its home county only if space is available. The Veteran must be ready to leave when the van leaves the VA medical center.
  • Veterans should be dressed and ready to leave for the hospital at the time specified. Drivers can’t wait for Veterans who aren’t ready to leave at the appointed time.
  • Veterans can only bring with them items that they can hold on their lap or store under the seat.
  • The DAV van is not an emergency vehicle. The driver may refuse to transport any Veteran who appears to be too ill to ride the van.
  • Veterans who use the DAV Transportation Network will not be eligible to receive reimbursement for travel expenses. (M-1, Part 1, Chapter 25, July 8, 1991)

Rural Veterans Transportation Program

Arrange a ride

Rural Veterans Transportation Program 

The New Mexico Department of Veterans Services has launched the Rural Veterans Transportation Program service medical transportation needs for veterans to and from Catron, Cibola, Colfax, De Baca, Guadalupe, Harding, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Mora, Quay, San Miguel, Sierra, Socorro, Torrance and Union counties.  

Veterans must make a reservation for these free round-trip rides at least three days in advance of a medical appointment by calling DVS Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm.

Other services at VA New Mexico health care

Health services offered here

Select a topic to learn more.

Mental health care

Common conditions: addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD

If you’re struggling with issues like PTSD, depression, grief, anger or trauma, we offer counseling and other support. All VA health care facilities offer same-day help. You may qualify even without enrolling in VA health care.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

A referral is not required


Main Phone

Main Phone

Service Hours

The service hours are the same as our facility hours.

Same-Day Mental Health Services
VA New Mexico provides same-day walk in services for mental health and psychiatric help for new and established patients across our facilities in New Mexico and Southern Colorado. 

Emergency Care
Learn more about our Veteran Crisis Line and free emergency care for suicidal treatment at any VA or non-VA facility. Find a Vet Center readjustment counselor near you. Browse our mental health wellness self-care apps to use from your mobile device.

For Rural Veterans
Learn more about our Digital Divide Consult to help you get the technology you need to customize your telehealth mental health needs. And free transportation options specific to your geographic area.

Our medical center and clinics provide consultation, evaluation, and treatment for a range of issues that may impact your mental health or emotional well-being. Our confidential outpatient services include individual and group therapy for:

  • Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression
  • Marriage and relationship problems
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety, addictive behaviors, and personality disorders
  • Aggressive or self-harming behaviors

Click here to learn about your local Mental health care services

Nutrition, food, and dietary care

Our nutrition experts work closely with you and your care team to help make sure you’re getting the nutrition you need to get and stay as healthy as possible.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

A referral is required


Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.

Main Phone

Main Phone

Service Hours

The service hours are the same as our facility hours.

Our registered dietitians can help you maintain or improve your health with good nutrition tailored to your needs. Through group, individual, and telehealth sessions, we provide nutrition education and counseling in areas such as:

  • Cardiovascular and heart health
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diabetes (including gestational diabetes)
  • Eating disorders and digestive health
  • Pregnancy and postpartum nutrition
  • Weight management

Primary care

Your VA primary care provider will work closely with you to plan for all the care you need to stay healthy and well throughout your life, including immunizations and vaccinations. They will also work with family members or caregivers who support you.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

A referral is required


Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.

Main Phone

Main Phone

Service Hours

The service hours are the same as our facility hours.

A strong network of family and internal medicine specialists and services can offer you the best possible care. Internal medicine doctors (internists) prevent, diagnose, and treat adult diseases. Doctors who specialize in family medicine provide primary health care to the entire family. Your primary care team can coordinate the many services you receive such as:


  • Labs and blood work
  • Mental health care
  • Women's health care
  • Radiology
  • Social services
  • Telehealth

Social work

Social workers are here to help Veterans, families and caregivers with almost any need, from help with finances or housing to questions about treatment to just feeling overwhelmed. We are here for you.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

A referral is required


Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.

Main Phone

Main Phone

Service Hours

The service hours are the same as our facility hours.

Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
After hours and weekend emergency care for Veterans admitted to the Emergency Department

All Veterans who have a primary care provider have a social worker assigned to them. This is their Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) Social Worker. Veterans can call and request to speak to their PACT Social Worker or they can walk-in where they check-in to have their primary care visit and request to see their social worker. No referral is required. If you are part of a specialized program such as HUD-VASH or Military to VA, the PACT Social Worker will help you contact your assigned case manager.


Social work is integral to health care and in helping Veterans have additional support that can improve their quality of life. We can help you and your family manage stress related problems due to illness, injury, and challenges that life throws your way. Areas of assistance include but are not limited to:

  • Access to care
  • Financial stress
  • Housing
  • Psychological stress
  • Social support
  • Limitations with your ability to physically function
  • Concerns related to abuse, neglect, and exploitation
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Discharge Planning
  • Transition from military life


With VA telehealth, you can get care from your health providers without having to travel. Get checkups and treatment, talk about your care and more—from home or elsewhere.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

A referral is required


Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.

Main Phone

Main Phone

Service Hours

The service hours are the same as our facility hours.

We use the latest in secure digital technology to set up remote visits with our health care providers. We offer video conferencing, home telehealth services, and store-and-forward telehealth that lets you securely send your health information to experts at VA facilities. We offer telehealth visits with providers in:


  • Mental health
  • Retinal care (eye)
  • Bariatric surgery (visit remotely with your weight-loss surgery team before and after your operation)
  • Dermatology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Primary care

Learn more about telehealth

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