Office of Acquisition and Logistics (OAL)
Acquisition Flash! 22-20
![What's Changed? What's Changed?](/oal/images/busPpsFlashChanged.png)
VAAM Part M833 – Protests, Disputes and Appeals
Purpose: Notify the VA acquisition workforce of the issuance of revisions to VAAM Part M833 to include internal procedures and clerical changes.
Effective Date: July 5, 2022
Affected VAAM Parts: VAAM Part M833
Background: Updates to VAAM Part M833 Protests, Disputes and Appeals have been incorporated to make changes to internal procedures for protests procedures, approvals, and notifications to align with FAR Part 33. These updates include but are not limited to:
- M833.103-70, Protests to VA, Definition of agency protests, CO responsibilities and RMCS responsibilities have been updated in their entirety.
- M833.103-71 Stay of protests to VA has been completely rewritten to update guidance and allowing HCA approvals and describing contents of protests override package.
- M833.104-70 Protests to GAO guidance has been completely rewritten providing guidance of coordination with VA attorney, CO's responsibilities and notification to RMCS.
- M833.104-71 Statutory Stay of protests to GAO has been completely rewritten to add guidance for COs, HCA approval for override of stay, contents of protest override package and RMCS notification.
- M833.209 Suspected fraudulent claims was rewritten in its entirety providing resource for CO to submit a complaint.
Applicability: This Acquisition Flash applies to all VA contracting activities.
Action Required: The VA acquisition workforce should review the updated version of VAAM Part M833 and comply with the guidance provided in the published VAAM revision.
Additional Information: Direct any questions or comments regarding this Acquisition Flash to Procurement Guidance and Instruction Service (PGIS) via email.