Office of Acquisition and Logistics (OAL)
Acquisition Policy Flash! 20-27
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VA Procedures, Guidance, and Instructions, M818—Emergency Acquisitions
Purpose: To issue new VA Procedures, Guidance, and Instructions (PGI), M818—Emergency Acquisitions, which provides guidance on VA Emergency Acquisition Thresholds (PGI M818.270), Department of Labor National Interest Exemptions, and National Interest Action Values (PGI M818.271) when declarations of an emergency or major disaster are published.
Effective Date: Immediately.
Affected FAR Part FAR part 18.
Applicability: Applies to all VA contracting activities.
Action Required: Contracting officers shall comply with new sections in PGI M818—Emergency Acquisitions, when declarations of an emergency or major disaster published, see Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster declaration page.
- The Emergency Acquisition Thresholds established in the memorandum titled “Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities—Emergency Assistance Activities in support of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Global Pandemic,” dated March 15, 2020, and updated in Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities Update 20-04 - National Interest Action Code End Date Extended – included the expiration of the VA increased Emergency Acquisition Thresholds which is Sep 30, 2020. Upon issuance of PGI M818, the VA increased Emergency Acquisition Thresholds will be aligned with the established period of the declared emergency.
- Procedures, Guidance, and Instructions, M818—Emergency Acquisitions updates the thresholds for the National Emergency, COVID-19 to match the expiration date of the National Emergency when updated FEMA on the disaster declaration page.
Additional Information: Direct any questions or comments to the Procurement Policy and Warrant Management Service (003A2A) via email at or via telephone at (202) 632-5288.