Office of Acquisition and Logistics (OAL)
Acquisition Policy Flash! 20-14
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VAAR Update 2008-21 to publish VAAR 812 and 813, and new VAAM parts M812 and M813
Purpose: To notify the VA acquisition workforce of the publication of revised VAAR parts 812, 813, affected parts 852 and 853; as well as the publication of new VAAM parts M812 and M813.
Effective Date: April 24, 2020.
Affected VAAR/VAAM Parts: VAAR parts 812, 813, 852, and 853; and VAAM parts M812 and M813.
Applicability: This notification is directed to the VA acquisition workforce.
Background: VAAR Update Number 2008-21 dated April 24, 2020 contains revisions to VAAR parts 812, 813, and their affected parts 852 and 853 that were published in a Federal Register Notice as a final rule at 85 FR 16900 (document number 2020-05589) on March 25, 2020 with an effective date of April 24, 2020, and which adopted as a final rule the proposed rule published January 11, 2018. Due to the publishing of revised VAAR parts 812, 813, and their affected parts 852 and 853; and VAAM parts M812 and M813, the following VA acquisition policies are rescinded:
1) Class Deviation–Implementation of the Veterans First Contracting Program as a Result of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision (Class Deviation–Veterans First Contracting Program (VFCP)), dated July 25, 2016 (Acquisition Policy Flash! 16-20) attachments 6 (part 812) and 7 (part 813) only are rescinded.
2) Class Deviation to add VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) 813.303-5, Purchases under Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs), dated August 7, 2018 (Acquisition Policy Flash! 18-25).
3) Procurement Policy Memorandum 2016-09; Rescission of the 1997 Non-codified Material (Formerly the 1997 Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation (VAAR)), dated September 30, 2016 (Acquisition Policy Flash! Number 16-22), Attachment 6, Simplified Acquisition Procedures only is rescinded.
4) Procurement Policy Memorandum 2016-03, Payment-Only Authority, dated June 3, 2016.
5) (REVISION) Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) Memorandum, “VHA Prosthetic Procurements” dated January 9, 2013.
Action Required: Comply with the requirements of the abovementioned revised and affected VAAR parts, and new VAAM parts.
Additional Information: Direct any questions or comments to Procurement Policy and Warrant Management Service via email at or (202) 632-5288.