ࡱ>   bjbj>> pTpT6$6$6$6$6$$$$%+$ R3"$VLpVpVpVW>jVMOOOOOO$ s6$NWWNNs6$6$pVpVHX Nf6$pV6$pVMNMXpVqC֠Z(9n 0   P 6$t NNNNNNNssNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNN ":  Department of Veterans Affairs UNIFORM RULES TARIFF No. VA-100A (VA No. VA-100A) Providing Rules and Baseline Charges For Accessorial and Terminal Services This tariff applies on Interstate, Intrastate and International traffic December 11, 2013 THIS EDITION CANCELS ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS  Department of Veterans Affairs Uniform Rules Tariff No. VA-100A (VA No. VA-100A) Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504585"Table of Contents  PAGEREF _Toc315504585 \h ii HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504586"Section 1 - General Transportation Service Provider Rules  PAGEREF _Toc315504586 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504587"1 Purpose, Explanation, and Application  PAGEREF _Toc315504587 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504588"1.1 Purpose  PAGEREF _Toc315504588 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504589"1.2 Application  PAGEREF _Toc315504589 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504590"1.3 Publications Included by Reference  PAGEREF _Toc315504590 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504591"1.4 Supersedes and Replaces  PAGEREF _Toc315504591 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504592"1.5 Definition of Terms  PAGEREF _Toc315504592 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504593"1.6 Use and Application of Notes  PAGEREF _Toc315504593 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504594"1.7 Interpretation and Precedence  PAGEREF _Toc315504594 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504595"1.8 Revising Tender Provisions and Method of Canceling and Revised Pages  PAGEREF _Toc315504595 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504596"1.9 Accessorial Services  PAGEREF _Toc315504596 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504597"1.10 Disposition of Fractions  PAGEREF _Toc315504597 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504598"1.11 Cross Referencing of Item Numbers  PAGEREF _Toc315504598 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504599"1.12 Items Deleted from Previous Tenders  PAGEREF _Toc315504599 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504600"2 Terms and Conditions Applicable To All Modes  PAGEREF _Toc315504600 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504601"2.1 General Terms and Conditions  PAGEREF _Toc315504601 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504602"2.1.1 Non-Applicable Charges/Transportation Service Provider Liability (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504602 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504603"2.1.2 Weight Limitations (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504603 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504604"2.2 General Items Applicable to All TSPs  PAGEREF _Toc315504604 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504605"ITEM 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (30)  PAGEREF _Toc315504605 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504606"ITEM 3 THROUGH RATES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504606 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504607"ITEM 5 RATES FROM OR TO POINTS IN ALASKA, HAWAII, OR POINTS OUTSIDE CONUS (225)  PAGEREF _Toc315504607 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504608"ITEM 7 PRELODGING (40)  PAGEREF _Toc315504608 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504609"ITEM 9 ADVANCING CHARGES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504609 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504610"Item 11 METRIC CONVERSION (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504610 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504611"Item 13 SERVICES NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504611 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504612"ITEM 15 MAXIMUM CHARGES (650)  PAGEREF _Toc315504612 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504613"ITEM 17 RECONSIGNMENT OR DIVERSION (925)  PAGEREF _Toc315504613 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504614"ITEM 19 REDELIVERY (950)  PAGEREF _Toc315504614 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504615"ITEM 21 STOPOFFS - TO COMPLETE LOADING OR FOR PARTIAL UNLOADING (1075)  PAGEREF _Toc315504615 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504616"ITEM 23 STORAGE (1100)  PAGEREF _Toc315504616 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504617"ITEM 25 SUBSTITUTED SERVICE (1125 Revised)  PAGEREF _Toc315504617 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504618"ITEM 27 VEHICLES FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504618 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504619"ITEM 29 WEIGHT VERIFICATION (1250)  PAGEREF _Toc315504619 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504620"ITEM 31 WEIGHTS - GROSS WEIGHT - CHARGES ON GROSS WEIGHTS (1275)  PAGEREF _Toc315504620 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504621"ITEM 33 EXCUSABLE DELAYS (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504621 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504622"Section 2 Motor Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules  PAGEREF _Toc315504622 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504623"I. GENERAL MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504623 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504624"ITEM 41 DRIVER REQUIREMENTS (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504624 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504625"ITEM 43 INSPECTION OF VEHICLES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504625 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504626"ITEM 45 SEALING OF VEHICLES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504626 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504627"II. GENERAL MOTOR FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES  PAGEREF _Toc315504627 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504628"ITEM 47 DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED FOR LOADING (50)  PAGEREF _Toc315504628 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504629"ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES (60)  PAGEREF _Toc315504629 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504630"ITEM 51 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED FOR LOADING (65)  PAGEREF _Toc315504630 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504631"ITEM 53 MINIMUM CHARGE - CAPACITY LOADS (700)  PAGEREF _Toc315504631 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504632"ITEM 55 CHAINS AND BINDERS (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504632 \h 22 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504633"ITEM 57 WATERFRONT DELIVERY (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504633 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504634"ITEM 59 ARRIVAL NOTICE AND UNDELIVERED FREIGHT (125)  PAGEREF _Toc315504634 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504635"ITEM 61 BILL OF LADING COMMERCIAL (130)  PAGEREF _Toc315504635 \h 24 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504636"ITEM 65 BILL OF LADING CORRECTED (150)  PAGEREF _Toc315504636 \h 24 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504637"ITEM 67 BULK FREIGHT (175)  PAGEREF _Toc315504637 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504638"ITEM 69 CIRCUITOUS ROUTINGS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SHIPMENTS (180)  PAGEREF _Toc315504638 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504639"ITEM 71 CHASSIS - OBTAINING OF (200)  PAGEREF _Toc315504639 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504640"ITEM 73 CUSTOMS OR IN BOND FREIGHT (250)  PAGEREF _Toc315504640 \h 26 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504641"ITEM 75 DELIVERY OF FREIGHT BILL PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF SHIPMENT (300)  PAGEREF _Toc315504641 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504642"ITEM 77 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS (325)  PAGEREF _Toc315504642 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504643"ITEM 79 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS SPOTTING OR DROPPING TRAILERS (350)  PAGEREF _Toc315504643 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504644"ITEM 81 PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING (375)  PAGEREF _Toc315504644 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504645"ITEM 83 DIVERSION - MOTOR TO AIR TRANSPORTATION (400)  PAGEREF _Toc315504645 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504646"ITEM 85 HYDRAULIC LIFT GATE SERVICE (425)  PAGEREF _Toc315504646 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504647"ITEM 87 FORK-LIFT SERVICE (450)  PAGEREF _Toc315504647 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504648"ITEM 89 EXCLUSIVE USE AND CONTROL OF VEHICLE (475)  PAGEREF _Toc315504648 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504649"ITEM 91 EXPEDITED SERVICE (480)  PAGEREF _Toc315504649 \h 35 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504650"ITEM 93 EXPORT OR IMPORT SHIPMENT REQUIREMENTS AT THE U.S. - CANADIAN BORDER (500)  PAGEREF _Toc315504650 \h 36 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504651"ITEM 95 EXTRA LABOR - LOADING OR UNLOADING (525)  PAGEREF _Toc315504651 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504652"ITEM 97 HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE (550)  PAGEREF _Toc315504652 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504653"ITEM 99 IMPRACTICABLE OPERATIONS (575)  PAGEREF _Toc315504653 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504654"ITEM 101 MARKING OR TAGGING FREIGHT - CHANGING MARKING OR TAGS (625)  PAGEREF _Toc315504654 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504655"ITEM 103 MAXIMUM CHARGES (650)  PAGEREF _Toc315504655 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504656"ITEM 105 SINGLE SHIPMENT CHARGE (675)  PAGEREF _Toc315504656 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504657"ITEM 107 NOTIFICATION CHARGE (725)  PAGEREF _Toc315504657 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504658"ITEM 109 OVERDIMENSION FREIGHT (775)  PAGEREF _Toc315504658 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504659"ITEM 111 OVERWEIGHT FREIGHT (776)  PAGEREF _Toc315504659 \h 41 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504660"ITEM 113 ESCORT/FLAGMAN/TELEPHONE SERVICE (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504660 \h 41 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504661"ITEM 115 EXTRA LIGHTS - OVERDIMENSIONAL LOADS (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504661 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504662"ITEM 117 SPECIAL SERVICES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504662 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504663"ITEM 119 SURVEYING ROUTES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504663 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504664"ITEM 121 PACKAGING OR PACKING PROVISIONS (785)  PAGEREF _Toc315504664 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504665"ITEM 123 PAYMENT OF CHARGES (800)  PAGEREF _Toc315504665 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504666"ITEM 125 PERMITS, SPECIAL (825)  PAGEREF _Toc315504666 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504667"ITEM 127 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE (850)  PAGEREF _Toc315504667 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504668"ITEM 129 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES (855)  PAGEREF _Toc315504668 \h 48 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504669"ITEM 131 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (860)  PAGEREF _Toc315504669 \h 49 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504670"ITEM 133 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - SATURDAY OR AFTER 5 P.M. ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS (865)  PAGEREF _Toc315504670 \h 50 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504671"ITEM 135 PICKUPS OR DELIVERIES ADDITIONAL (870)  PAGEREF _Toc315504671 \h 50 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504672"ITEM 137 PROPERTY OF UNUSUAL VALUE OR UNSAFE TO TRANSPORT (885)  PAGEREF _Toc315504672 \h 51 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504673"ITEM 139 PROTECTIVE SERVICE (900)  PAGEREF _Toc315504673 \h 51 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504674"ITEM 141 SEALING OF EQUIPMENT (1000)  PAGEREF _Toc315504674 \h 51 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504675"ITEM 143 SEALED CLOSED VAN SERVICE (1005)  PAGEREF _Toc315504675 \h 52 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504676"ITEM 145 SORTING OR SEGREGATING SERVICE AND CHARGES (1010)  PAGEREF _Toc315504676 \h 53 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504677"ITEM 147 SERVICES - SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD SERVICE (1025 revised)  PAGEREF _Toc315504677 \h 53 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504678"ITEM 149 SUBSTITUTED SERVICE - RAIL FOR MOTOR (1125)  PAGEREF _Toc315504678 \h 55 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504679"ITEM 151 TRANSFER OF LADING (1175)  PAGEREF _Toc315504679 \h 55 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504680"ITEM 153 VEHICLE OR SHIPPER-REQUESTED DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (1225)  PAGEREF _Toc315504680 \h 56 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504681"III. TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES  PAGEREF _Toc315504681 \h 57 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504682"ITEM 155 SERVICES - CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE SERVICE (1030)  PAGEREF _Toc315504682 \h 57 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504683"ITEM 157 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE (1035)  PAGEREF _Toc315504683 \h 60 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504684"ITEM 159 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER SERVICE (1040)  PAGEREF _Toc315504684 \h 62 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504685"ITEM 161 SPECIAL SERVICE - SECURITY CHECK BY CONSIGNOR OR CONSIGNEE (1050)  PAGEREF _Toc315504685 \h 63 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504686"IV. GENERAL RULES FOR TANK TRUCK TRANSPORTATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504686 \h 63 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504687"ITEM 163 ADVANCE LOADING SERVICE (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504687 \h 63 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504688"ITEM 165 ALLOWANCES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504688 \h 64 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504689"ITEM 167 CARGO LIABILITY (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504689 \h 64 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504690"ITEM 169 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER EQUIPMENT (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504690 \h 65 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504691"ITEM 171 CIRCUITOUS ROUTING (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504691 \h 65 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504692"ITEM 173 CLEANING (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504692 \h 65 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504693"ITEM 175 COMPUTATION OF FREIGHT CHARGES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504693 \h 66 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504694"ITEM 177 EXPEDITED SERVICE (EXP) (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504694 \h 66 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504695"ITEM 179 HOSE (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504695 \h 66 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504696"ITEM 181 MINIMUM LOADS/GALLONS (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504696 \h 67 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504697"ITEM 183 PICKUP AND DELIVERY (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504697 \h 68 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504698"ITEM 185 PICKUP AND DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS (SAT) SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (HOL) AND BEFORE OR AFTER NORMAL OPERATING HOURS (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504698 \h 68 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504699"ITEM 189 UNASSISTED PUMPING SERVICE (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504699 \h 68 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504700"ITEM 191 REDELIVERY (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504700 \h 68 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504701"ITEM 193 SEALING OF TANK VEHICLES (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504701 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504702"ITEM 195 SPLIT DELIVERY (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504702 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504703"ITEM 197 SPLIT PICKUP (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504703 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504704"ITEM 199 VEHICLES FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504704 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504705"ITEM 201 WATERFRONT DELIVERY (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504705 \h 69 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504706"Section 3 Air Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504706 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504707"PART I: GENERAL AIR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504707 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504708"ITEM 301 MODE SUBSTITUTION  PAGEREF _Toc315504708 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504709"ITEM 303 TIME-DEFINITE DELIVERY  PAGEREF _Toc315504709 \h 70 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504710"ITEM 305 AIR WITH INCIDENTAL MOTOR SERVICE  PAGEREF _Toc315504710 \h 71 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504711"PART II: GENERAL AIR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES  PAGEREF _Toc315504711 \h 71 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504712"ITEM 307 AGGREGATE WEIGHT  PAGEREF _Toc315504712 \h 71 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504713"ITEM 309 AIRCRAFT FURNISHED BUT NOT USED  PAGEREF _Toc315504713 \h 71 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504714"ITEM 311 CHARGES FOR WEIGHT  PAGEREF _Toc315504714 \h 72 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504715"ITEM 313 ESCORTS/COURIERS  PAGEREF _Toc315504715 \h 72 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504716"ITEM 315 INSPECTION OF SHIPMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc315504716 \h 73 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504717"ITEM 317 OVERSIZED FREIGHT  PAGEREF _Toc315504717 \h 73 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504718"ITEM 319 SUBMISSION OF CHARGES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES REQUESTED BY CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE  PAGEREF _Toc315504718 \h 73 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504719"ITEM 321 TSP-PROVIDED AIR FREIGHT SERVICES  PAGEREF _Toc315504719 \h 74 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504720"ITEM 323 WAITING TIME  PAGEREF _Toc315504720 \h 75 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504721"ITEM 325 AIR WAYBILL DESCRIPTION OF SHIPMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc315504721 \h 76 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504722"ITEM 327 EXCESS VALUATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504722 \h 76 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504723"Item 329 REDELIVERY  PAGEREF _Toc315504723 \h 76 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504724"PART III: RULES GOVERNING SHIPMENT OF HAZARDOUS AND PROTECTED (SENSITIVE) MATERIALS BY AIR  PAGEREF _Toc315504724 \h 76 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504725"ITEM 331 ARRIVAL DURING OTHER-THAN-NORMAL OPERATING HOURS  PAGEREF _Toc315504725 \h 76 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504726"ITEM 333 PACKAGING AND MARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  PAGEREF _Toc315504726 \h 77 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504727"PART IV: TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES RULES  PAGEREF _Toc315504727 \h 77 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504728"ITEM 335 APPLICATION OF TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES BY AIR  PAGEREF _Toc315504728 \h 77 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504729"ITEM 337 SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD SERVICE/ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE SERVICE  PAGEREF _Toc315504729 \h 78 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504730"ITEM 339 CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE SERVICE  PAGEREF _Toc315504730 \h 79 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504731"ITEM 341 EXPRESS TSP  PAGEREF _Toc315504731 \h 79 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504732"Section 4 Rail and Intermodal Transportation Service Provider Rules (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504732 \h 80 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504733"I. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR RAIL AND INTERMODAL TSPs  PAGEREF _Toc315504733 \h 80 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504734"ITEM 401 DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AND INSPECTION  PAGEREF _Toc315504734 \h 80 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504735"ITEM 403 DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS  PAGEREF _Toc315504735 \h 80 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504736"ITEM 405 PROPORTIONAL AND COMBINATION RATES  PAGEREF _Toc315504736 \h 80 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504737"ITEM 407 SUBSTITUTION OF FREIGHT CARS  PAGEREF _Toc315504737 \h 81 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504738"ITEM 409 SWITCHING AND TRANSFER SERVICES  PAGEREF _Toc315504738 \h 81 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504739"II. GENERAL RAIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES  PAGEREF _Toc315504739 \h 81 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504740"ITEM 411 BLOCKING, BRACING AND TIE DOWN SERVICES FOR VEHICLES AND MILITARY TRACTOR TANKS  PAGEREF _Toc315504740 \h 81 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504741"ITEM 413 COMPUTATION OF TANK CAR FREIGHT CHARGES  PAGEREF _Toc315504741 \h 81 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504742"ITEM 415 CRANE AT ORIGIN  PAGEREF _Toc315504742 \h 82 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504743"ITEM 417 CRANE OPERATOR AT ORIGIN  PAGEREF _Toc315504743 \h 82 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504744"ITEM 419 CRANE AT DESTINATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504744 \h 82 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504745"ITEM 421 CRANE OPERATOR AT DESTINATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504745 \h 82 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504746"ITEM 423 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE AT ORIGIN  PAGEREF _Toc315504746 \h 82 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504747"ITEM 425 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE AT DESTINATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504747 \h 83 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504748"ITEM 427 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE CREW AT ORIGIN  PAGEREF _Toc315504748 \h 83 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504749"ITEM 429 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE CREW AT DESTINATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504749 \h 83 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504750"ITEM 431 DEMURRAGE (STRAIGHT)  PAGEREF _Toc315504750 \h 83 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504751"ITEM 433 DRAYAGE AT ORIGIN  PAGEREF _Toc315504751 \h 86 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504752"ITEM 435 DRAYAGE AT DESTINATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504752 \h 86 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504753"ITEM 437 EMPTY CARS ORDERED BUT NOT USED  PAGEREF _Toc315504753 \h 86 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504754"ITEM 439 INCENTIVE SCHEDULED DELIVERY  PAGEREF _Toc315504754 \h 86 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504755"ITEM 441 HEATER/REFRIGERATOR SERVICE  PAGEREF _Toc315504755 \h 87 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504756"ITEM 443 IDLER CAR  PAGEREF _Toc315504756 \h 88 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504757"ITEM 445 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ORGANIZATION (ISO) CONTAINER SHIPMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc315504757 \h 88 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504758"ITEM 447 LOADING (LDA)/UNLOADING BY TRANSPORTATION SREVICE PROVIDER  PAGEREF _Toc315504758 \h 88 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504759"ITEM 449 MATERIALS  PAGEREF _Toc315504759 \h 89 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504760"ITEM 451 PORTABLE RAMPS AT ORIGIN  PAGEREF _Toc315504760 \h 89 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504761"ITEM 453 PORTABLE RAMPS AT DESTINATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504761 \h 89 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504762"ITEM 455 RELEASE VALUE RATES  PAGEREF _Toc315504762 \h 89 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504763"ITEM 457 RETURN OF EMPTY CONTAINERS AND/OR PALLETS  PAGEREF _Toc315504763 \h 89 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504764"ITEM 459 SECURE AND RELEASE LOADS  PAGEREF _Toc315504764 \h 90 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504765"ITEM 461 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR LOADING RAILCARS (RDH)  PAGEREF _Toc315504765 \h 90 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504766"ITEM 463 WEIGHT ALLOWANCES  PAGEREF _Toc315504766 \h 91 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504767"III. TRAILER-ON-FLATCAR (TOFC) AND CONTAINER-ON-FLATCAR (COFC) RULES  PAGEREF _Toc315504767 \h 92 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504768"ITEM 465 CUSTOMS OR IN BOND FREIGHT  PAGEREF _Toc315504768 \h 92 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504769"ITEM 467 DETENTION OF VEHICLES  PAGEREF _Toc315504769 \h 92 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504770"ITEM 469 EXCLUSIVE USE OF TRAILER OR DROMEDARY  PAGEREF _Toc315504770 \h 95 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504771"ITEM 471 FURNISHING CHASSIS FOR COFC SHIPMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc315504771 \h 95 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504772"ITEM 473 FURNISHING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc315504772 \h 95 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504773"ITEM 475 HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE  PAGEREF _Toc315504773 \h 95 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504774"ITEM 477 INTERMODAL SHIPMENTS (IMS)  PAGEREF _Toc315504774 \h 95 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504775"ITEM 479 PICKUP/DELIVERY ON SATURDAY (SAT), SUNDAY OR HOLIDAYS (HOL), OR NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE OR AFTER NORMAL OPERATING HOURS (PUD)  PAGEREF _Toc315504775 \h 96 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504776"ITEM 481 PICKUP AND DELIVERY AT PIERS AND WHARVES  PAGEREF _Toc315504776 \h 96 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504777"ITEM 483 NOTIFICATION OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING  PAGEREF _Toc315504777 \h 96 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504778"ITEM 485 PRELODGING  PAGEREF _Toc315504778 \h 96 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504779"ITEM 487 REDELIVERY  PAGEREF _Toc315504779 \h 96 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504780"ITEM 489 RELOCATION OF VEHICLE (RLS)  PAGEREF _Toc315504780 \h 96 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504781"ITEM 491 RETURN MOVEMENT OF PALLETS  PAGEREF _Toc315504781 \h 97 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504782"ITEM 493 SEALING OF VEHICLES  PAGEREF _Toc315504782 \h 97 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504783"ITEM 495 SPLIT PICK UP (SPU) OR DELIVERY  PAGEREF _Toc315504783 \h 97 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504784"ITEM 497 STORAGE OF VEHICLES  PAGEREF _Toc315504784 \h 97 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504785"ITEM 501 TENDERING OF MULTIPLE VEHICLES  PAGEREF _Toc315504785 \h 98 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504786"ITEM 503 VEHICLES FURNISHED BUT NOT USED  PAGEREF _Toc315504786 \h 98 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504787"IV. TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICE (TPS) FOR RAIL  PAGEREF _Toc315504787 \h 98 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504788"ITEM 505 GENERAL SECURITY SERVICE  PAGEREF _Toc315504788 \h 98 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504789"V. RULES ON TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT)  PAGEREF _Toc315504789 \h 99 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504790"ITEM 507 ARRIVAL DURING OTHER THAN NORMAL OPERATING HOURS  PAGEREF _Toc315504790 \h 99 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504791"ITEM 509 DRAYAGE  PAGEREF _Toc315504791 \h 99 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504792"ITEM 511 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT)  PAGEREF _Toc315504792 \h 99 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504793"ITEM 513 INSPECTION AND LOADING OF RAIL CARS/VEHICLES  PAGEREF _Toc315504793 \h 100 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504794"Section 5 Ocean Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules (New)  PAGEREF _Toc315504794 \h 101 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504795"I. GENERAL OCEAN TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504795 \h 101 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504796"ITEM 601 COMBINING BILLS OF LADING  PAGEREF _Toc315504796 \h 101 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504797"ITEM 603 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES  PAGEREF _Toc315504797 \h 101 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504798"ITEM 605 GAS-FREE CERTIFICATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504798 \h 101 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504799"II. GENERAL OCEAN TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES  PAGEREF _Toc315504799 \h 102 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504800"ITEM 607 CARGO BLANKETING  PAGEREF _Toc315504800 \h 102 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504801"ITEM 609 DEMURRAGE  PAGEREF _Toc315504801 \h 102 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504802"ITEM 611 EQUIPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc315504802 \h 103 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504803"ITEM 613 EQUIPMENT ORDERED BUT NOT USED  PAGEREF _Toc315504803 \h 103 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504804"ITEM 615 INSPECTIONS  PAGEREF _Toc315504804 \h 104 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504805"ITEM 617 LAYTIME  PAGEREF _Toc315504805 \h 105 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504806"ITEM 619 NOTICE OF READINESS  PAGEREF _Toc315504806 \h 105 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504807"ITEM 621 NOTIFICATION  PAGEREF _Toc315504807 \h 106 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504808"ITEM 623 PERFORMANCE  PAGEREF _Toc315504808 \h 106 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504809"ITEM 625 PROTECTION AGAINST THE ELEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc315504809 \h 106 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504810"ITEM 627 STOWAGE  PAGEREF _Toc315504810 \h 106 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504811"ITEM 629 U.S. COAST GUARD PORT AND VESSEL SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc315504811 \h 107 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504812"III. RULES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF BULK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (EXCLUDING BULK LIQUIDS)  PAGEREF _Toc315504812 \h 108 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504813"ITEM 631 CONTAMINATED FUEL  PAGEREF _Toc315504813 \h 109 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504814"ITEM 633 DELIVERY DATES  PAGEREF _Toc315504814 \h 109 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504815"ITEM 635 OUTTURN  PAGEREF _Toc315504815 \h 109 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504816"ITEM 637 RETURN SHIPMENT OF RETAINED PRODUCT  PAGEREF _Toc315504816 \h 109 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504817"ITEM 639 VARIATIONS IN QUANTITY  PAGEREF _Toc315504817 \h 110 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504818"IV. RULES FOR TRANSPORTING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  PAGEREF _Toc315504818 \h 110 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504819"ITEM 641 MOVEMENT OF SHIPMENTS REQUIRING TPS  PAGEREF _Toc315504819 \h 111 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504820"Section 6 - Fuel Related General Rate Adjustment  PAGEREF _Toc315504820 \h 112 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504821"ITEM 701 FUEL RELATED GENERAL RATE ADJUSTMENT (1300)  PAGEREF _Toc315504821 \h 112 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504822"APPENDIX A ITEM 1 -- DEFINITION OF TERMS  PAGEREF _Toc315504822 \h 115 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504823"APPENDIX B ANSI CODES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES  PAGEREF _Toc315504823 \h 134 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc315504824"APPENDIX G REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc315504824 \h 138  Section 1 - General Transportation Service Provider Rules Purpose, Explanation, and Application Purpose The purpose of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) UNIFORM RULES TARIFF No. VA-100A (VA No. VA-100A) is to articulate the transportation service needs of the Federal government agencies authorized to use rates filed in response the VA Standard Tender of Service (STOS), the General Request for Offers (RFO), and agency specific requests of offers, for the movement of freight traffic and to assist in VAs effort in implementing the standardization necessary to achieve a fully automated system for rating and routing Government freight shipments. Application Where reference is made to the VA UNIFORM RULES TARIFF No. VA-100A (VA No. VA-100A) in a TSP's tender or rate agreement, the rules and accessorial charges contained in this publication will govern the freight services of the TSP's tender, and will apply from, to, or between those points which are specified in the individual tender. This is not in any way to be construed as a setting of rates, rules or charges by VA. TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDERS' TENDERS CANNOT BE MADE SUBJECT TO ANY OTHER PUBLICATION FOR APPLICATION OF THE RATES OR CHARGES. If any TSP or bureau published line haul, rules or terminal services tariff is shown in a tender, the tender will be rejected and returned to the TSP. The VA No. VA-100A can be specifically incorporated in its entirety or in section(s) in Federal Acquisition Regulation contracts or agreements. TSPs that are Certified SmartWay Partners will be given priority in the VA carrier selection process.  HYPERLINK "http://www.epa.gov/smartway/partnerlists/partner-list.htm" http://www.epa.gov/smartway/partnerlists/partner-list.htm Publications Included by Reference Publications (and any reissues) listed below will be considered part of this publication, but will not be specifically listed in TSPs tender. Any potential conflict between the terms of the publications listed below and this publication will be resolved in favor of the express terms in this publication. a. National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), Tariff Surface Transportation Board (STB) National Motor Freight (NMF) 100 series published by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent 2200 Mill Road, Alexandria, VA 22314 (commodity item numbers, descriptions, packing and packaging only). b. ALK Technologies, Inc. automated 5-digit zip code mileage system, PC*Miler, current version as amended. c. ATA Hazardous Materials Tariff, ICC ATA 111-series, published by the American Trucking Associations, Agent. d. Continental Directory of Standard Point Location Codes (SPLC), STB NMF l02-Series, published by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent. e. Directory of Standard Multi-Modal TSP and Tariff Agents Codes (SCAC/STAC), STB NMF 101-Series, published by the National Motor Freight Traffic Associations, Inc., Agent. g. Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC) Tariff 1-G, STB STCC 6001-C h. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions i. International Air Transport Association (IATA) instructions j. International Maritime Organization (IMO) instructions k. Transportation Security Administration Security and Safety Regulations and Guidelines Supersedes and Replaces This publication supersedes the VA RULES TENDER No. VA-100. Definition of Terms See Item 1 and Appendix A of this tariff for the definition of terms. Use and Application of Notes The terms Subject To Note and See Note are construed as follows. Subject To Note: The term "Subject To Note" when used in the title of an Item in Sections 2 through 5, means that the Note indicated applies to the entire Item. See Note: The term "See Note", when used in the title of an Item in Sections 2 through 5, means that the referenced Note applies only where indicated, not to the entire Item. Interpretation and Precedence The words in this publication will be construed simply according to their fair and plain meanings, and not strictly for or against any party. If any provision in this publication is capable of two constructions, one of which would make the provision void and the other of which would make the provision valid, then the provision will have the meaning that makes it valid. When rules, charges or other requirements are negotiated (including FAR Based Contracts and One Time Only bids) that differ from or conflict with this publication and the intent of the parties is to modify the requirements of this publication as they apply for a particular movement, the negotiated terms will apply to only the specific movement. Revising Tender Provisions and Method of Canceling and Revised Pages See the VASTOS, Section 1 for procedures and processes used to revise tender provisions and the method of cancelling and revising pages. This document is published by the VA Transportation and Relocation Program Management Office (VATR PMO), Transportation and Logistics Center (VATLC). For additional information on this regulation, direct inquiries to: Department of Veterans Affairs Transportation and Relocation PMO 810 Vermont Avenue, NW MSN: 003A3B1 Room 763 Washington, DC 20420 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:VATLC@va.gov" VATLC@va.gov /  HYPERLINK "mailto:Bill.Bardwell@va.gov" Bill.Bardwell@va.gov or  HYPERLINK "mailto:yvonnie.smith2@va.gov" yvonnie.smith2@va.gov Contact Number: (202) 461-5511/(202) 461-5628 VA Websites: VA General Freight Services:  HYPERLINK "http://www.va.gov/oal/business/freight.asp" http://www.va.gov/oal/business/freight.asp Transportation and Relocation Services VA General Freight Services Program  HYPERLINK "http://vaww.va.gov/OAL/trs/freight.asp" http://vaww.va.gov/OAL/trs/freight.asp Transportation and Relocation Services Domestic Small Package Delivery Services:  HYPERLINK "http://vaww.va.gov/oal/trs/desps.asp" http://vaww.va.gov/oal/trs/desps.asp For GSA Freight Program Information See Contacts Data Below: General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service Freight Transportation Management Program Toll Free Phone: (855) 425-FTMP (3867) Email: transportation.programs@gsa.gov Website: HYPERLINK "http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21192"http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21192 Accessorial Services Quotation of charges for accessorial services will be expressed as a flat charge, a per mile charge, a per hundredweight charge, a per hour charge, or a per package charge, as described in this publication. Each service is defined in this publication and many are provided an ANSI code (see Appendix B) to be used to identify that service. Any service provided must be in accordance with the definitions contained in the rules publication. Disposition of Fractions Fractions of a cent resulting from the application of a TSP's independently-established rates will be disposed of as follows: Fractions of less than one-half of one cent will be omitted; and Fractions of one-half of one cent or greater will be increased to the next whole cent. Cross Referencing of Item Numbers A number of the Items in the updated rules tender are carried over from the VA Rules Tender 100. Where an item has been carried over, its old number is included in parentheses behind the title, for example former Item 30 Definition of Terms is now Item 1 Definition of Terms (30). New Items in Section I Part 2, General Items Applicable to all TSPs, and Section 2, Motor Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules are indicated with the word (New) following the title. The Items in Sections 3-5 are all new. Items Deleted from Previous Tenders The following items from the VA Tender 100 and the GSA National Rules Tender 100-D have been deleted from this new rules tender. GSA No. 10-D Item NumberItem TitleCommentItem 100ARBITRARY APPLICABLE ON IMPORT OR EXPORT TRAFFIC PICKED UP AT OR DELIVERED TO STEAMSHIP WHARVES OR DOCKSReplaced with Item 57 Waterfront DeliveryItem 600LOADING OR UNLOADING - WATERBORNE TRAFFIC - PORT OF BALTIMORE, MDReplaced with Item 57 Waterfront DeliveryItem 875PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - NEW YORK HARBOR AND PORT NEWARK, NJReplaced with Item 57 Waterfront DeliveryItem 1150TELEGRAMS OR TELEPHONE MESSAGES - CHARGES FORObsolete Terms and Conditions Applicable To All Modes General Terms and Conditions Non-Applicable Charges/Transportation Service Provider Liability (New) The TSP will not charge any detention, demurrage or storage charges against any Government sponsored shipment when the delay is caused by acts or omissions beyond Governments, its contractors, or its agents control. See also Item 33, Excusable Delays Freight will be delivered in the same condition as received at origin. Any damage or loss will be the responsibility of the TSP unless due to a force majeure situation. Shortages in outturn, undue delays, misdeliveries, damage or loss of cargo arising or resulting from factors stated above will not be held against the TSP. Weight Limitations (New) A TSP will inform the shipper of weight limitations and verify that the weight on any vehicle loaded by or on behalf of Government does not exceed limitations imposed by any state or municipality in which the shipment will be transported. General Items Applicable to All TSPs ITEM 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (30) The definitions of terms used in this tariff are found in Appendix A of this tariff and Appendix A of the STOS. ITEM 3 THROUGH RATES (New) The Government is soliciting through rates for the transport of surface and air shipments of Government freight. A through rate is a rate applicable for transportation all the way from point of origin on the BL to destination on the BL. This includes: Shipments that originate or terminate in the CONUS, Alaska or Hawaii, , Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands Shipments that originate in the CONUS, Alaska or Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and terminate overseas Shipments that originate overseas and terminate in the CONUS, Alaska or Hawaii, , Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands A TSPs through rate may be a joint or combination rate but will be tendered as a single rate to the government. A TSP that is has legal authority to offer this through shipment may tender FAK rates for this through service, subject to specific modal terms and conditions prescribed in this document. Authorized accessorial charges as noted below may be invoiced for through shipments subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in this document. ITEM 5 RATES FROM OR TO POINTS IN ALASKA, HAWAII, OR POINTS OUTSIDE CONUS (225) Where there is no through tender rate applicable from or to points in Alaska, Hawaii, or points outside CONUS, the TSP's individual tender may be used to construct a combination of rates or charges from or to the point where the shipment either leaves or enters CONUS. This Item supersedes the provisions contained in BLOCK 19, of the HYPERLINK "http://contacts.gsa.gov/webforms.nsf/0/B3B5495B35CD911785256F4000522F01/$file/OF%20280.pdf"OPTIONAL FORM 280, UNIFORM TENDER OF RATES AND/OR CHARGES FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES. A VA Form 0744 or VA Rate Quote will be used to submit the necessary rates. ITEM 7 PRELODGING (40) Prelodging is the hand delivery, email or FAX of shipping documents by the delivering TSP 24 hours or more prior to delivery of a shipment or shipments to a location designated by the consignee. When required, the TSP will deliver the shipping documents in accordance with the consignee's instructions. Invoices submitted for payment of prelodge charges will be cross referenced as to bill of lading number(s), rate quote(s), TSP's pro number(s), permit number(s), manifest number(s), delivery equipment number(s), and the date the prelodge service was provided. Where the bill of lading is annotated that prelodging is required, the charge for hand delivery prelodging will be $50.00 per delivery equipment. The charge for FAX prelodging will be $25.00 per delivery equipment. There is no charge for email. ITEM 9 ADVANCING CHARGES (New) TPSs will advance, for subsequent collection from the Government, the lawful charges incurred for pier, wharf, or stevedore service; for custom house and in bond service; and for special bonds or tolls required by state or other governmental authority for transportation of a shipment, which because of its size, shape, or weight, requires such bonds or tolls for movement over the streets or highways. TSP will identify charges listed above which require reimbursement on the BL. The TSP will retain valid receipts and any other documentary evidence to support these claims for three (3) years. The charge for advancing monies will be $55.00 per advance. Item 11 METRIC CONVERSION (New) Please see APPENDIX C in the VA STOS Edition 2 for the Metric Conversion Table. Item 13 SERVICES NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED (New) When a TSP performs services that are required for normal movement of freight shipments and such services are not identified in this tender, the charges for these services will be negotiated between the responsible agency shipping office and the TSP. ITEM 15 MAXIMUM CHARGES (650) Except as otherwise provided, the charge for any shipment from and to the same points, via the same route of movement will not be greater than the charge for a greater quantity of the same commodity in the same shipping form and subject to the same packing provisions at the rate and weight applicable to such greater quantity of freight. Where the TSP's individual tender provides rates or charges based on cents-per-mile (cents-per-1.6093 kilometers) per vehicle used, charge per vehicle used or cents per hundred weight [cwt.] (cents per 45.36 kilograms) rates in the same or in separate individual tenders, charges will be the lowest that can be computed, either by use of the applicable cents per hundred weight [cwt.] (cents per 45.36 kilograms) rate at the actual weight or minimum weight or by use of the cents-per-mile (cents-per-1.6093 kilometers) per vehicle used rate, or the charge per vehicle used. ITEM 17 RECONSIGNMENT OR DIVERSION (925) (See Notes 1 through 11) For the purpose of this rule, the terms, "RECONSIGNMENT" or "DIVERSION", are synonymous and the use of either will mean: (a) A change in the name of the consignor or consignee. (b) A change in the place of delivery within original destination point. (c) A change in the destination point. (d) Relinquishment of shipment at the point of origin (Subject to Note 1). (e) Instructions received by the originating TSP prior to receipt of shipment (Subject to Note 2). CONDITIONS: (a) Requests for reconsignment must be made in writing or confirmed in writing. The TSP must be satisfied that the party making the request has the authority to do so. Conditional or qualified requests will not be accepted. TSP will not accept disposition instructions printed on the bill of lading, shipping order, shipping label or container as authority to reship, return, or reconsign a shipment. (b) TSP will make diligent efforts to execute a request for reconsignment, but will not be responsible if such service is not performed. (c) All charges applicable to the shipment whether accrued or accruing must be paid or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the TSP before reconsignment will be made. Charges for shipments moving on GBL's or commercial bills of lading converted to GBLs will be collected from the U.S. Government. (d) Only entire shipments, not portions of shipments, may be reconsigned. (e) Marking or tagging (Subject to Note 3). (f) Reconsignment will not be permitted on "in bond shipments." (g) With the exception of Note 1, a charge for reconsignment is an additional charge to all other applicable rates or charges. CHARGES: Reconsignment as defined above will be subject to the following: If Reconsignment Results in a ChangeIn the Name of the Consignor or Consignee with no Change in Place of DeliveryIn the Place of Delivery within Original Destination Point (Subject to Notes 4, 5, and 6)In the Destination Points (Subject to Notes 7, 9, 10, and 11)And Reconsignment Occurs (Subject to Note 8)The Charge Will BePrior to Tender of Delivery $18.11 per shipment Except as provided for in Note 5, $18.11 per shipment The published rate from origin to the reconsignment point plus the published rate from the reconsignment point to the new destination. The charges will be no less than the published through rate from the original point of origin to the ultimate destination. After Tender of Delivery $18.11 per shipment Except as provided for in Note 5, a charge of $2.42 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds) subject to a minimum charge of $22.19 per shipment and a maximum charge of $322.60 per shipment or $322.60 per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment The published rate from origin to the reconsignment point plus the published rate from the reconsignment point to the new destination. The charges will be no less than the published through rate from the original point of origin to the ultimate destination.  Note 1: Where a request is made by the shipper, before a shipment has left the TSP's terminal at a point of origin (includes points and places located within the commercial zone as defined by the Interstate Commerce Commission in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), part 1048 -Commercial Zones) for return of a shipment to the original place of shipment, or delivery thereof to another TSP at point of origin, or relinquish possession thereof to the shipper or to another TSP at the TSP's terminal and such service is performed, the shipment will be subject to a charge of $2.42 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds) with a minimum charge of $22.19 per shipment and a maximum charge of $322.60 per shipment or $322.60 per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment. Note 2: Upon instructions received by the originating TSP prior to receipt of shipment at point of origin accompanied by a through bill of lading covering the shipment, the TSP will accept the shipment when tendered by the party in possession of the shipment, issue a receipt (not a bill of lading) for the shipment to the party tendering the shipment and then execute the bill of lading. Such shipment will be subject to a charge of $18.11 per shipment. Note 3: Shipments handled under the provisions of this Item which require marking or tagging in order to comply with the provisions of Item 101 MARKING OR TAGGING FREIGHT - CHANGING MARKING OR TAGS, or when the TSP is specifically requested to do so by the consignor or consignee, will be marked or tagged by the TSP at the charges as provided in Item 101. Note 4: Charges also apply for reconsignment to points and places outside of the original destination point, provided such areas are located within the commercial zone as defined by the Interstate Commerce Commission in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), part 1048 - Commercial Zones. Note 5: When a request is received to reconsign a shipment to another site within the same continuous plant property and the request is received prior to tender of delivery, a reconsignment charge of $18.11 per shipment will be assessed. When the request is received after tender of delivery the reconsignment charge will be $52.89 per shipment or $52.89 per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment. Note 6: All shipments for export not directly consigned at origin to an export pier dock, pier terminal, transit shed or wharf will be subject to the charges provided in this Item. The provisions of paragraph (2) of this Item will not apply. Note 7: Includes points and places other than those defined in Note 6. Note 8: The provisions governing reconsignment, "PRIOR TO TENDER OF DELIVERY", will only apply when TSP receives the request for reconsignment: (a) Before shipment has been loaded on a delivery vehicle (in cases where shipment is transferred to a city delivery vehicle for delivery); or (b) Before shipment has been dispatched for delivery (in cases where shipment is not transferred to a city vehicle for delivery.) Note 9: If the change in destination point is requested and furnished by the TSP, the charge will be $18.11 per shipment in addition to the applicable tender or tariff rate, whichever is applicable, from the point of origin to the new destination point. Note 10: When the consignor or consignee or its agent elects to accept the shipment at the TSP's terminal located at the reconsignment point, the charges will be assessed on the basis of $1.60 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $18.11 and a maximum charge of $201.69 per shipment or $201.69 per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment. Note 11: The reconsignment rate is not subject to the provisions of BLOCK 19, of the OPTIONAL FORM 280, UNIFORM TENDER OF RATES AND/OR CHARGES FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES. ITEM 19 REDELIVERY (950) When a shipment is tendered for delivery and, through no fault of the TSP, such delivery cannot be accomplished, no further tender will be made except upon request. Additional tenders and final delivery will be subject to the following provisions: (1) If one or more additional tenders, or final delivery of the shipments are made at consignee's place, a charge of $2.34 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $12.67 and a maximum charge of $310.02 per shipment or $310.02 per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment will be made for each such tender and for the final delivery. (2) If, in lieu of final delivery at consignee's place, consignee elects to accept delivery of the shipment at TSP's premises, a charge of $1.99 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $10.50 and a maximum charge of $238.62 will be made. (3) All charges accruing under the provisions of this rule must be paid or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the TSP by the party or parties requesting redelivery before the shipment is redelivered. Charges for shipments moving on GBL's or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL will be collected from the U.S. Government. (4) In all instances a charge for redelivery is in addition to all other applicable rates or charges. ITEM 21 STOPOFFS - TO COMPLETE LOADING OR FOR PARTIAL UNLOADING (1075) (Subject to Notes 1 through 4) Except as otherwise provided in this tender, shipments upon which charges are based on a cents-per-mile (cents-per-l.6093 kilometers) per vehicle used rate, charge or minimum charge per vehicle used, or on a weight of 10,000 pounds (4,536 kilograms) or more, may be stopped in transit at not to exceed four points, between the point of origin and the point of final destination for the purpose of either partial loading or unloading (but not both at the same point), providing that the stop-off point, or points, are intermediate to the point of final destination via the route over which the rate to such final destination applies, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) below. (A) The bill of lading will show at what point, or points, the shipment is to be stopped off for partial loading or partial unloading, the name and address of the party to receive or to load the freight at such stop-off point, and a description of that part of the shipment to be loaded or unloaded at the stop-off point or points. There will be no substitutions of other freight for that loaded at the original point of origin, or for any part of the shipment loaded at an intermediate stop-off point. A shipment stopped for partial unloading will not be stopped subsequently for partial loading. (B) The charge for each stop-off in transit for partial loading or partial unloading will be $75.00 per stop in addition to all other applicable charges. (C) When line haul rates or charges are based on weight only, e.g., cents per 45.36 kilograms (cents per hundredweight), or charge per vehicle (excluding charges based on graduated distance scales or a minimum charge where rates are based on distance and weight), the charges will be based on the total actual weight or minimum weight, whichever is greater, or charge per vehicle, from the point of origin to final destination, subject to the excess charge in paragraph F below, for out-of-route distance. (D) When line haul rates or charges are based on both weights and distance (e.g., percentage of the baseline rates in the VA TOS 100A and/or GSA No. 1000-D), the charges will be based on the actual weight or minimum weight, whichever is greater, and the short-route distance from point of origin via the stop-off point(s) to final destination. (E) When line haul rates or charges are based on distance, e.g., cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) per vehicle used, or charge based on graduated distance scales, the charges will be based on the short-route distance from point of origin via the stop-off point(s) to final destination. (F) When line haul charges are determined under paragraph C above (or by any other rates or charges based on other than distance or weight and distance), and the short-route distance from point of origin via the stop-off point(s) exceeds the direct short-route distance from origin to final destination, all excess distance will be subject to a rate of 155 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile), in addition to all other transportation charges. Note 1: Shipments moving under the provisions of this Item must have all charges prepaid by the shipper, or if shipped on a GBL or commercial bill of lading that is converted to a GBL, charges will be collected from the U.S. Government. Note 2: For the TSP's convenience, any portion of the shipment may be picked up, transported or delivered, in separate trucks. All portions of the shipment need not be transported through the stop-off point or points. Note 3: The provisions of this Item do not apply on freight moving under the provisions of Item 89 EXCLUSIVE USE AND CONTROL OF VEHICLE in this tariff. Note 4: On shipments involving joint-line transportation, stop-off privileges apply only when the entire shipment is delivered to one connecting TSP or, if stop-off has already been accorded, when the entire remaining portion of the shipment is delivered to one connecting TSP. ITEM 23 STORAGE (1100) Freight held in the TSP's possession by reason of an act or an omission of the consignor, consignee or owner, or for customs clearance or inspection (see Item 73 CUSTOMS OR IN BOND FREIGHT), and through no fault of the TSP, will be considered stored, and subject to the following provisions: (1) Storage charges on freight awaiting line haul transportation at origin will begin at 7:00 a.m., the day after freight is received by the TSP. (2) When the consignor or consignee instructs the TSP to hold a shipment at a point intermediate to the destination and await further instructions for diversion, reconsignment, etc., storage charges will begin at 7:00 a.m., the day after the TSP is notified and the shipment is placed in storage. (3) Storage charges on undelivered freight will begin at 7:00 a.m., the first business day after arrival of the shipment at destination, and notice of arrival as provided in Item 59 ARRIVAL NOTICE AND UNDELIVERED FREIGHT, has been given, except no charges under this Item will be made when actual tender of delivery is made within 24 hours after such notice of arrival has been given. (4) Storage charges on freight stored in the TSP's possession, other than that provided for in paragraph (5), will be subject to the following minimum and maximum charges: MINIMUM CHARGES FOR STORAGE: For each 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms) or fraction thereof per 24 hours or fraction thereof $ 0.65 Minimum storage charge per day $ 3.36 Minimum storage charge per shipment $16.81 MAXIMUM CHARGES FOR STORAGE (per shipment or per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment): For the first 24 hours or fraction thereof $47.01 For the second 24 hours or fraction thereof $62.74 For the third and each succeeding 24 hours or fraction thereof $93.84 (5) Storage charges under this Item will end when TSP is enabled to deliver or transport the freight as a result of action by the consignee, consignor, owner, or customs official. (6) Storage charges under this Item will not apply on the day the TSP places the freight in a public warehouse. When the TSP does place the freight in a public warehouse, a charge of $1.89 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $15.32 and a maximum charge of $280.05 per shipment or $280.05 per vehicle, if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment, will be assessed. (7) Storage time will be certified and paid by the authorizing activity responsible for the storage. Charges for this service will only be submitted to the authorizing activity. ITEM 25 SUBSTITUTED SERVICE (1125 Revised) (1) Substituted Service is transportation of a shipment by a mode (motor, rail, air, water) other than that used to pick up the shipment. This service is to be provided at the option of the TSP, with shipping agency concurrence, when the use of more than one mode is necessary due to circumstances set forth in paragraph (2) below. However, in no event will any TSP be permitted under this provision to utilize more than one mode that will: Result in additional charges to the government, Be used to procure any person or company that does not have lawful operating authority for the mode selected, or Operate to reduce or eliminate the level of liability of the TSP under the original terms and conditions of the BL. (2) TSP will be permitted to substitute trucks for other modes of shipment when situations such as severe weather, mechanical failure, or other causes exist that are beyond the shippers or TSPs control. The TSP will remain primarily liable for any loss or damage to the shipment. In no event may motor TSP, freight forwarders, rail TSP, or water TSP utilize more than one mode in order to avoid application of the Carmack Amendment or the terms and conditions set forth on the BL, or to otherwise circumvent the legal requirement that all TSP have proper operating authority for the shipment or the leg of the shipment at issue. Multi-modal service may not be used for Government shipments when the BL has been annotated  Multi-modal service not to be used or  Substituted service not to be used . ITEM 27 VEHICLES FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (New) 1. If shipper cancels a freight shipment after a TSP vehicle has been dispatched, the TSP will be entitled to a charge of VFN(1) $ 75.00 per vehicle. A TSP will be paid for LTL/TL for each vehicle furnished and not used or the minimum line haul transportation rates, whichever is less. These charges will not apply if 24-hours notice of cancellation before time of pickup is provided. 2. A TSP may establish a flat charge of VFN(2) $ 175.00 for each vehicle properly dispatched that was not used by the shipper. This flat charge may not exceed line haul transportation charges applicable from loading point to destination. If TSP chooses VFN(2), a TSP is prohibited from completing VFN(1), as TSP cannot complete both VFN(1) and VFN(2) on its tender. 3. VFN charges will not apply when: a. A vehicle is rejected by shipper under Item 35 in this publication. b. Notice of cancellation is received by the TSP prior to actual dispatch of vehicle. c. TSP is inbound with a loaded trailer that is scheduled for outbound loading from the same installation. ITEM 29 WEIGHT VERIFICATION (1250) (1) Upon request by either the consignor or consignee, the TSP will reweigh any shipment or vehicle(s) on TSP scales and if error is determined, will correct the billed weight accordingly. Such reweigh request will only be made while shipment is in the custody of the TSP. If no error is determined or if error is less than 5 percent of the billed weight, a charge of $18.46 per shipment or per vehicle, if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment, will be made for each. Such charge(s) is to be paid by the party requesting the service. (2) When TSP is requested to secure a certified public scale weight for any shipment or vehicle(s), a charge of $32.88 will be made by the TSP for each reweighing obtained in addition to the fee assessed the TSP for use of the certified public scale. Such charge(s) is to be paid by the party requesting the service. (3) If requested by the consignor or consignee to weigh a vehicle both empty and loaded, the above charge in (1) or (2), as the case may be, will be made for each separate weighing. ITEM 31 WEIGHTS - GROSS WEIGHT - CHARGES ON GROSS WEIGHTS (1275) (See Notes 1 and 2) (1) Unless otherwise provided, charges will be computed on gross weight, excluding the weight of any temporary blocking, flooring, or lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes, or similar bracing, dunnage or supports not constituting a shipping TSP, container, or packages, or a part of the vehicle, when such materials do not exceed 3 percent of the total weight of the shipment. The weight of such materials in excess of 3 percent of the total weight of the shipment will be charged for at the lowest rate applicable on any article in the shipment. (2) Subject to Notes 1 and 2, when freight weighing 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds) or more is prepared for shipment in conformity with packing requirements, and, in addition, is loaded on pallets, platforms, or skids, with or without standing sides or ends, but without tops, no charge will be made for the transportation of the pallets, platforms or skids, provided the shipper specifies the weight of the pallets, platforms, or skids on the bill of lading. (3) The destination weights, as ascertained at the smelter, will govern the assessment of freight charges upon shipments of ores or ore concentrates. Shipments of ores and ore concentrates may be sampled at destination or public sampler enroute. (4) Any temporary blocking, flooring or lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes, or similar bracing, dunnage or supports not constituting a shipping TSP, container or package, or a part of the vehicle, when required to protect or make shipments secure for transportation must be furnished and installed by the shipper, except that upon request of shipper such materials will be furnished or installed by the TSP subject to the following provisions: (a) When materials are furnished by the TSP, the cost thereof will be paid by the shipper upon presentation of an invoice from a supplier independent of the TSP covering such materials used on the involved shipment. (b) The labor charge for installation of shipper or TSP furnished material will be $24.30 per hour or fraction thereof, for each man. (c) Charges in this Item will not apply when extra blocking and bracing materials are used by motor and rail TSPs to secure loads for trailer on flatcar-substituted service as shown in Item 25 SUBSTITUTED SERVICE. Note 1: When material, not a part of the pallet, platform or skid, is used to protect top of lading, or to secure the load to the pallet, platform or skid, allowance will be made for the weight of the pallet, platform or skid, but not for the weight of such material. Note 2: The weight of the pallets, platforms or skids may not exceed 3 percent of the weight of that portion of the shipment loaded on such pallets, platforms or skids. Any weight of pallets, platform or skids in excess of 3 percent of the weight of that portion of the shipment loaded on such pallets, platforms or skids will be subject to the rates applicable to the commodity loaded on such pallets, platforms or skids. ITEM 33 EXCUSABLE DELAYS (New) The delivery commitment guarantee does not apply when the delays in delivery are caused by acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Government in its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, or unusually severe weather. In each instance the failure to perform must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Transportation Service Provider (TSP). Section 2 Motor Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules I. GENERAL MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION This part describes general requirements for a Motor Freight TSP transporting Government freight shipments. For rates based on distance, TSP charges are based on the applicable mileage calculated by the current version of ALK Technologies PC*Miler, unless otherwise indicated in this publication. ITEM 41 DRIVER REQUIREMENTS (New) 1. Identification: All drivers transporting Government shipments on behalf of a TSP will have in their physical possession positive identification that verifies their affiliation with the TSP named on the BL. 2. Qualifications: Drivers who transport any Government freight will have in their physical possession a valid commercial drivers license, medical qualification card, employee record card or a similar document that contains the drivers photograph and complies with DOT regulations. All documents will be in English and tamper proof. TSPs are responsible for ensuring that any driver who transports Government freight on their behalf is legally qualified, and possesses all necessary documentation. A TSP will ensure that only qualified and licensed drivers transporting FAK and HAZMAT operate a commercial motor vehicle. Any driver engaged in transporting Government freight will comply with all legal requirements, including federal statutes and regulations and DOT/State and Federal regulations. A TSP will not allow any driver in its employ to move Government vehicles unless individual has been properly trained and certified by the shipping agency to drive the vehicle. Driver Instructions: A TSP will ensure drivers of commercial vehicles transporting dangerous articles for Government agencies over public roads comply with instructions contained in 49 CFR, Part 397, Parking and Driving Rules. ITEM 43 INSPECTION OF VEHICLES (New) TSPs will permit shipper/consignee to inspect vehicle prior to loading/unloading of Government freight and annotate deficiencies in writing. TSP must correct any deficiencies found at the time of inspection and take all steps considered necessary to safely transport the shipment. Vehicles determined to have deficiencies that are not correctable at the time of inspection will not be loaded. ITEM 45 SEALING OF VEHICLES (New) 1. Item 89, Exclusive Use and Control of Vehicle will apply to all shipments that prohibit loading of additional cargo. 2. Conveyances sealed by shipper or TSP will not be interpreted as requiring Exclusive Use. When exclusive use or transportation protective service is not ordered, seals applied by the shipper may be removed by the TSP and/or subsequent shippers, however in each instance new seal numbers must be annotated on the BL. 3. TSPs may remove seals in an emergency or at stop-off points only if authorized by the shipping agency, but those seals must be replaced with an equivalent seal. If stop off(s) is/are requested by shipper, the TSP will obtain additional seals from the shipping agency to replace seals broken at known stop off locations. When the seal is replaced, the TSP is required to use a shipper-approved seal and must annotate the new seal number on the BL. II. GENERAL MOTOR FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES This part addresses the general rule requirements for a Motor Freight TSP when providing rates for services offered when handling, storing, or transporting any type of Government freight. Rules contained in this part are mandatory in order for TSP to remain qualified as a VA approved TSP. ITEM 47 DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED FOR LOADING (50) A doubles trailer as defined in Item 1 may be furnished by the TSP for a vehicle as defined in Item 1, except as otherwise provided, at 60 percent of the applicable Truckload (TL) or vehicle rate or charge published or in the TSP's individual tender. When the shipper orders a specific type or size of equipment, and the TSP holds itself out to provide such equipment in its tender, the TSP will be responsible for providing it. If equipment other than that requested by the shipper is provided to load a shipment, it will be furnished at the TSP's own convenience and without any additional cost to the Government. The transportation charges will be assessed on the basis of the equipment ordered by the shipper, unless charges on the equipment that was furnished are lower. ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES (60) Unless otherwise provided in an individual tender, TSPs will NOT be required to furnish the specialized services contained in the following Items of this tender: Item 91 Expedited Service Item 139 Protective Service Item 145 Sorting or Segregating Service and Charges Item 147 Services - Signature and Tally Record Service (STR) Item 155 Services - Constant Surveillance Service (CSS) Item 157 Services - Dual Driver Protective Service (DDPS) Item 159 Services - Dual Driver. ITEM 51 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED FOR LOADING (65) Except as otherwise provided, where a TSP's individual tender rates apply on specific types of equipment, the TSP will be responsible for furnishing it. If equipment other than that specified in the individual tender is provided to load a shipment, it will be furnished at the TSP's own convenience and without any additional cost to the Government. ITEM 53 MINIMUM CHARGE - CAPACITY LOADS (700) (Subject to Notes 1 and 2) 1. When any shipment is tendered to the TSP and occupies the full visible capacity of one vehicle, as defined in Item 1, the minimum charge for that quantity of freight loaded in or on each vehicle will be either: a. Where rates are offered on a cents per 45.36 kilograms (cents per hundred weight) basis, the highest minimum weight and corresponding rate thereto, but not less than 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds) at the lowest rate derived from the TSP's applicable tender; or b. Where the TSP's individual tender is based on a cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) per vehicle used rate, a charge or minimum charge per vehicle used, at the rate or charge named t. 2. When a shipment is tendered which cannot be loaded in or on one vehicle, the following will apply: Each vehicle loaded to capacity will be subject to the minimum charge as provided in paragraph 1 of this Item. When the minimum charge in paragraph 1 of this Item is applicable to any vehicle in the tender, the charge for that portion of the shipment loaded into or on the last vehicle (not loaded to capacity) will be rated as a separate shipment. Where the otherwise applicable charge exceeds the minimum charge as provided in paragraph 1 of this Item, on each vehicle loaded to capacity, the actual weight loaded into or on the last vehicle (not loaded to capacity) will be charged for on the basis of the same rate applying to the capacity loaded vehicle(s). 3. When the TSP furnishes one (1) or more doubles trailer: (a) That is requested by the shipper and the Bill of Lading is so annotated: The minimum charge for each doubles trailer loaded to capacity will be determined as provided in paragraph 1 (a) or (b) of this Item. The charge for any portion of a shipment that does not fill the last doubles trailer to capacity will be rated as a separate shipment. For the purposes of a shipper requested doubles trailers in paragraph (3)(a) of this Item, the definition of a vehicle in Item 1 will not apply. (b) That is not requested by the shipper and the Bill of Lading is not so annotated: (i) One (1) doubles trailer: (A) The minimum charge for each doubles trailer, except as otherwise provided, that is loaded to capacity, will be 60 percent of the applicable rate or charge as determined in paragraph (1) (a) or (b) of this Item. For the purposes of a doubles trailer in paragraph (3)(b)(i) of this Item, the definition of a doubles trailer in Item 1 (5), will apply. This Item subpart (3)(b)(i), will not be subject to Item 47 DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED FOR LOADING. (ii) Two (2) doubles trailers: For the purposes of paragraph (3)(b)(ii) of this Item, two (2) doubles trailers will be considered as one vehicle, as defined in Item 1 (4). The minimum charge for two (2) doubles trailers that are furnished and loaded to capacity will be the minimum charge as determined in paragraph 1 (a) or (b) of this Item, and will apply to each set of (two [2]) doubles trailers furnished for loading the shipment. The portion of a shipment that does not fill the last doubles trailer to capacity will be rated or charged for as a separate shipment and will be subject to Item 47 DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED FOR LOADING. Note 1: The terms, "OCCUPIES THE FULL VISIBLE CAPACITY", "LOADED TO CAPACITY", or "CAPACITY LOAD", refers to the extent each vehicle or doubles trailer is loaded and means: That quantity of freight which, in the manner loaded so fills a vehicle that no additional articles in the shipping form tendered identical in size to the largest article in the shipment can be loaded in or on the vehicle; or That maximum quantity of freight that can be legally loaded in or on a vehicle because of the weight or size limitations of State or regulatory bodies. Note 2: The bills of lading, freight bills or other papers accompanying the shipment will indicate the number of vehicles loaded to capacity, used by the TSP to transport the shipment, and will also indicate if any additional vehicles carrying less than capacity load were furnished. In the event an additional vehicle carrying less than a capacity load is furnished, the weight of the portion of the shipment loaded into such vehicle will also be shown. ITEM 55 CHAINS AND BINDERS (New) 1. For shipments moving on flatbed and specialized types of equipment, tendered rates include TSP providing a 10-chain and binder set or 8-nylon strap set to protect and secure the cargo. 2. TSP will provide chain and binder sets and/or nylon straps with fasteners as standard equipment on all vehicles. Charge of CHN(1) $ 25.00_ is authorized for each additional chain-and-binder set or nylon strap with fastener furnished above minimum requirements. TSP will ensure BL is annotated with additional number of chain-and-binder sets and/or nylon straps with fasteners. 3. For all shipments, TSP will ensure that all cargo is properly fastened and secured in accordance with industry standards and DOT safety regulations. ITEM 57 WATERFRONT DELIVERY (New) (Subject to Notes 1 and 2) 1. When a TSP makes deliveries to ships, boats or crafts, a charge of WDS(1) $25.00 per hour or fraction will be assessed subject to a minimum of WDS(2) hours. 2. The time for waterfront delivery charges in paragraph 1 shall begin when the driver of a TSP advises the consignee that vehicle is located alongside ship and available for unloading. The time will end when released by the consignee. In the event that the total requirement for a shipment requires multiple deliveries within the same or port, then all deliveries will be considered as one delivery for the purposes of this item. All chargeable hours shall be annotated and certified on the TSP delivery ticket in writing by an authorized government representative. Note 1: This Item does not apply on shipments moving in steamship cargo containers, 20 feet (6.10 meters) or over in length. Note 2: Applicable also at warehouses, container yards or container freight stations when these are located on port property on or immediately adjacent to the dock at which transfer from ocean TSP is made. ITEM 59 ARRIVAL NOTICE AND UNDELIVERED FREIGHT (125) (Subject to Note 1) ARRIVAL NOTICE: The actual tender of delivery at the consignee's place constitutes the notice of the arrival of a shipment except that for shipments consigned to private residences, as defined in Item 127 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE, all notice of arrival will be given in the manner described in paragraph (B) of this Item, unless prior delivery arrangements have been noted by the consignor on the bill of lading. If the shipment is not actually tendered for delivery, notice of arrival will be given at shipment destination to the consignee not later than the next business day following the arrival of the shipment; and: The notice will be given by telephone or FAX, if convenient and practicable; otherwise by mail or telegraph. The notice, however transmitted, will specify the bill of lading number, point of origin, consignor, commodity(s) and the weight of shipment. If the consignee's address is unknown to the TSP, the notice will be mailed to the consignee at the post office serving the point of destination shown on the bill of lading. In the case of notification by mail, the notice will be deemed to have been given (that is, received by the addressee) at 7:00 a.m. on the first business day after it was mailed. UNDELIVERED FREIGHT: If freight cannot be delivered because of the consignee's refusal or inability to accept it, or because the TSP cannot locate the consignee, or if the freight cannot be transported because of an error or omission on the part of the consignor, the TSP will make a diligent effort to promptly notify the shipping activity that the freight is in storage, and the reason therefore. Prior to storing VATLC controlled and/or owned freight, the TSP will notify the consignor and/or the VA Transportation and Relocation Customer Service Team (VATLC-T), at 810 Vermont AVE, NW, MSN: 003A3B1 Room 763, Washington, DC 20420, at (202) 461-0515/5511. A follow-up email is required to be sent to  HYPERLINK "mailto:VATLC@va.gov" VATLC@va.gov. After proper notification is given, the TSP will request additional handling or forwarding instructions from VATLC, the consignee, or the consignor. Undelivered shipments will be subject to applicable storage (see Item 23 STORAGE) or detention charges (see Item 77 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS and Item 79 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS). On undelivered shipments, disposition instructions issued prior to tender of delivery, will not be accepted as authority to reship or return a shipment or to limit storage liability. Note 1: When notice of arrival or a notice of undelivered freight is transmitted by telegram, the charges of the telegram will be assessed against the shipment in addition to all other applicable charges. ITEM 61 BILL OF LADING COMMERCIAL (130) TSP will furnish commercial bill of lading sets required by the Government without any additional charge. The bill of lading sets can consist of any number of copies. ITEM 65 BILL OF LADING CORRECTED (150) (Subject to Note 1) Corrected bills of lading, or other written instructions from the consignor to change the freight charge collection status from "COLLECT" to "PREPAID", may be accepted only if received by the origin TSP within a period of 30 days from the date of the initial bill of lading. Corrected bills of lading or other written instructions to change the freight collection status from "PREPAID" to "COLLECT" will not be accepted once the shipment has been delivered. A corrected bill of lading or other written instructions to change the original transportation contract from "PREPAID" to "COLLECT" will not be accepted if Section 7 (non-recourse clause) of the corrected bill of lading has been signed by the consignor. Note 1: Not applicable to GBLs or to a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL. ITEM 67 BULK FREIGHT (175) The rates, rules and other provisions of this tender or in tenders made subject to this tender, do not apply on shipments in bulk, in tank, bin, or hopper type equipment. ITEM 69 CIRCUITOUS ROUTINGS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SHIPMENTS (180) (Subject to Notes 1 and 2) If a TSP is required by Federal, State, local, municipal, or other regulatory bodies governing the transportation of hazardous materials shipments to travel a route of greater distance than the shortest distance computed under the governing mileage guide, the greater distance will apply. Note 1: Applies only when the bill of lading is annotated with appropriate hazardous material placard requirements. Note 2: The actual route of movement and mileage computation for each highway traveled must be documented and submitted with the Public Voucher SF 1113 for payment. ITEM 71 CHASSIS - OBTAINING OF (200) (Subject to Notes 1 and 2) When it becomes necessary for the TSP to obtain a chassis for the movement of a container at a location site other than at the place where the container is located, a charge of $58.65 will be assessed for each chassis obtained. This charge will be in addition to all other applicable charges incidental to the movement of containers. The provisions of this Item do not obligate the TSP to obtain a chassis. Note 1: The term "CHASSIS" as used in this Item means the under-frame work or undercarriage with mounted wheels or dollies used in the transportation of containers. Note 2: The term "CONTAINER" as used in this Item means an ocean container, of not less than 5.79 meters (19 feet) in length, which is designed for the movement of cargo by water TSP. ITEM 73 CUSTOMS OR IN BOND FREIGHT (250) (See Note 1) Shipments moving under United States Customs Bond for US Customs Clearance at a point in the United States or delivery by TSP are required to be made under U.S. Customs supervision. Such shipments will be assessed a charge of 77 cents per 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms) subject to a minimum charge of $46.92 and a maximum charge of $103.19 per shipment or per vehicle, if more than one vehicle is required to transport the shipment (Subject to Note 1.) Such charges will be in addition to all other applicable charges. Line haul charges on shipments requiring U.S. Customs Clearance at a point other than the final destination will be assessed on the basis of rates and charges applicable from point of origin to the point of U.S. Customs Clearance, plus the rates and charges applicable from the point of U.S. Customs Clearance to the final destination except no beyond line haul charges will apply when the final destination is located within the commercial zone of the point of U.S. Customs Clearance and is subject to the same line haul rate as the point of U.S. Customs Clearance. Freight moving in bond may not be included in the same shipment on the same bill of lading and shipping order with freight not moving in bond. Shipments while moving under United States Customs Bond will not be accorded stopping in transit or split pickup or split delivery privileges. Shipments waiting U.S. Customs Clearance will be subject to the applicable detention charges (see Item 77 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS and Item 79 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS) or storage charges (see Item 23 STORAGE). Detention charges, if any, will be assessed against the party responsible for line haul charges. For the purpose of applying storage rules and charges in connection with shipments moving under United States Customs Bond, notification to the Deputy Collector of Customs that a shipment is available for customs inspection will constitute tender of shipment for delivery. Each Immediate Transportation Permit issued for movement of an in bond shipment will be considered as a separate shipment, and must be accompanied by one bill of lading and shipping order. The provisions of this paragraph will not apply to truckload shipments moving in bond between steamship company piers or wharves or when such shipments are delivered to a U.S. Customs Bonded Warehouse. When necessary for TSPs to purchase and apply "HIGH SECURITY RED IN-BOND SEALS" for shipments moving under United States Customs Bond, a charge of $25.57 per seal will be assessed. The TSP will not be responsible for equipment or tools necessary for removal of the "HIGH SECURITY RED IN-BOND SEALS." Note 1: On shipments of Alcoholic Liquors, the charges in paragraph (1) will not apply when consigned to a U.S. Customs Bonded Warehouse and TSP is not requested to clear shipment through U.S. Customs. The following certification must be shown on the bill of lading: "THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER IS NOT REQUIRED TO CLEAR SHIPMENT THROUGH U.S. CUSTOMS WHILE IN HIS POSSESSION." ITEM 75 DELIVERY OF FREIGHT BILL PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF SHIPMENT (300) When consignor or consignee requests delivery of the freight bill(s) prior to delivery of the shipment, a charge of $50.00 per delivery equipment will be assessed the party requesting the service. The charge will not apply when Item 7 PRELODGING is requested or required by the shipper or the consignee. Invoices submitted for this charge will be cross referenced as to the bill of lading number(s) (Government Bill of Lading [GBL] or commercial bill of lading [CBL]), TSP's pro number(s), permit number(s), manifest number(s), delivery equipment number(s), and the date the service was provided. ITEM 77 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS (325) A. Except as otherwise provided, when, due to no disability, fault or negligence on the part of the TSP, the loading or unloading of freight at or on the premises of consignor or consignee, or at a place designated by consignor or consignee for the receipt or delivery of freight is delayed, the following rules will govern: B. If the loading or unloading of freight is delayed beyond the free time during normal business hours described in Item 1 , the charge shown in sub paragraph 1 below per vehicle for each 15 minutes or fraction thereof, will be made for the time consumed for such delay: 1. $10.25 C. Free time for loading or unloading of freight will be allowed as follows: Time consumed in loading or unloading freight will be computed from time of arrival until departure of the vehicle, including waiting time reaching or leaving loading or unloading location. In computing free time, actual weight loaded on or unloaded from vehicle and not billed weight will govern the computation of free time. The consignor or consignee will stamp or mark the delivery receipt with time of arrival and departure, or provide a certified statement verifying this time for computation of charges and presentation by the TSP for payment. Time consumed by detention of TSP's vehicle beyond the free time on the premises of consignor or consignee between 5:00 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Friday, except legal holidays stated in Item 1 , will be charged for at the rate shown in sub paragraph 1 below per vehicle for each 15 minutes of delay or fraction thereof: 1. $17.49 C. Detention charges applicable for Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, stated in Item 1 , will be computed at the rate shown in sub paragraph 1 below per vehicle for each 15 minutes of delay or fraction thereof after the first 15 minutes: 1. $16.18 In the case of multiple shipments received from one shipper or delivered to one consignee at one time in one vehicle, free time will be computed on the aggregated weight of the multiple shipments received or delivered. Where either a single shipment or such multiple shipments exceed the capacity of one vehicle, free time for each vehicle will be computed separately. Detention time will be certified and paid by the activity where the detention occurs. ITEM 79 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS SPOTTING OR DROPPING TRAILERS (350) (Subject to Notes 1 and 2) This Item applies when the TSP's vehicles without power units are delayed or detained on the premises of the consignor, consignee, or on other premises designated by them, or as close thereto as conditions will permit, subject to the following provisions: Note 1: This Item will not apply whenever a mutual agreement has been made between the TSP and shipper whereby empty vehicles are spotted at shippers' facilities for the purpose of maintaining "TRAILER POOLS." Note 2: For the purposes of this Item the terms "SPOTTING" and "DROPPING" are considered to be synonymous and are used interchangeably, and is defined as follows: "SPOTTING" means the placing of a trailer at a specific site designated by the consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them, detaching the trailer, and leaving the trailer in full possession of consignor, consignee or other designated party unattended by TSP's employee and unaccompanied by power unit. The TSP will not move the trailer until such time as it has received notification pursuant to paragraph [1] below that the trailer is ready for pickup at any site on premises. The consignor, consignee, or other designated party may shift the spotted trailer with its own power units at its own expense and risk for the purpose of loading or unloading. Empty trailers placed at the premises of consignor without specific request are not spotted until the TSP receives a consignor's request and places a trailer for spotting. The movement of the trailer from the consignor's premises to the specific site for spotting will be the obligation of the TSP, and free time will accrue as provided in paragraph 1 below. Except as otherwise provided, when, due to no disability, fault or negligence on the part of the TSP, the loading or unloading of freight at or on the premises of consignor or consignee, or at a place designated by consignor or consignee for the receipt or delivery of freight is delayed, the following rules will govern: 1) COMMENCEMENT OF SPOTTING AND FREE TIME: a) Spotted trailers will be allowed 24 consecutive hours of free time for loading or unloading. b) For trailers spotted for unloading, such time will commence at the time of placement of the trailer at the site designated by the consignee, or other party designated by the consignee. For trailers spotted for loading, such time will commence when the trailer is spotted at the site specifically designated, by the consignor or a party designated by the consignor. c) When any portion of the 24-hour free time extends into a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday (as stated in Item 1), the computation of time for such portion will resume at 12:01 a.m. on the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. d) Free time will not begin on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday (as stated in Item 1), but at 7 a.m. on the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. e) When a trailer is both unloaded and reloaded, each transaction will be treated independently of the other, except that when unloading is completed, free time for loading will not begin until free time for unloading has elapsed. 2) TERMINATION OF SPOTTING AND NOTIFICATION: a) The consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them will notify the TSP when loading or unloading has been completed and the trailer is available for pickup. The trailer will be deemed to be spotted and detention charges will accrue until such time as the TSP receives notification. Notification by telephone if convenient and practical, otherwise by email, will be given by the consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them at their own expense, to the TSP or other party designated by the TSP for the purpose of advising such TSP or other party that the spotted trailer has been loaded or unloaded and is ready for pickup. If notification is by telephone, TSP may require written confirmation. b) When a spotted trailer is changed to a vehicle with power at the request of the consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them, the free time and detention charges will be applied as follows: i) If the change is requested and made before the expiration of free time for a spotted trailer, free time will cease immediately at the time the request is made, and detention charges for the vehicles with power will immediately commence with no further free time allowed. ii) If the change is requested and made after the expiration of free time for a spotted trailer, free time and detention charges will be computed on the basis of a spotted trailer up to the time the change was requested. In addition thereto, the vehicle will immediately be charged detention for a vehicle with power with no further free time allowed. 3) PREARRANGED SCHEDULING: a) Subject to the provisions of Item 81 PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING, and upon reasonable request of the consignor, consignee, or others designated by them, the TSP will, without additional charge, enter into a prearranged schedule for the arrival of trailers for spotting. b) If the TSP's vehicle arrives later than the scheduled time, time will begin to run from actual time spotting commences. c) If the TSP's vehicle arrives prior to scheduled time, time will begin to run from the scheduled time or actual time loading or unloading commences whichever is earlier. 4) GENERAL DETENTION CHARGES: After the expiration of free time as provided in paragraph 1) 4) of this Item, charges for detaining a trailer will be assessed as follows: a) CHARGES i) For each of the first and second 24-hour periods or fractions thereof (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted) $27.00 ii) For each of the third and fourth 24-hour periods or fraction thereof (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted) $37.00 iii) For the fifth and each succeeding 24-hour period or fraction thereof (Saturday, Sundays, and holidays included) $53.00 5) DELAY IN TRAILER PICKUP CHARGE: Additional charges will not be allowed for picking up trailers spotted under this Item when such pickup can be performed within 2 hours after arrival of the driver and power unit at the premises of the consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them. When a delay of more than 2 hours is encountered, detention charges for vehicles with power will commence from the time of arrival as specified in Item 77 DETENTION - VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS. 6) STRIKE INTERFERENCE CHARGE: When, because of a strike of its employees, it is impossible for the consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them to make available for shipment by the TSP any partially loaded, or empty trailers detained on their premises, a detention charge of $26.00 per day or fraction thereof, per trailer will be made following expiration of free time. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be included after the 4th day of charges. 7) Detention time shall be certified and paid by the activity where the detention occurs. ITEM 81 PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING (375) (Subject to Notes 1, 2, and 3) Upon reasonable request of the consignor, consignee or others designated by them and subject to the provisions contained in Item 35, TSPs will, without additional charge, prearrange schedules for arrival of vehicles, for loading or unloading shipments. Note 1: Request for prearranged scheduling may be oral or in writing. Note 2: Prearranged schedules for arrival of vehicle for loading or unloading may be on a one-time or continuous basis mutually agreeable to all parties. Continuous prearranged scheduling agreements may be terminated by any party to the agreement on not less than 24 hours notice prior to the effective date of such cancellation. Note 3:he scheduled time for arrival of vehicle for unloading should be prior to the scheduled, storage charges will be assessed as provided in Item 23 STORAGE. ITEM 83 DIVERSION - MOTOR TO AIR TRANSPORTATION (400) When any TSP receives instructions to divert a shipment at any point from motor to air transportation, the following provisions apply: (1) The shipment will be charged for on the basis of the combination of rates or charges applicable from the origin point to the diversion point and the air transportation charges from the diversion point to the destination point. (2) A charge of $21.08 per hour, or fraction thereof, per man, subject to a minimum charge of $31.75 will be made for all time and men required in unloading and reloading the line haul vehicle to accomplish such diversion. (3) A charge of $4.85 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $31.75 will be made for delivery service to the air transportation terminal. ITEM 85 HYDRAULIC LIFT GATE SERVICE (425) Where the TSP is required or requested to employ hydraulic lifting or lowering devices to accomplish pickup or delivery of the goods to or from TSP's equipment, an additional charge of $1.37 per 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms), subject to a minimum charge of $40.92 or a maximum charge of $102.10 will be assessed upon the actual weight of the shipment or shipments for which such service is rendered, at one time. The TSP is not obligated to perform such service when suitable equipment with such devices and operators are not available. Service will only be rendered at such locations as are safe and accessible to the equipment. ITEM 87 FORK-LIFT SERVICE (450) (Subject to Note 1) On shipments that require a fork-lift service and the consignor or the consignee does not furnish this service, the TSP will endeavor to arrange for such fork-lift service and will charge $31.18 per half hour or fraction thereof, for each fork-lift used. Such fork-lift service will be subject to a minimum charge of $44.56 per shipment. When fork-lift service is used on import or export traffic at wharves or docks, the provisions of this item will apply regardless of the weight or size of the articles. Note 1: Charges will be computed from the start of the actual use of fork-lift equipment in loading or unloading the shipment, as the case may be, and to run until the actual use of the fork-lift is terminated. ITEM 89 EXCLUSIVE USE AND CONTROL OF VEHICLE (475) (Subject to Notes 1 and 2) (1) Control of Vehicle: Except as provided in (2) EXCLUSIVE USE OF VEHICLE of this Item, a shipment will not be entitled to the exclusive use of the vehicle in which it is to be transported. The TSP has control of the vehicle or doubles trailer with the unrestricted right to: (a) Select the vehicle for the transportation of a shipment. (b) Transfer the shipment to another vehicle. (c) Load other freight on the same vehicle. (d) Remove locks and seals applied to the vehicle. (2) Exclusive Use of Vehicle: When the exclusive use of a vehicle is provided by the TSP at the request of consignor or consignee, the following provisions will apply: (a) Charges will apply to each vehicle used to transport the shipment. (b) The request must be given in writing and placed on the bill of lading and shipping order. (c) When the bill of lading contains a notation that prohibits the breaking of locks or seals or the co-loading of additional freight, such instructions will be considered as a written request for exclusive use service. (d) The vehicle will be devoted exclusively to the transportation of the shipment without the breaking of locks or seals, except as provided in paragraph (5) of this Item. (e) In the event a lock or seal has been removed from a vehicle, the TSP will immediately notify the consignee and consignor and re-lock or re-seal the vehicle and will notate the accompanying papers with the new lock or seal number and the reason for removal of the original lock or seal. (f) Where exclusive use of vehicle service is requested and provided, such service will be subject to a minimum charge for each vehicle used of either: (i) 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds) at the highest rate derived from the TSP's applicable tender; or (ii) Where charges are computed on the basis of cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) per vehicle used, by adding 30 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) to the individual distance tender rate (excludes a per vehicle minimum charge); or (iii) Where a TSP's individual tender is predicated on a charge or minimum charge per vehicle used, at the charge named t; or (iv) When a doubles trailer(s) is furnished by the TSP for loading a shipment, except as otherwise provided, the charge will be 60 percent of the applicable vehicle rate or charge as determined in paragraph 6 (a), (b), or (c) above of this Item, for the doubles trailer furnished (not subject to Item 47 DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED FOR LOADING ); or Two (2) doubles trailers will be considered as one vehicle, as defined in Item 1 , and the minimum charge as determined in paragraph 6 (a), (b), or (c) above of this Item, will apply to each set of (two [2]) doubles trailers furnished for loading the shipment; (v) When a shipper specifically requests the pickup TSP to furnish one (1) or more doubles trailers and the bill of lading is so annotated, the charge for that doubles trailer will be that as provided in paragraph 6 (a), (b), or (c) above of this Item. For the purposes of a shipper requested doubles trailer in this Item, the definition of a vehicle in Item 1, will not apply; or (vi) When the exclusive use of a vehicle has been requested and provided by a TSP, in accordance with the requirements of this section, the applicable charges must be paid to the TSP. (g) Charges are to be paid or guaranteed by the party requesting the service and the non-recourse stipulation on the bill of lading may not be executed. (This paragraph is not applicable on shipments moving on GBL's or commercial bills of lading converted to a GBL.) (h) When the request for exclusive use of vehicle is made by the consignor or consignee after shipment has been receipted for and is in possession of the TSP, the TSP will, if possible, intercept the shipment and convert it to exclusive use of vehicle service over as much of the route as possible. The party making the request must guarantee all charges for the requested service and confirm the request in writing. Such written verification will be preserved by the TSP and be considered as part of the bill of lading contract. Charges will be assessed as provided in paragraph (6) of this Item between the point of origin and point of destination. Note 1: The provisions of this Item will not apply in connection with Item 135 PICKUPS OR DELIVERIES - ADDITIONAL and Item 21 STOPOFFS - TO COMPLETE LOADING OR FOR PARTIAL UNLOADING. Note 2: Request for exclusive use does not entitle the consignor or consignee to require that only one doubles trailer be connected per power unit. ITEM 91 EXPEDITED SERVICE (480) The notation "TP" (TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY), "RDD" (REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE), "DDD" (DESIRED DELIVERY DATE) or any other similar notation placed on the bill of lading will not in itself be construed as a request for expedited service. These notations even when shown with a specific date, are for administrative purposes only and will not be considered a request for expedited service. (For applicability see Item 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) When requested by the consignor or consignee, TSPs will provide expedited service, subject to the following: Expedited service is the immediate dispatch of a shipment in continuous line haul service within legal parameters, to meet a particular delivery schedule of the consignor or consignee. The bill of lading must be annotated: "EXPEDITED SERVICE REQUESTED." The charge for expedited service will be 35 cents-per 1.6093 kilometers (cents per mile). When an extra driver is requested, additional charges under Item 159 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER SERVICE will apply. The minimum charge for EXPEDITED SERVICE provided in this Item will be $50.00. Additional charges under Item 159 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER SERVICE will apply. ITEM 93 EXPORT OR IMPORT SHIPMENT REQUIREMENTS AT THE U.S. - CANADIAN BORDER (500) (See Note 1) Shipments must be accompanied by all papers necessary to comply with the requirements of governmental authorities. Shipper must furnish all invoices, documentary evidence and declarations including duties, fees and other charges which may be imposed or assessed against the property transported. TSP will in no way be responsible for delays to the goods transported, nor for goods held by any government for any reason whatsoever. Where all necessary requirements of such authorities are not complied with, and, through no fault of the TSP, expenses are incurred for telephone, telegraph, storage, handling, transfer or other expenses incident to failure to comply with such requirements, such expenses may be advanced by the TSP, and will become a charge to the goods, and delivery will not be made until such charges are paid or guaranteed by shipper or consignee. When shipments must be held by the TSP pending compliance of customs regulations by the shipper or his representative, a charge will be made for the service required on the part of the TSP, as follows: UNLOADING, HANDLING, AND LOADING: 76 cents per 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms) with a minimum charge of $4.50 STORAGE: 57 cents per 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms) per day subject to a minimum charge of $3.04 per shipment per calendar day, but in no case less than $10.72 per shipment. Fractions of a day will be considered as one day. In computing storage charges, time will begin 48 hours after the first 5:00 p.m. on the day rejection of entry is received by the TSP from the customs broker. (See Note 1) Note 1: For the purpose of this rule, the customs broker will be deemed to be the agent of the shipper or the consignee. ITEM 95 EXTRA LABOR - LOADING OR UNLOADING (525) (See Notes 1 and 2) When requested by the consignor or consignee, extra labor will be furnished by the TSP for loading or unloading. At each location where extra labor is used, the charge for that extra labor will be as follows: DAYS-HOURSPER MAN PER HOUR OR FRACTION THEREOFMINIMUM CHARGE PER MANDuring normal business hours as defined in Item 1$34.07$34.07After normal business hours as defined in Item 1:$51.24$51.24Saturdays, Sundays and Legal holidays:$59.16$280.86 Time will be computed from the time the extra labor arrives at the place of pickup or delivery until loading or unloading is completed. This charge will be in addition to all other charges and will be assessed against the consignor (Subject to Note 1) if the extra labor is used for loading and against the consignee (Subject to Note 2) if the extra labor is used for unloading. Extra labor will not be furnished unless requested by consignor or consignee. TSP's records must be maintained and kept available at all times and they must note record of each vehicle containing shipments on which extra labor is used: Name and address of consignor and consignee at whose place of business freight is loaded or unloaded. Identification of the equipment tendered for loading or unloading. Number of extra men used and the number of hours which such men were used. The provisions of this Item do not obligate the TSP to furnish extra labor, if such labor is not available at the point of loading or unloading. Note 1: Consignor, as used in this Item, means the party from whom the TSP received the shipment, or any part thereof, for transportation at point of origin or any stop-off point, whether he be the original consignor, or warehouseman or connecting air, motor, rail, or water TSP with whom the TSP does not maintain joint through rates or other person to whom the bill of lading is issued. Note 2: Consignee, as used in this Item, means the party to whom the TSP is required, by the bill of lading or other instructions, to deliver the shipment or any part thereof, at destination or any stop-off points, whether he be the ultimate consignee or warehouseman or connecting air, motor, rail, or water TSP with whom the TSP does not maintain joint through rates or other person designated on the bill of lading. ITEM 97 HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE (550) When requested on the bill of lading, and TSP's operating conditions permit, the TSP may move shipments or portions of shipments from or to positions beyond the immediately adjacent loading or unloading positions defined in Item 127 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE. Service under this Item will be provided to floors above or below the level accessible to TSP's vehicle only when elevator or escalator service is available and labor, when necessary to operate same, is provided without cost to the TSP. Service provided under this Item will be assessed a charge of $2.93 per 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms), subject to a minimum charge of $23.90 per shipment and a maximum charge of $367.61 per shipment or $367.61 per vehicle, if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment. When shipments are accorded split pickup, split delivery or stopped in transit for partial loading or unloading, the minimum and maximum charges will apply to each stop separately wherever the service is performed. The charges provided in this Item will be in addition to all other lawful charges and unless the bill of lading is specifically endorsed to show prepayment of these charges, they will be collected from the party requesting such service, except such charges for shipment moving on GBLs or a commercial bill of lading to be converted to a GBL, will be collected from the U.S. Government. ITEM 99 IMPRACTICABLE OPERATIONS (575) Pickup or delivery service will not be performed by the TSP at any site from or to which it is impracticable to operate vehicles because of: The condition of roads, streets, driveways, alleys or approaches thereto. Inadequate loading or unloading facilities. Riots, acts of God, the public enemy, the authority of law, the existence of violence, or such possible disturbances as tending to create reasonable apprehension of danger or persons or property. ITEM 101 MARKING OR TAGGING FREIGHT - CHANGING MARKING OR TAGS (625) At the request of the shipper or consignee, a TSP will change or alter, according to instructions, the marking or tags on any packages or pieces of freight subject to a charge of $1.38 per package or piece of freight on which the marking or tag is changed or altered, subject to a minimum charge of $23.14 per shipment. All charges accruing under the provisions of this Item must be either paid by the party requesting the service or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the TSP before the service will be performed. Charges for shipment moving on GBLs or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL will be collected from the U.S. Government. ITEM 103 MAXIMUM CHARGES (650) 1. Except as otherwise provided, the charge for any shipment from and to the same points, via the same route will not be greater than the charge for a greater quantity of the same commodity in the same shipping form and subject to the same packing provisions at the rate and weight applicable to such greater quantity of freight. 2. Where the TSP's individual tender provides rates or charges based on cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) per vehicle used, charge per vehicle used or cents per 45.36 kilograms (cents per hundred weight [cwt.]) rates in the same or in separate individual tenders, charges will be the lowest that can be computed, either by use of the applicable cents per 45.36 kilograms (cents per hundred weight [cwt.]) rate at the actual weight or minimum weight or by use of the cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) per vehicle used rate, or the charge per vehicle used. ITEM 105 SINGLE SHIPMENT CHARGE (675) (1) A single shipment of less than 226.8 kilograms (500 pounds) picked up at one time and place unaccompanied by any other shipment of any description from the same pickup site will be subject to a charge of $8.50 per shipment in addition to all other lawfully applicable charges. The TSP's driver will write or stamp: "SINGLE SHIPMENT", "S/S", "SINGLE SHPT.", "SS", "ONLY SHIPMENT", or "ONE SHIPMENT", on all bill of lading copies when such shipments are tendered. (2) If a lower total charge results from rating the shipment as 226.8 kilograms (500 pounds), the provisions of paragraph (1), above, will not apply. ITEM 107 NOTIFICATION CHARGE (725) Except as otherwise provided, when the bill of lading is specifically annotated that the delivering TSP is to notify the consignee or any other party 24 hours or more prior to delivery by any means whatsoever, the charge for this service will be $10.00 dollars. Only one notification charge may be assessed on multiple shipments picked up on the same day from the same consignor, with the same bill of lading notification instructions, for delivery to the same consignee. ITEM 109 OVERDIMENSION FREIGHT (775) Shipments containing one or more articles which measure(s) in excess of 13.72 meters (45 feet) in length, 2.59 meters (8 feet 6 inches) in width, or 2.74 meters (9 feet) in height from the bed of the equipment, after loaded, will be subject to a minimum weight of 13,608 kilograms (30,000 pounds) per vehicle used. Distance for the determination of charges will be the shortest distance from origin to destination via the route over which the shipment is required to move. Any shipment containing an article as described above will be subject to the following additional charges: Article Size in Meters (Feet and Inches)On This DimensionisbutinininOverNot OverLengthWidthHeight (from trailer bed)MetersFeet and inchesMetersFeet and inchesCharge in Cents-Per-1.6093 Kilometers (Cents-Per-Mile) will be2.59(8'6")2.74(9'0")-15-2.74(9'0")3.05(10'0")-20203.05(10'0")3.35(11'0")-30303.35(11'0")3.66(12'0")-40403.66(12'0")and over-806013.72(45'0")14.63(48'0")10--14.63(48'0")16.67(55'0")20--16.67(55'0")and over40-- When the equipment contains more than one type of oversize cargo (overwidth, overheight, or overlength), the dimension providing the highest charge applicable thereto, will apply, subject to a minimum charge of $138.53 per vehicle. ITEM 111 OVERWEIGHT FREIGHT (776) Any shipment containing an article that weighs in excess of 20,865.6 kilograms (46,000 pounds) and requires overweight permits will be subject to an additional charge of 30 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile). ITEM 113 ESCORT/FLAGMAN/TELEPHONE SERVICE (New) 1. When the Government has a bona fide need for escorts/flagman/telephone service, and this service is requested or required by a shipper or regulatory agency, the applicable compensatory rates for escort vehicles/flagmen/telephone service will be: a. MES(1) $1.35 per mile per escort vehicle/flagman, subject to a minimum charge of MES(2) $150 per escort vehicle/flagman. Charges will apply only to the mileage where the service is used. b. When movement hours are restricted by a regulatory agency, TSP may include an overnight subsistence charge of MEN (1) $60.00 per night per flagman and/or escort vehicle driver. c. When an escort vehicle or flagman is furnished by the state, county, or municipality, the TSP will advance the required charges, in accordance with Advancing Charges, Item 9 in this publication. 2. When requested, TSP will furnish mobile telephone(s) or two-way radio(s) at a charge of MET (1) $5.50 for each vehicle equipped. This charge will not apply when telephones/radios are required as part of a TPS described in this publication. ITEM 115 EXTRA LIGHTS - OVERDIMENSIONAL LOADS (New) When a state regulatory agency requires that lights, flashing or not flashing, be placed on an overdimensional shipment, a charge of ELS(1) $5.75 per vehicle will apply ITEM 117 SPECIAL SERVICES (New) 1. Delays caused by the failure of the shipper to provide the following may be subject to Detention: Vehicle with Power Units, Item 77, in this section, without benefit of free time. a. Sufficient clearance for all overhead wires in areas necessary for passage of equipment; b. Removal of any physical obstructions, required for the passage of shipments; c. Shoring; d. Reinforcement of bridges, culverts, or roadways where necessary to provide for the safe passage of the load and equipment. 2. If TSP acts as an agent of the shipper or consignee performing any of the above actions in paragraph 1 of this item, TSP may submit an invoice for necessary charges. Currently, the only form of eBill accepted by VATLC is via email, otherwise; all carriers invoicing must be submitted via United States Postal Service (USPS) or small package carrier. ITEM 119 SURVEYING ROUTES (New) 1. When requested, TSP will furnish necessary vehicle(s) and employee(s) or agent(s) to perform survey service for the safety of the shipment at a charge of: a. SRS(1) $1.00 per mile per vehicle, subject to a minimum charge of SRS(2) $75.00 for each survey vehicle; and b. SRS(3) $.50 per mile per person, subject to a minimum charge of SRS(4) $50.00 for each person. 2. SRS mileage is based on one-way mileage of the route followed by the survey vehicle(s). ITEM 121 PACKAGING OR PACKING PROVISIONS (785) Shipments will be packaged or packed and labeled in accordance with the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), Tariff Surface Transportation Board (STB) National Motor Freight (NMF) 100 and Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC) Tariff 1-G, STB STCC 6001-C as shown in Section 1.3 Publications Included by Reference of this rules tariff. All packaging or packing for hazardous materials will be in compliance with the hazardous materials regulations contained in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, (49 CFR). ITEM 123 PAYMENT OF CHARGES (800) All rates, charges, or other amounts are stated as U.S. currency and all rates, charges, or other amounts are payable in lawful money of the United States. ITEM 125 PERMITS, SPECIAL (825) Except as otherwise provided in this tender, the published rates or charges do not include tolls, fees, or charges levied by the Highway Department of States, cities or municipalities for special permits, flagman, bridge, ferry, highway, tunnel, escort service or other public charge of a like nature required because of a shipment of hazardous materials or because of the unusual size, shape or weight of a shipment. All such charges will be in addition to all other applicable charges plus a service charge of $18.00 per permit for the securing of the special permits. ITEM 127 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE (850) (1) PLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT FOR LOADING: At the request of the consignor, the TSP will furnish and place equipment at the loading site designated by the consignor to pick up a shipment, there, tendered for transportation. (2) PLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT FOR UNLOADING: The delivery of a shipment by the TSP to the place of delivery specified on the bill of lading will include the placing of equipment at the delivery site designated by the consignee. (3) LOADING BY TSP: Freight tendered for loading will be so situated by the consignor as to be directly accessible to the equipment or it will be immediately adjacent to a parking space suitable for TSP to place its equipment for loading (See Note 1). Loading includes stowing and counting of the freight in or on the TSP's equipment. (See ITEM 97 HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE.) The TSP will furnish only one person per equipment for loading, be that person the driver, helper or any other TSP employee or its designated agent except as provided in ITEM 95 EXTRA LABOR - LOADING OR UNLOADING. (4) UNLOADING BY TSP: Freight will be unloaded at the delivery site immediately adjacent to the delivery equipment (See Note 1). Unloading includes the counting and removal of the freight from the TSP's equipment. (See ITEM 97 HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE.) The TSP will furnish only one person per equipment for unloading, be he the driver, helper, or any other TSP employee or its designated agent except as provided in ITEM 95 EXTRA LABOR - LOADING OR UNLOADING. (5) RESTRICTIONS ON LOADING OR UNLOADING BY TSP: (Subject to Note 2.) Loading or unloading service does not include assembling, packing, unpacking, dismantling, inspecting, sorting or segregating freight EXCEPT as provided in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) below: (a) When a shipment is tendered to the TSP in lots according to size brand, flavor or other characteristics and is so identified on the bill of lading or accompanying papers, normal delivery service includes delivery of the shipment to the consignee in the same manner, including the placement of such sorted or segregated lots on the platform, dock, conveyor, pallet, dolly, buggy, or similar device provided by the consignee for the receipt of freight within or adjacent to the equipment without additional charge to the extent such service is performed within the free time period allowed by the applicable detention provisions. If delivery is not completed within the allowable free time, TSP will continue to unload the vehicle subject to the following detention charges. A charge of 24 cents per package or 40 cents per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), whichever is greater, will be assessed for sorting or segregating by marks, brands, sizes, flavors or other distinguishing characteristics EXCEPT as provided in paragraph (b). Such charges will be assessed against the person requesting or requiring this service and are in addition to applicable detention charges. (b) No sorting or segregating charge will be made when the only service performed is a count necessary to determine the extent and identity of shortages or overages as may have been ascertained by TSP's employee. (c) Loading or unloading service does not include furnishing by the TSP of rigging or special loading or unloading equipment such as platform carts (other than two-wheeled hand trucks), winches, cranes, jacks, blocks or falls, chain falls or other special equipment used in hoisting, lowering, or placing freight in position. When such equipment is used in loading or unloading, the consignor or the consignee, as the case may be, will furnish same and the necessary labor to operate such equipment at its expense and will also assume responsibility for safe loading or unloading, except TSP's employee may use hand trucks or four-wheeled hand carts and hand or electrically operated pallet jacks (non-riding type) when furnished by the consignor or consignee. (6) LOADING BY CONSIGNOR OR UNLOADING BY CONSIGNEE: The consignor or consignee may elect to waive the loading or unloading of freight by the TSP as provided in this ITEM by performing at his own expense the loading or unloading of the shipment on or from the TSP's equipment. (7) MORE THAN ONE LOADING OR UNLOADING SITE OR RELOCATION OF EQUIPMENT: Upon request of the consignor or consignee, pickup or delivery service as defined in this ITEM may be performed at more than one loading or unloading site within the continuous plant property or premises of the consignor or consignee requesting this service. A equipment transfer charge of $17.20 will be assessed for each transfer of the equipment from one loading or unloading site to another. (8) HEAVY OR BULKY FREIGHT-LOADING OR UNLOADING: (Subject to Note 3.) When freight (per package or piece) in a single container, or secured to pallets, platforms or lift truck skids, or in any other authorized form of shipment: (a) Weighs 49.90 kilograms (110 pounds) or less: The TSP will perform the loading or unloading. (b) Weighs more than 49.90 kilograms (110 pounds), but less than 226.8 kilograms (500 pounds): (1) The TSP will perform the loading or unloading when the consignor or consignee provides a dock, platform or ramp directly accessible to the TSP's equipment. Not applicable when the freight exceeds 2.44 meters (8 feet) in its greatest dimension or exceeds 1.22 meters (4 feet) in each of its greatest and intermediate dimensions (see paragraph (b) (2) and (d)). Where the consignor or consignee does not provide a dock, platform or ramp, the truck driver, on request, will assist the consignor or consignee in loading or unloading. (2) The TSP will perform the loading or unloading where the consignor or consignee provides a dock, platform or ramp directly accessible to the TSP's equipment if such freight: (1) exceeds 2.44 meters (8 feet) but does not exceed 6.71 meters (22 feet) in its greatest dimension and does not exceed 60.96 centimeters (2 feet) in its intermediate dimension; or (2) if it does not exceed 3.05 meters (10 feet) in its greatest dimension and does not exceed 1.52 meters (5 feet) in its intermediate dimension and does not exceed 30.48 centimeters (1 foot) in its least dimension. Where the consignor or consignee does not provide a dock, platform or ramp, the truck driver, on request, will assist the consignor or consignee in loading or unloading. (c) Weighs 226.8 kilograms (500 pounds) or more: The consignor will perform the loading and the consignee will perform the unloading. On request of consignor or consignee, the truck driver will assist the consignor or the consignee in loading or unloading. (d) Exceeds 2.44 meters (8 feet) in its greatest dimension or exceeds 1.22 meters (4 feet) in each its greatest or intermediate dimension: The consignor will perform the loading and the consignee will perform the unloading. On request of consignor or consignee, the truck driver will assist the consignor or the consignee in loading or unloading. The provisions of this paragraph will not apply to the extent provisions are published in paragraph (b)(2) of this ITEM. (9) DELIVERY AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES: (Subject to Note 4) (a) Before attempting delivery to private residences, the TSP must reach agreement with the consignee or consignor regarding the date and time (approximate) of such delivery. This arrangement for delivery may be accomplished through a notation by the consignor on the bill of lading, or by oral or written arrangement between the TSP and the consignee. In any case, some mutually agreed upon arrangement for delivery must be made before tender of delivery is initially attempted. (b) If the TSP complies with the conditions described in paragraph (a) above, and, through the fault of the consignee, the TSP is unable to tender delivery as scheduled; a charge of $6.80 to cover the service described in paragraph (a) above, for the additional costs of re-notification and arrangement for redelivery will be assessed. The requirements of paragraph (a), above, regarding prior arrangements for tender of delivery are similarly applicable when redelivery is necessary. (c) Charges provided in paragraph (b), above, if accrued, will be in addition to all other lawful charges. Unless the bill of lading is specifically endorsed to show prepayment of these charges, they will be collected from the consignee, except charges on shipments moving on GBLs or commercial bills of lading converted to GBLs will be collected from the U.S. Government. Note 1: Freight will be deemed to be immediately adjacent to a space suitable for TSP to place its equipment for loading or unloading if separated only by an intervening public sidewalk. If a parking space suitable for the TSP to place its equipment for loading or unloading is occupied or city ordinance prevents it use, the nearest available parking space may be used. When two or more shipments are placed by the shipper as close as practicable to a parking space suitable for TSP to place its equipment for loading, all such shipments will be considered as immediately adjacent thereto even though the shipment or shipments that were closest to such parking space were picked up first by the same or different motor TSP. When the shipper assigns to two or more TSPs designated spaces in the shipping room or loading platform where outgoing freight will be placed by the shipper for pickup by the designated TSPs and all of such assigned spaces are as close as practicable to a parking space suitable for the TSP to place its equipment for loading, all such assigned and designated spaces will be considered immediately adjacent to such parking space. Note 2: The provisions of paragraph (5) of this ITEM will not allow for the opening of packages or unitized shipments, including shrink wrapped or banded freight on pallets or skids. Note 3: Loading by definition in paragraph (8) of this ITEM includes stowing and counting of the freight in or on the TSP's equipment. Unloading by definition in paragraph (8) of this ITEM includes the counting and removing of freight from the position in which it is transported in or on the TSP's equipment. Note 4: The term "PRIVATE RESIDENCES", also includes apartments, churches, schools, camps and other such locations not generally recognized as commercial locations and will apply to the entire premises, except will not apply to that portion of the premises where commercial or business activity is conducted that involves the sale of services, products or merchandise to the walk-in public during normal business hours. Note 5: For other than normal business hours pickup or delivery service, see ITEM 131 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS and ITEM 133 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - SATURDAY OR AFTER 5 P.M. ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS. ITEM 129 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES (855) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) below of this ITEM, shipments picked up at or delivered to private residences (See Note 1) or camps (other than Military) will be assessed a charge of $2.94 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $23.48 per shipment and a maximum charge of $129.15 per shipment or $129.15 per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment (Subject to Note 2). (2) Shipments consisting wholly or in part of new or used household goods as defined in 49 CFR part 375 picked up at or delivered to private residences (See Note 1) or camps (other than Military) will be assessed a charge of $2.94 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge per shipment as follows: WEIGHT OF SHIPMENT In Kilograms (Pounds)MINIMUM CHARGE (PerShipment)Less than 22.68 kilograms (50 pounds)$29.3522.68 kilograms (50 pounds) through 44.91 kilograms (99 pounds)$39.9245.36 kilograms (100 pounds) through 90.27 kilograms (199 pounds)$45.7990.72 kilograms (200 pounds) through 135.63 kilograms (299 pounds)$52.84136.08 kilograms (300 pounds) through 180.99 kilograms (399 pounds)$57.54181.44 kilograms (400 pounds through 226.35 kilograms (499 pounds)$62.22226.8 kilograms (500 pounds) and over$66.92 (3) Service under this ITEM will be provided to floors above or below the level accessible to TSP's vehicle only when elevator or escalator service is available, and labor when necessary to operate same is provided without cost to the TSP. (4) The charges provided in this ITEM apply separately for pickup and separately for delivery and are in addition to all other lawful charges. Unless the bill of lading is specifically endorsed to show prepayment of these charges they will be collected from the party whose location requires such service, except such charges for shipments moving on GBLs or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL will be collected from the U.S. Government. Note 1: The term "PRIVATE RESIDENCE", will apply to the entire premises on which a dwelling for living is located, except will not apply to the portion of the premises where commercial or business activity is conducted that involves the sale of merchandise or services to the walk-in public during normal business hours. Note 2: If more than one shipment is picked up at one time and place at a private residence or camp (other than Military), the minimum and maximum charges published in this ITEM will apply per pickup rather than per shipment as presently indicated. ITEM 131 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (860) (1) When consignor or consignee requests TSP to pickup or deliver freight on Sundays or holidays, such service will be subject to a charge of $39.64 per man hour, or fraction thereof, subject to a minimum charge $237.84 per man per day. Such charge will be in addition to all other applicable charges. (2) Time will be computed upon notification by the driver to the responsible representative of the consignor or consignee that the vehicle or vehicles are available for loading or unloading at premises of consignor or consignee and will end upon completion of loading or unloading and receipt by driver of signed bill of lading or receipt for delivery. (3) Consignor or consignee may request TSP to place or pickup an empty vehicle(s) (vehicles without power units) on Sundays or holidays even though the actual pickup or delivery of freight may occur on a day other than Sunday or holidays. The charge for this service will be $150.00 per vehicle subject to a maximum of $397.12 per man day or fraction thereof. (4) The provisions of this ITEM will not be construed as obligating the TSP to furnish pickup or delivery service on Sundays or holidays. (5) Charges must be either paid by the party requesting the service or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the TSP before pickup or delivery will be made. Shipments moving on GBLs or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL will be collected from the U.S. Government. ITEM 133 PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE - SATURDAY OR AFTER 5 P.M. ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS (865) (See Notes 1 through 4) When consignor or consignee requests a TSP to pickup or deliver freight on Saturdays or after 5 p.m. on normal business days, such service (See Notes 1 and 4) will be subject to a minimum charge of $39.64 per man per hour, or fraction thereof, subject to a minimum charge $158.56 per man per day (See Notes 2 and 3). Such charge will be in addition to all other applicable charges. Note 1: The provisions of this ITEM will not be construed as obligating the TSP to furnish pickup or delivery service on Saturdays or after 5 p.m. on normal business days. Note 2: Time will be computed upon notification by the driver to the responsible representative of the consignor or consignee that the equipment is available for loading or unloading at premises of consignor or consignee and will end upon completion of loading or unloading and receipt by driver of signed bill of lading or receipt for delivery, as the case may be. Note 3: Charges must be either paid by the party requesting the service or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the TSP before pickup or delivery will be made. Charges for shipments moving on GBLs or commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL will be collected from the U.S. Government. Note 4: The charges in the item will not be applicable when loading or unloading of TSP equipment after 5 p.m. on normal business days: 1. Is not specifically requested after 5 p.m.; or 2. The service starts before and extends beyond 5 p.m. ITEM 135 PICKUPS OR DELIVERIES ADDITIONAL (870) (See Notes 1 and 2) DELIVERIES (SPLIT DELIVERIES): Except as otherwise provided in this tender, and subject to Note 1 below, on shipments weighing not less than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) (or on which charges for a weight of not less than 4,536 kilograms [10,000 pounds] are assessed or on which charges are computed at a rate of cents-per-1.6093 kilometers [cents-per-mile] per vehicle used or charge per vehicle used), moving from one consignor, on one bill of lading, and on which charges are based on the through rate from the point of origin to the point of destination, one or more extra deliveries will be made at any point the shipment is stopped under the stop in transit provisions, or at final destination, and an additional charge of $75.00 will be made for each such extra delivery. PICKUPS (SPLIT PICKUPS): Except as otherwise provided in this tender, and subject to Note 2 below, on shipments weighing not less than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) (or on which charges for a weight of not less than 4,536 kilograms [10,000 pounds] are assessed or on which charges are computed at a rate of cents-per-1.6093 kilometers [cents-per-mile] per vehicle used or charge per vehicle used), moving on one bill of lading to one consignee, and on which charges are based on the through rate from the point of origin to the point of destination, one or more extra pickups will be made at origin or destination, and an additional charge of $75.00 will be made for such pickup. Note 1: The bill of lading will designate the parties and points at which extra deliveries are to be made and the designation of the articles to be delivered to each. Note 2: The bill of lading will designate the point or points at which the extra pickups are to be made and the designation of the articles to be picked up at each. ITEM 137 PROPERTY OF UNUSUAL VALUE OR UNSAFE TO TRANSPORT (885) TSPs are not required to accept articles of unusual value or freight that is unsafe to transport that may cause damage to other goods or to their equipment without adequate consideration or compensation. ITEM 139 PROTECTIVE SERVICE (900) Except as otherwise specifically provided in connection with individual rates or charges, commodities which, due to their perishable nature, require protection from heat or cold will be accepted and accorded such protection at the rates or charges provided in this tender or in tenders made subject to this tender and without additional charges for such protection, subject to suitable equipment being available. (For applicability see Item 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) ITEM 141 SEALING OF EQUIPMENT (1000) Except as otherwise specifically provided, shippers and receivers of freight will not be accorded the exclusive use of TSP's equipment. TSPs may, at their option and convenience, load and transport the freight of various shippers and receivers in the same equipment. And, except as provided in ITEM 89 EXCLUSIVE USE AND CONTROL OF VEHICLE and ITEM 143 SEALED CLOSED VAN SERVICE, TSPs, at their option and convenience, for the purposes of so loading, co-mingling and transporting the shipments of various shippers and receivers in the same equipment, may remove the seals or locks from their equipment which have been applied by shippers, receivers, or owners of the property transported or to be transported. ITEM 143 SEALED CLOSED VAN SERVICE (1005) A. All equipment requested under this ITEM will be Sealed Closed Vans, as defined in ITEM 1 (APPENDIX A) DEFINITION OF TERMS. The seals on the equipment are not to be broken. B. The shipper will load the TSPs equipment and provide a piece count. When this occurs, the TSP is released from liability for shortages. C. The bill of lading must be annotated: "ITEM 143, SEALED CLOSED VAN SERVICE REQUESTED. THE PROVISIONS AND CHARGES CONTAINED IN ITEM 89 EXCLUSIVE USE OF VEHICLE, WILL NOT APPLY." D. When the bill of lading is annotated, as provided in paragraph C above, the transportation charges will be subject to the following Truckload (TL) rates or charges: 1. Where the TSP's individual tender is predicated on a cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) per vehicle using a distance scale or matrix format at the rate or minimum charge named t; or 2. Where the TSP's individual tender Less Than Truckload (LTL) rates are predicated upon the VA Baseline Rate Publication No. 1000-D, shipments will be rated with a minimum weight of 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds), at the highest applicable Less Than Truckload (LTL) rate. 3. Where the TSP's individual tender Truckload (TL) rates are predicated upon the VA Baseline Rate Publication No. 1000-D and the shipment weight loaded into the van is less than 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds), the shipment will be rated as 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds) at the applicable 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds) rate; or 4. Where the TSP's individual tender Truckload (TL) rates are predicated upon the VA Baseline Rate Publication No. 1000-D and the shipment weight loaded into the van is more than 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds), the rate applicable to the shipment weight will apply. E. The provisions and charges contained in ITEM 89 EXCLUSIVE USE AND CONTROL OF VEHICLE, will not apply. F. If the equipment arrives at the destination with the same seals which were applied on the equipment at origin not intact, the following will apply: 1. Restoration of TSP liability for shortages will be applicable; and 2. The transportation charges for the shipment weight loaded into the van will be subject to (a) or (b) below, whichever results in the lowest total charge: (a) The applicable Truckload (TL) rate or charge determined in paragraph D above; or (b) The applicable Less Than Truckload (LTL) rate, determined as follows: (1) The TSP's individual tender Less Than Truckload (LTL) rate; or (2) If the TSP's individual tender does not provide for Less Than Truckload (LTL) rates, the rate will be 100% of the applicable Less Than Truckload (LTL) rate in the VA Baseline Rate Publication No. 1000-D. ITEM 145 SORTING OR SEGREGATING SERVICE AND CHARGES (1010) A. For the purposes of this ITEM, the services of sorting or segregating are defined as practices which require all articles in a shipment(s) tendered by the consignor to the TSP for a specific route, be presented or loaded without regard to shipment integrity. (For applicability see ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) B. TSP will sort or segregate for each consignee before offering for delivery. C. When sorting or segregating service is required or requested by the consignor, it will be so noted on the Government Bill of Lading: "ITEM 145, SORTING OR SEGREGATING REQUIRED." D. When sorting or segregating service is required and performed by the TSP, the TSP will be paid a charge of 60 cents per 45.36 kilograms (cents per hundredweight) for all shipment weight subject to a minimum charge of $5.00 with a maximum charge of $180.00 per shipment. ITEM 147 SERVICES - SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD SERVICE (1025 revised) TSP will provide Signature and Tally Record Service (STR) upon request of the consignor, subject to the following definition, requirements and charges: 1. DEFINITIONS: Signature and Tally Record Service (STR) is a service designed to provide continuous responsibility for the custody of shipments in transit. It requires a signature and tally record from each person responsible for the proper handling of the shipment at specified stages of its transit from origin to destination. (For applicability see ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) 2. REQUIREMENTS: A. The shipper or his agent must place and sign the following annotation on the bill of lading: "SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD REQUESTED FORM FURNISHED TO TSP. DATE SIGNATURE TITLE " B. The Signature and Tally Record, is provided by the shipper, will be used as follows: (1) When STR is requested by the shipper and the signature and tally record is furnished, TSP or his agent will require each person responsible for the shipment, such as the terminal manager, pickup, delivery and road drivers, and dock foreman, to personally sign the signature and tally record and will secure signature in the space provided on the form from the consignee or his agent upon delivery. (2) Driver(s) are required to sign the Signature and Tally Record when they assume initial responsibility for the shipment. (3) In terminal areas, the equipment containing the STR shipment must be under the control of the last person signing the Signature and Tally Record. (4) When STR is used with Dual Driver Protective Service (DDPS), Armed Guard Surveillance (AG), and Protective Security Service (PSS), both drivers are required to sign when they assume responsibility for the shipment. C. Tracing: TSP must be able to trace a shipment in less than 24 hours upon request. 3. CHARGES: In addition to all rates and charges for transportation, shipments on which STR is provided at shipper's request will be subject to a charge of $28.22 per shipment. 4. A separate charge for signature tally record service will not be billed when a higher protective security service is charged, which includes the requirement of a signature tally record. ITEM 149 SUBSTITUTED SERVICE - RAIL FOR MOTOR (1125) Unless the shipper directs that the rail TSP service will not be performed, the motor TSP may, at its option, substitute rail service for their actual services via highways for which such motor TSPs have lawful operating rights as common TSPs via motor vehicle. If a TSP substitute rail for motor service, the motor TSP will be responsible for any and all expenses included by using the substituted service as well as preparing or loading the trailer for flat car service. ITEM 151 TRANSFER OF LADING (1175) (1) For shipments weighing 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or more that cannot be picked up with the vehicle to be used in transporting the shipment over the highway, and the TSP is required to render pickup service with a different vehicle, such shipments will be subject to the charges in paragraph (4) below in addition to all other applicable charges. These charges will be collected from the consignor. If the shipment moved on a GBL or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL, charges will be collected from the U.S. Government. (2) When shipments weighing 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or more cannot be delivered with the vehicle used in transporting the shipment over the highway, the TSP will notify the consignee of this fact in the manner provided in ITEM 59 ARRIVAL NOTICE AND UNDELIVERED FREIGHT. If the consignee requests the TSP to render delivery service with a different vehicle, such shipments will be subject to the charges in paragraph (4) below, in addition to redelivery charges when performed, and all other applicable charges. Unless the bill of lading is specifically endorsed to show prepayment of these charges, they will be collected from the consignee. If the shipment moved on a GBL or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL, charges will be collected from the U.S. Government. (3) When consignor or consignee requests that shipments weighing 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or more be picked up or delivered on a vehicle other than the vehicle used in transporting the shipment over the highway, the charges in paragraph (4) below will apply. Unless the bill of lading is specifically endorsed to show prepayment of these charges, they will be collected from the party requesting the service. If the shipment moved on a GBL or a commercial bill of lading converted to a GBL, charges will be collected from the U.S. Government. (4) The charge for the weight of the lading will be $1.32 per 45.36 kilograms (per 100 pounds), subject to a minimum charge of $185.27 per vehicle for each transfer. ITEM 153 VEHICLE OR SHIPPER-REQUESTED DOUBLES TRAILER FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (1225) (1) When the TSP, upon shipper's request, furnishes a vehicle or shipper-requested doubles trailer for loading of a shipment and through no fault of its own the shipper cancels the ordered vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer, the charge for each vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer ordered and subsequently canceled will be: (a) On shipments weighing less than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds): (i) A charge of $50.00. (b) On shipments weighing 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or more and shipments, regardless of weight, that occupy the full visible capacity of one vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer: (i) A charge of 100 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) for each vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer furnished and not used will be assessed from point of dispatch or the TSPs nearest terminal, whichever is closer, to the scheduled loading point, subject to a minimum charge of $75.00 and a maximum charge of $250.00 per vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer not used. If the mileage charge produces the larger charge, the TSP will identify the location from which the vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer was dispatched. (2) These charges will not apply when a vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer is rejected by the shipper under ITEM 35 or when notice of cancellation is received by the TSP prior to actual dispatch of the vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer from the point of dispatch or the TSPs nearest terminal, whichever is closer. (3) When the TSP submits a claim for collection of charges under this ITEM the claim will be supported by a written statement from the ordering activity certifying that the vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer was ordered and not used. (4) When the pickup TSP is inbound with a loaded vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer, which is scheduled for outbound loading from the same location, and the shipper cancels the loading of the vehicle or shipper requested doubles trailer, no charge will be assessed under this ITEM. III. TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES ITEM 155 SERVICES - CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE SERVICE (1030) (See Note 1) Constant Surveillance Service (CSS) will be provided by the TSP upon request of the shipper, subject to the following definition, requirements and charges: 1. DEFINITION AND REQUIREMENTS. CSS IS A SERVICE THAT PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING: A. Continuous responsibility for constant surveillance and custody of shipments in transit. Such attendance and surveillance will prevent all inspections (except those performed by Governmental enforcement agencies in their line of duty), tampering, pilfering, or sabotage, including, insofar as humanly possible, all manner of unusual circumstances, such as wreck, delay, flood, or violent disturbance. (For applicability see ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) B. For the purposes of CSS, unless otherwise stated, when not being driven, equipment must be attended at all times by a qualified representative of the TSP. Equipment is "attended" when the person responsible for the shipment is in the equipment, awake, not in a sleeper berth or is within 30.48 meters (100 feet) of the equipment and has the equipment within constant and unobstructed view. A qualified representative is a person employed by the TSP or the terminal involved in handling of shipments and who is designated by the TSP/terminal to attend the equipment, and who is aware of the sensitivity of material moving under CSS, and who is knowledgeable of the safety, security and emergency procedures that must be followed, and is authorized and has the means and capability to move the equipment. C. For brief stops en route, the TSP will ensure that the equipment or shipment is attended. D. When circumstances require lengthy stops en route, TSPs will ensure that the equipment is parked only at a TSP terminal, a state or local approved safe haven as defined in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR). When equipment is parked in a TSP terminal or at an approved state or local safe haven, a qualified TSP or terminal representative must keep the shipment in full view and stay within 30.48 meters (100 feet) of the equipment or shipment at all times, or the shipment must be secured in an adequately lighted area that is surrounded by at least a 1.83 meters (6 foot) chain link fence and is continuously patrolled by a representative of the TSP or terminal and is under the general observation of a qualified TSP or terminal representative at all times. As an alternative, a shipment may be placed in a security cage. (See Note 1) E. The trailer or conveyance containing the material upon which CSS is requested must always be connected with a power unit (tractor) during shipment except when stopped at an activity for loading or unloading; at a TSP terminal for servicing; at a TSP-designated point where the driver maintains continuous surveillance over the shipment while disconnected; at a state or local safe haven location which meets the terminal security standards of paragraph 1(D); or, in emergencies, at a safe haven or refuge location. F. The TSP must be able to trace a shipment in less than 24 hours. G. The TSP or his agent will notify the consignee by telephone if shipment cannot reach consignee within 24 hours of the agreed upon desired delivery date. H. Driver ID requirements. The TSP must insure drivers employed to handle sensitive shipments requiring CSS carry a valid driver's license and a medical qualification card, employee record card or similar documents, one of which must contain the driver's photograph. From the documents provided, shippers must be able to verify the driver's affiliation with the origin TSP named on the bill of lading. I. Single line haul preferred. J. No trip lease. K. The maintenance of a Signature and Tally Record by the TSP is an integral part of CSS. Both the shipper and the TSP will comply with the requirements of SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD SERVICE on all shipments for which CSS is requested and provided. L. The driver(s) moving shipments on which CSS is requested, will be instructed by the TSP on how to obtain safe haven/refuge, state and local law enforcement assistance, and actions to take to comply with the requirements listed in paragraph 1 A through 1 K above. M. The tractor moving a CSS shipment must be equipped with a working mobile communications unit, such as a citizens band (CB) radio unit or a mobile telephone unit, capable of contacting state/local law enforcement personnel for the purpose of seeking assistance, and both drivers must be capable of using the unit to make the contact. 2. ANNOTATION: When CSS is required for a shipment, the shipper will notify the TSP in advance of the requirement, and annotate on the bill of lading: "CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE SERVICE REQUESTED. SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD FURNISHED TO TSP." 3. CHARGES: In addition to all rates and charges for transportation, shipments for which CSS is provided by the TSP at shipper's request will be subject to a charge of 35 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) which includes constant and specific surveillance, and the maintenance of a signature and tally record. On shipments moving in excess of 804.65 kilometers (500 miles), an additional charge of 05 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile) for each 804.65 kilometers (500 mile) increment will apply, except when the shipper requests an extra driver under ITEM 159 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER SERVICE. 4. BASIS FOR DETERMINING APPLICABLE DISTANCE: Unless otherwise specifically authorized or such as provided for in ITEM 69 CIRCUITOUS ROUTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SHIPMENTS, the applicable distance will be predicated on the shortest route distance determined by the ALK Technologies PC*Miler. NOTE 1: SECURITY CAGE STANDARDS: GENERAL: Security cages will be fabricated from commercial steel grating panels. Walls, doors, floors and ceiling must provide protection equivalent to the steel grating to preclude forced entry. Doors must have approved padlocks (equivalent to American 200 series) and hasp systems and connecting hardware must be welded or otherwise secured to deter unauthorized entry. WALLS: Constructed of structural steel angle and expanded steel grating. Building walls also may be used which provide equivalent security to form side(s). (Examples: Double-course reinforced or filled concrete block.) FLOORS: Made of asphalt or reinforced concrete or wood if reinforced with steel floor plating. CEILING: Same material as wall or floor. Minimum height - 2.44 meters (8 feet). Frame - metal Hinges - Welded hinge pins. Locks - security locks and hasps equivalent to American 200 series. CONNECTING DEVICES: Welded, peened, or otherwise installed so as to deter unauthorized entry. WINDOWS/OPENINGS: Expanded steel grating, anchored in the metal frame, secured in same manner as door. ALTERNATIVE: As an alternative to a security cage, a cargo container, dromedary, or similar heavy container which is sealed and locked with an approved lock (equivalent to American 200 series) may be used in buildings which are locked, guarded, or alarmed. In lieu of locking the containers, they may be placed with doors against each other or against a substantive building wall. ITEM 157 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE (1035) (See Note 1 to Item 155 above) Dual Driver Protective Service (DDPS) will be provided by the TSP upon request of the shipper, subject to the following definition, requirements and charges: 1. DEFINITION AND REQUIREMENTS. DDPS IS A SERVICE THAT PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING: A. Continuous responsibility, attendance and surveillance of shipment through the use of two (dual) qualified drivers and includes the maintenance of a Signature and Tally Record. Such attendance and surveillance will prevent all inspections (except those performed by governmental enforcement agencies in their line of duty), tampering, pilfering, or sabotage, including, insofar as humanly possible, all manner of unusual circumstances, such as wreck, delay, flood, or violent disturbances. (For applicability see ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) B. For the purposes of DDPS, unless otherwise stated, when not being driven, equipment must be attended at all times by a qualified representative of the TSP. Equipment is "attended" when the person responsible for the shipment is in the equipment, awake, not in a sleeper berth or is within 3.05 meters (10 feet) of the equipment and has the equipment within constant and unobstructed view. A qualified representative is a person employed by the TSP or the terminal involved in handling of shipments and who is designated by the TSP/terminal to attend the equipment, and who is aware of the sensitivity of material moving under DDPS, and who is knowledgeable of the safety, security and emergency procedures that must be followed, and is authorized and has the means and capability to move the equipment. C. For brief stops en route, the TSP will ensure that the equipment or shipment is attended. D. When circumstances require lengthy stops en route, TSPs will ensure that the equipment is parked only at a TSP terminal, a state or local approved safe haven as defined in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, (49 CFR). When equipment is parked in a TSP terminal or at an approved state or local safe haven, a qualified TSP or terminal representative must keep the shipment in view and stay within 3.05 meters (10 feet) of the equipment or shipment at all times, or the shipment must be secured in an adequately lighted area that is surrounded by a least a 1.83 meters (6 foot) chain link fence and is continuously patrolled by a representative of the TSP or terminal and is under the general observation of a qualified TSP or terminal representative at all times. As an alternative, a shipment may be placed in a security cage. (See Note 1 in Item 145 above) E. The maintenance of a Signature and Tally Record by the TSP is an integral part of DDPS. Both the shipper and the TSP will comply with the requirements of SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD SERVICE on all shipments for which DDPS is requested and provided. (NOTE: Both drivers are required to sign the Signature and Tally Record when they assume initial responsibility for the shipment.) F. Single line haul. G. No trip lease authorized. H. The equipment conveying the shipment upon which DDPS is requested must remain connected with the power unit (tractor) during shipment except when stopped at a activity/contractor for loading or unloading; at a TSP terminal for servicing; at a TSP-designated point where the driver(s) maintain continuous attendance and surveillance over the shipment while disconnected; at a state or local safe haven location which meets the terminal security standards of paragraph D of this ITEM; or, in emergencies, at a safe haven or refuge location. I. Driver ID requirements. The TSP must insure drivers employed to handle sensitive shipments requiring DDPS carry a valid driver's license and a medical qualification card, employee record card or similar documents, one of which must contain the driver's photograph. From the documents provided, shippers must be able to verify the driver's affiliation with the TSP named on the bill of lading. J. The tractor moving a DDPS shipment must be equipped with a working mobile communications unit, such as a citizens band (CB) radio or a mobile telephone unit, capable of contacting state/local law enforcement personnel for the purpose of seeking assistance, and both drivers must be capable of using the unit to make the contact. K. The TSP must be able to trace a shipment in less than 24 hours. L. The TSP or his agent will notify the consignee by telephone if shipment cannot reach consignee within 24 hours of the agreed upon desired delivery date. M. The drivers moving shipments on which DDPS is requested, will be instructed by the TSP on how to obtain safe haven/refuge, state and local law enforcement assistance, and actions to take to comply with the requirements listed in paragraphs 1 A through 1 L above. 2. ANNOTATION: When DDPS is required for a shipment, the shipper will notify the TSP in advance of the requirement, and annotate on the bill of lading: "DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE REQUESTED. SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD FURNISHED TO TSP." 3. CHARGES: In addition to all rates and charges for transportation, shipments for which DDPS is provided by the TSP at the shipper's request will be subject to a charge of 85 cents per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile), subject to a minimum charge of $146.76. These charges include the maintenance of a Signature and Tally Record, furnishing of dual drivers, providing CB or a working mobile communications unit in the tractor, and all other provisions/requirements shown in paragraph 1 A through 1 M above. 4. BASIS FOR DETERMINING APPLICABLE DISTANCE: Unless otherwise specifically authorized or such as provided for in ITEM 69 CIRCUITOUS ROUTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SHIPMENTS, the applicable distance will be predicated on the shortest route distance determined from the ALK Technologies PC*Miler/DTOD. ITEM 159 SERVICES - DUAL DRIVER SERVICE (1040) When requested by shipper and so indicated on the bill of lading or in writing, an extra driver will be furnished for an additional charge of 35 cents-per-1.6093 kilometers (cents-per-mile). Such charge will apply in addition to the transportation and all other applicable charges and is to be assessed on the basis of the distance applicable from origin to destination on the shipment involved. (For applicability see ITEM 49 SPECIALIZED SERVICES.) ITEM 161 SPECIAL SERVICE - SECURITY CHECK BY CONSIGNOR OR CONSIGNEE (1050) When at the request of the consignor or consignee, before the vehicle has left the consignor's or consignees premises or other location as may be requested, a loaded vehicle is required to be unloaded, audited, reloaded or scanned by X-Ray Screening Unit, or is recalled back to the consignor's or consignees loading or unloading dock for the purpose of unloading, auditing, reloading or scanning by X-Ray Screening Unit of the shipment or shipments previously tendered to the TSP, a charge per vehicle of $9.56 per each fifteen minutes or fraction thereof (minimum charge $38.39), will apply for this service. The time will begin when the driver is notified that the vehicle is to be recalled and/or scanned by X-Ray Screening Unit and will end when the vehicle is released to the TSP. The driver will not be required to assist in the unloading, auditing, reloading or scanning of the vehicle except when necessary to account for the freight. IV. GENERAL RULES FOR TANK TRUCK TRANSPORTATION This part provides requirements a TSP will follow when providing rates for services offered when handling, storing, or transporting any type of Government freight that requires Tank Truck Transportation. The rules contained in this part will be followed in order for TSP to continue as a VA approved TSP. ITEM 163 ADVANCE LOADING SERVICE (New) 1. If requested by consignor, and annotated on the BL, that vehicle(s) will be held in TSP possession after loading, at a place other than point of pick up or delivery, and not dispatched for immediate line haul transportation, and the following conditions and charges will apply: a. Time will start when the loaded vehicle arrives at the location where it is to be held and will continue until the loaded vehicle is released by consignor for line haul transportation. b. Each loaded vehicle is allowed 12 hours free time. c. Each vehicle in TSP possession after the expiration of free time will be subject to a charge of ADL(1) $250.00 per 24 hour period, or fraction thereof, until released. d. If in the performance of the advance loading service, a TSP is required to travel any miles in excess of the miles which would have been traveled if the TSPs vehicle had proceeded immediately from loading point to destination, each excess mile will be subject to a charge of ADL(2) $1.50 per mile. The term  excess miles under this Item shall be interpreted as the difference between the short route mileage from point of loading to point of unloading, versus the short route mileage from point of loading to TSP s holding point, plus the short route mileage from holding point to point of unloading. However, if the TSP holding point is located within the same 9-digit SPLC area as origin or destination, excess mileage will be considered to be zero, and excessive mileage charges will not apply. 2. Application. a. Any charges administratively determined to apply under this Item shall be in addition to all other applicable charges. TSP who submit claims for ADL services are prohibited from charging for storage or detention. ITEM 165 ALLOWANCES (New) TSPs shall provide for a credit allowances when a tank semi-trailer is provided by the Government. 1. An allowance of SPA(1) $50.00 per round trip, will be shown on the freight bill and will be subtracted from line haul charges. 2. TSP will assume all liability resulting from the possession, operation, and use of Government or Government leased equipment, except any liability resulting from defects noted in the Government equipment prior to TSP assuming possession of the tank semi-trailer. 3. The TSP shall be responsible for returning Government-provided semi-trailers to the shipper/consignee in the same condition as received, except for ordinary wear and tear. 4. When, through no fault of the TSP, a Government-provided tank vehicle is being used to transport a load is the proximate cause of a delay, any delay in excess of two hours for loading/unloading will be charged for as provided for in Detention: Vehicles with Power Units, Item 77 in this section, with no further free time being allowed. ITEM 167 CARGO LIABILITY (New) Shipments of bulk commodities in tank-truck or tank-trailer service shall in no circumstances be subject to released value rates, as damage to such shipments shall be the actual value of the shipment, and subject the TSP to full TSP liability. ITEM 169 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER EQUIPMENT (New) 1. For tank truck shipments, the TSP will furnish a tank vehicle(s) that meet applicable federal safety regulations in order to safely transport bulk cargo. The TSP will be responsible for closing and securing all hatches and valves on the tank vehicle. 2. Each tank vehicle will have a clean interior, be free of product odor, substantially void of lint, and completely dry. All valves, including pop valves on the tank, will be clean. Each tank and all of its connections and gaskets will be leak-free. Gaskets will be void of product odor and contamination. 3. Each tank vehicle will have a clean exterior, free of any residual material, however it is not required that the tank vehicle be stain-free. Hose tubes and bumpers will be clean and product odor free. 4. TSP will furnish proper hose equipment when required to accomplish pickup and/or delivery. See Hose 147 for charges. 5. Equipment furnished for loading may be rejected if the shipper upon inspection considers the equipment unfit for transportation. Rejected equipment will not be subject to VFN charges. 6. Any equipment furnished for any shipment that possesses greater capacity than required by the government merely for the convenience of the TSP will be provided at no additional cost to Government. ITEM 171 CIRCUITOUS ROUTING (New) 1. When Circuitous Routing (CTR) charges are based on distance, shipments requiring special permits will be determined according to ALK Technologies PC*Miler mileage. 2. When rates are based on other than distance and out-of-route mileage is mandated by law/regulation, excess mileage will be subject to a charge of CTR(1) $1.50 per mile. 3. When circuitous routing is used merely for TSP convenience, circuitous charges will not accrue, and transportation charges shall be calculated on shortest route mileage, regardless of mileage actually traveled. ITEM 173 CLEANING (New) In the event that Government tenders to the TSP contaminated fuel, the TSP shall be entitled to a cleaning charge of its tank truck. In such circumstances, the charge will be CLN(1) $1,500.00 per vehicle unit cleaned. ITEM 175 COMPUTATION OF FREIGHT CHARGES (New) Except as provided in Minimum Loads/Gallons, Item 149, freight charges in Government tenders governed by this publication will be the higher rate of: 1. TSP rate multiplied by the minimum gallons stated in the tender, or 2. TSP rate multiplied by the temperature-corrected gallons (see Item 1 Definitions, and Appendix A) placed in the vehicle at the time of loading and will be determined by the loading facility through either the use of temperature-compensating meters or by manual conversion in accordance with the appropriate tables in the most recent edition of the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS). ITEM 177 EXPEDITED SERVICE (EXP) (New) 1. Unless otherwise specifically noted in this Item, the provisions set forth in Expedited Service, Item 91, of this section, will apply to expedited Service for Tank Truck Transportation. 2. Where line haul rates are based upon a per hundredweight criteria, the EXP charge will be the applicable line haul rate at the highest minimum weight, or actual weight if greater, and increased 20 percent. Where line haul rates are based upon a per mile or per vehicle used basis, the EXP charge will be assessed at the line haul rate plus 20 percent in addition to all other applicable charges. ITEM 179 HOSE (New) 1. TSP will provide either 2- or 3-inch hose (inside diameter) upon request of the shipper/consignee, and provision of such equipment is subject to the following conditions and charges: a. Distance from the shipper's discharge point to TSP vehicle intake point exceeding 36-feet, or; b. Distance from the point of discharge of the TSP vehicle to consignee's intake point exceeding 36-feet, whichever is greater. HOS(1) $22.50 per foot, subject to a minimum charge of HOS(2) $220.50. 2. In circumstances whereas specific hose is required due to special requirements of a shipment, e.g., Chem-Solv, Stainless Steel, Teflon, or Vitron, by the shipper and/or consignee, either 2- or 3-inch hose (inside diameter) meeting that specific need will be provided by the TSP, and shall be subject to the following conditions and charges: a. Distance from the shipper's discharge point to TSP vehicle intake point, or b. Distance from the point of discharge of TSP vehicle to consignee's intake point, whichever is greater. HOX(1) $ per foot, subject to a minimum charge of HOX(2) $. 3. When necessary for TSP to dispatch a service truck either to origin or destination in order to provide extra hose, the following additional charges will apply: a. EDO(1) $ per mile, or fraction, from origin and return to the terminal, subject to a minimum charge of EDO(2) $. b. EDD(1) $ per mile, or fraction, from the terminal to destination and return, subject to a minimum charge of EDD(2) $. c. TSP will annotate BL with the terminal, origin, and destination SPLCs to verify mileage. d. Driver of the service truck will assist in stringing, connecting, disconnecting, and picking up hose upon request. 4. Mileage will be determined according to ALK Technologies PC*Miler. ITEM 181 MINIMUM LOADS/GALLONS (New) 1. Except as provided in paragraph 4 below, if a TSP is unable to furnish vehicle or specifically requested by the shipper to handle the minimum gallons stated in the TSP tender, or if the TSP furnishes a vehicle that has a capacity, when loaded, of less than the minimum load/gallon calculation gallons stated in TSP tender, the minimum will be the actual number of gallons loaded. 2. If a shipper requests a specific type of vehicle, and the quantity transported is less than the minimum gallons stated in TSP tender, the minimum gallon amount in the TSP tender will apply regardless of the capacity of the vehicle furnished. 3. When Federal, state, or municipal laws (except regulations and/or specifications of the New York City Fire Department) limit gross weight of the vehicle that would prohibit loading of the minimum gallons stated in the TSP tender, the minimum amount that applies under this Item shall be the number of gallons permitted by applicable. 4. If the vehicle furnished by a TSP has a greater capacity than ordered or required by a shipper, the minimum gallons stated in TSP tender will apply. ITEM 183 PICKUP AND DELIVERY (New) 1. Line haul rates and charges in a TSPs tender will automatically include one pickup at origin and one delivery at destination. In the event that additional pickups and deliveries are required, albeit at origin, intransit, or at destination, such additional pickup and delivery service will be subject to additional charges. 2. Except in circumstances that involve dropped tank trailers, TSP drivers are permitted to assist the shipper or consignee when pumping service is specifically requested by the shipper or consignee, under the rules specifically provided in Item 155, Pumping Service. 3. Pickup and delivery will be during normal operating hours of the Government facility involved. ITEM 185 PICKUP AND DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS (SAT) SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (HOL) AND BEFORE OR AFTER NORMAL OPERATING HOURS (New) For rules regarding pickup/delivery on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and before/after normal operating hours, see Items 127 and 131, in this section. ITEM 189 UNASSISTED PUMPING SERVICE (New) 1. If a TSP is requested to perform pumping service unassisted by a shipper or consignee, a pumping equipment charge of PAJ(1) $00.05 per gallon will apply, subject to a minimum charge of PAJ(2) $50.00 per shipment. 2. Charges will be based on actual gallons pumped. 3. A TSP will ensure that the unassisted pumping service is properly certified by the shipper or consignee and annotate on BL accordingly. ITEM 191 REDELIVERY (New) The consignee will be notified immediately if delivery cannot be accomplished. In the event that a TSP is required to perform redelivery, the TSP will notify the consignee no later than the next business day after delivery was attempted. Upon the TSP providing proper notice, if redelivery is not accomplished or if forwarding instructions are not furnished to TSP within 24-hours of the time of notice to the consignee, the shipment will be subject to Storage charges in Item 23. ITEM 193 SEALING OF TANK VEHICLES (New) A TSP shall not be permitted to charge for seals and/or locks placed on loading hatches and valves by shipper for the purpose of protecting the integrity of the shipment. ITEM 195 SPLIT DELIVERY (New) For rules regarding Split Delivery, see Item 135, in this section. ITEM 197 SPLIT PICKUP (New) For rules regarding Split Pickup, see Item 135, in this section. ITEM 199 VEHICLES FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (New) For rules regarding Vehicles Furnished but Not Used, see Item 27. ITEM 201 WATERFRONT DELIVERY (New) 1. When a TSP makes deliveries to ships, boats or crafts, a charge of WDS(1) $ per hour or fraction will be assessed subject to a minimum of WDS(2) hours. 2. The time for waterfront delivery charges in paragraph 1 shall begin when the driver of a TSP advises the consignee that vehicle is located alongside ship and available for unloading. The time will end when released by the consignee. In the event that the total requirement for a shipment requires multiple deliveries within the same Government installation or port, then all deliveries will be considered as one delivery for the purposes of this item. All chargeable hours shall be annotated and certified on the TSP delivery ticket in writing by an authorized government representative. Section 3 Air Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules (New) NOTE: Shipments of Air Freight will weight in excess of 150 pounds. Shipments of 150 pounds or less must move in accordance with the VA express small package contract which is maintained and updated by GSA. PART I: GENERAL AIR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION This part describes the general requirements for Air Freight Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) engaged in the transportation of Government freight. The rules contained in this section govern TSPs tenders which are intended to apply when either air service or air with incidental motor service is performed. Air TSPs will at all times comply with applicable federal statutes, regulations, and state laws when providing air transportation on behalf of the Government. Commercial air service will not normally be used for transportation of shipments to be delivered within 500 surface miles from the shipping point except when commercial air is the low cost mode or the only mode that can meet shipment requirements. ITEM 301 MODE SUBSTITUTION Shipments tendered for air service will normally move all, or in part, via air transportation. Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) will be permitted to substitute other modes of service when time-definite delivery requirements can be met by the substituted mode. In no event will a TSP utilize mode substitution to avoid the terms/conditions set forth in the Bill of Lading (BL) or to circumvent the legal requirement that all TSPs have proper operating authority for the shipment and/or the leg of the shipment at issue. The TSP will remain liable for any loss or damage to the shipment. When a tendered air shipment moves entirely by a mode other than air, the TSPs liability to the Government for loss/damage to cargo, etc. will be determined by the liability standard of the mode, air or other than air, which is more favorable to the Government. ITEM 303 TIME-DEFINITE DELIVERY Shipments tendered to a Transportation Service Provider (TSP) for air service and subject to time-definite delivery (a requirement that a shipment be delivered no later than a specified date/time and destination) may move in any mode of conveyance that the TSP reasonably expects will meet the time-definite delivery requirement. ITEM 305 AIR WITH INCIDENTAL MOTOR SERVICE Transportation Service Providers (TSP) that provide incidental motor services for tendered air shipments will comply with motor-TSP rules and guidance listed in Section I of this publication. Rates submitted for air shipment will include the cost for incidental motor service. PART II: GENERAL AIR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES ITEM 307 AGGREGATE WEIGHT (SEE NOTE) 1. The Transportation Service Provider (TSP) agrees that it will aggregate all shipments from the same origin point to the same destination consignee for the same level of service tendered at the same time on the same day. Weight will be adjusted and billed at the applicable rate for the total weight of these shipments. 2. All succeeding Bills of Lading (BL) issued after the first BL for the given destination will be annotated by the consignor:  Aggregate Weight Rule applies, Reference: BL Number:XXXXXXX. 3. Hazardous or dangerous commodities may be consolidated, as described above, only with other compatible hazardous or dangerous commodities. NOTE: Shipments must be tendered in whole pounds; fractions of pounds will be increased to the next higher pound. ITEM 309 AIRCRAFT FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (SEE NOTE) (Applicable only to Air Taxi) 1. When a Transportation Service Provider (TSP), upon the consignors request, furnishes an aircraft for loading of a shipment and, through no fault of the TSP, the consignor cancels loading of the aircraft, the TSP will be entitled to a charge of AFN(1)$3.00 per mile for each aircraft furnished but not used. The mileage will be the round-trip distance from the dispatch point to the scheduled loading point subject to a minimum charge of AFN(2)$200.00. 2. In lieu of the charges in paragraph 1, the TSP may establish a flat charge of AFN(3)$350.00 for each aircraft furnished but not used. If a flat charge is elected by the TSP, the AFN(1) per mile for each aircraft furnished but not used as well as the minimum surcharge AFN(2) is not applicable. 3. The charges will not apply when notice of cancellation is received by the TSP prior to actual dispatch of aircraft from the TSP terminal. 4. Claim for collection of charges under this item will be supported by consignors certification of cancellation. 5. When a TSP is inbound with a loaded aircraft that is scheduled for unloading at the same airport where an air shipment is also scheduled for outbound loading and the consignor cancels the outbound loading, no charge will be assessed under paragraphs 1, 2, or 3 above. 6. When service is requested from a TSP, the TSP must identify the airport from which the aircraft will be dispatched. NOTE: See Item 319, SUBMISSION OF CHARGES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES REQUESTED BY CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE. ITEM 311 CHARGES FOR WEIGHT (See NOTES) Transportation charges for a shipment will be based on the greater of: 1. Actual gross weight (including packing material) Or 2. Dimensional weight. Dimensional weight for a shipment will be calculated on the basis of one pound per each 166 cubic inches as follows: a. Length (inches) x Width (inches) x Height (inches) = Total Cubic Inches. b. Total Cubic Inches / 166 = Dimensional weight. NOTE 1: See Item 307, AGGREGATE WEIGHT, and Item 317, OVERSIZED FREIGHT. NOTE 2: Consignors must tender shipments in whole pounds; fractions of pounds will be increased to the next higher pound. ITEM 313 ESCORTS/COURIERS (See NOTE) 1. Couriers may accompany shipments aboard aircraft at the request of the Government. Each escort and/or courier will be subject to a charge of ECR(1) $55.00 per person. NOTE: See Item 327, EXCESS VALUATION. ITEM 315 INSPECTION OF SHIPMENTS Transportation Service Providers (TSP) will have the right to inspect shipments to determine applicable rates. When shipments are found to be incorrectly described on the Bill of Lading (BL), consignor will issue a BL Correction Notice (SF 1200), and freight charges will be assessed according to the proper description. ITEM 317 OVERSIZED FREIGHT (See NOTE) 1. The consignor must make advanced arrangements with the air Transportation Service Provider (TSP) to transport the following oversized shipments: a. Piece(s) that exceed 125 (10 feet, 5 inches) inches in length and/or prevent other freight from being loaded on the same pallet(s) because of special tie-down requirements. b. Piece(s) that exceed 88 inches (7 feet, 4 inches) in width but are less than 125 inches (10 feet, 5 inches) in width and/or prevent other freight from being loaded on the same pallet(s) because of special tie-down requirements. c. Piece(s) that exceed 59 inches (4 feet, 11 inches) in height. d. Pieces that exceed 300 inches (25 feet) in length and girth combined will be defined as an oversized shipment. 2. If transportation for such shipments will be provided on pallets (width 88 inches, length 125 inches), the TSP will not assess a rental charge for the use of the pallets. 3. Charges: (stated in whole percent only) a. On shipments of oversized freight, as described in paragraph 1a-1d above, TSPs will be entitled to a surcharge of 520(1)___ % of the transportation amount. 4. Oversized freight shipments will allow for an additional (1) day of transit time unless otherwise agreed to by the shipper and the TSP. NOTE: See Item 311, CHARGES FOR WEIGHT. ITEM 319 SUBMISSION OF CHARGES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES REQUESTED BY CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE 1. Charges for accessorial services described in Item 19 REDELIVERY; Item 309, AIRCRAFT FURNISHED BUT NOT USED (AFN); and Item 323, WAITING TIME (WTG) will be chargeable to the appropriation and allotment designated by the Government agency that has jurisdiction over the local activity where the charges actually accrued. ITEM 321 TSP-PROVIDED AIR FREIGHT SERVICES 1. When a Transportation Service Provider (TSP) publishes different levels of service at varying rates, the TSP will bill the Government at the rate applicable to the actual service performed, not to exceed the rate applicable to the service requested. a. In general, an air freight shipment tendered under this tariff will be delivered to consignee during consignees normal operating hours based on the air freight transit time guide in the VA STOS. Transit time for TSP-provided services shown below start on the consignors requested pickup date and time IAW normal business hours. When the consignor requests pickup and/or delivery on Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and/or before or after an installations normal operating hours, refer to Section II Items 131 and 133, for appropriate accessorial-service charges. b. Priority Service (SG) Next available flight; shipment may be required anytime during a 24-hour period, no specific time for pickup or delivery stated (consignor may insert time requirements on BL in accordance with the TSP quote). c. Overnight Service (D1): Shipment to be delivered to consignee during consignees normal operating hours on the next business day following the consignors requested pickup date of shipment. d. Second Day Service (D2): Shipment to be delivered to consignee during consignees normal operating hours on or before the second business day after consignor requested pickup date of shipment. 2. When the consignor requests: a. Priority Service (SG) the TSP is entitled to a charge of $.50 per hundred pounds (CWT) subject to a minimum charge of $50.00 b. Overnight (D1) service, the TSP is entitled to a charge of $.30 per hundred pounds (CWT) subject to a minimum charge of $30.00 c. Second Day Service (D2), the TSP is entitled to a charge of $.25 per hundred pounds (CWT) subject to a minimum charge of $.25.00 (Applicable only to shipments whose standard time is greater than two days 3. TSPs must provide the consignor with the service type offered/requested noted below: a. Airport-to-Airport Service (AA) - Origin city airport to destination city airport. b. Door-to-Door Service (DD) - Shippers origin to consignees receiving point. 4. The consignor must annotate on the BL clearly and specifically a request for Priority, Overnight, or Second Day Service. Where level of service is not requested, the TSP will bill for the lowest published charge in its tender. In no case will the TSP bill for a higher level of service than actually provided. In no event will the TSP bill for any service not provided. ITEM 323 WAITING TIME (Applicable only to Air Taxi) 1. When the aircraft of an air-taxi Transportation Service Provider (TSP) is delayed or detained for loading/unloading and such delay or detainment is attributable to the consignor or consignee, the shipment(s) being loaded or unloaded will be subject to the following provisions: a. One (1) hour of free time will be allowed for loading or unloading the TSP's aircraft. Free time will begin from the time the TSP's employee notifies a responsible representative of the consignor or consignee that the aircraft is available and ready for loading/unloading, provided the time is within the consignor's or consignee's normal operating hours or acceptance hours as annotated on the Bill of Lading (BL). b. If loading/unloading extends beyond the allowable free time, the charge will be WTG(1) $11.25 per hour. If the period is less than 1 hour and equal to or greater than 15 minutes, the charge will be prorated at of the hourly rate for each15minutes or fraction thereof, subject to a maximum charge of WTG(2) $270.00 for each 24-hour period. There is no charge if the period is less than 15 minutes. 2. Government shipping activities incurring charges under this item will be billed directly. See Item 319, SUBMISSION OF CHARGES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES REQUESTED BY CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE. ITEM 325 AIR WAYBILL DESCRIPTION OF SHIPMENTS The airway bill description of shipments forwarded by air freight TSPs Transportation Service Providers (TSP) must be indicated on the Bill of Lading (BL) showing the aggregate cubic measurement, and in addition, the number of pieces, weight, and cubic measurement of each piece or package separately in block 18, Description of Commodities. For the purpose of determining cubic measurements, the greatest dimension of length, width, and height will be used. ITEM 327 EXCESS VALUATION Should the consignor desire to declare and establish cargo liability for an amount greater than $1.00 per pound per piece or $100 per piece, whichever is greater, but not to exceed actual value of articles lost or damaged plus the amount of applicable transportation charges, the TSP agrees to provide this increased liability coverage for EVC(1) $ .15 for each $100 or fraction thereof. Item 329 REDELIVERY 1. In addition to the charges shown in Section II, Item 19, the Transportation Service Provider (TSP) may establish a flat charge of RCL(4) $75.00 per shipment. 2. If, after being notified that the shipment is on hand, the consignee elects to pick up the shipment at the TSP's terminal, no RCL charges will apply. 3. Government shipping activities incurring charges under this item will be billed directly. See Item 319, SUBMISSION OF CHARGES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES. PART III: RULES GOVERNING SHIPMENT OF HAZARDOUS AND PROTECTED (SENSITIVE) MATERIALS BY AIR ITEM 331 ARRIVAL DURING OTHER-THAN-NORMAL OPERATING HOURS Shipments should be delivered to the consignee during normal operating hours as defined in Item 1. When a hazardous or protected sensitive shipment arrives at an installation during other-than-normal operating hours due to circumstances beyond the Transportation Service Providers (TSP) control, a secure-holding area will be provided for shipments that cannot be unloaded immediately. These areas will be subject to the regulation of the cognizant Government shipping activity for handling and safeguarding of hazardous, and protected sensitive materials. In the event a secure-holding area is not available on a Government installation, the TSP will call the appropriate emergency notification number shown on the BL, to obtain authorization and directions to the closest secure-holding terminal. Responsibility for the shipment remains with the TSP until the shipment has been formally delivered. ITEM 333 PACKAGING AND MARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1. Transportation Service Providers (TSP) will inspect hazardous material shipments tendered for air shipment to ensure the consignor has prepared, packaged, and documented the shipment in accordance with CFR 49, International Air Transport Association (IATA), or International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations governing the commercial airline industry. 2. Nonscheduled TSPs or freight forwarders which own/operate leased or corporation aircraft will inspect hazardous material shipments tendered for air service to ensure the consignor has prepared, packaged, and documented the shipment in accordance with CFR 49. 3. Inspected hazardous material shipments found to be improperly prepared, packaged, or documented in accordance with CFR 49, IATA, or ICAO will be returned to the consignor for correction. 4. Pieces with a floor bearing weight in excess of what can be loaded on the available aircraft must be provided with a suitable skid or base which will distribute the weight to what can be loaded on the available aircraft. The weight of such skid or base will be included in the weight of the shipment. 5. The hazardous material will be processed by the TSP for a charge of HAZ (1) $85.00 per shipment. PART IV: TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES RULES ITEM 335 APPLICATION OF TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES BY AIR 1. Transportation Protective Services (TPS) described in this part may be offered by air Transportation Service Providers (TSP) that VATLC and the shipping agency have approved for these services. 2. Requirements for Constant Surveillance Service (CSS) or Dual Driver Protective Service (DDPS), Protective Security Service (PSS) that apply to the motor portion of an air freight shipment are located in Section II, Items 155 and 157 respectively. 3. If a Government consignor annotates the Bill of Lading (BL) requesting the TSP provide more than one TPS and the requirements of one service duplicate the requirements of another service, the TSP will assess charges only for the higher service. ITEM 337 SIGNATURE AND TALLY RECORD SERVICE/ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE SERVICE 1. Transportation Service Providers (TSP) will provide Signature and Tally Record Service (Item 147) upon request of the consignor, subject to the following: a. The service is designed to provide continuous responsibility for the custody of Government shipments in transit. It requires a Signature and Tally Record from each person responsible for the proper handling of the shipment at specified stages of its transit from origin to destination. b. The consignor or his agent must place and sign the following annotation on the bill of lading: "Signature and Tally Record requested. Record furnished to TSP. DATE__________SIGNATURE_________________TITLE _______________ c. Air TSPs performing Item 147 for Government may use their own commercial signature form, or an electronic signature service to provide the record of continuous accountability and custody required for Signature and Tally Record shipments. The options are further explained below: (1) A TSP-supplied form will provide a complete record of the chain of custody of the shipment and will have a standardized block of data pertinent to the government shipment. It will provide a chain of custody for the shipment through each terminal handling point at origin, hub, or other interline point(s) and at destination. The TSP form will be supplied to consignors by the air TSP in advance to allow for preparation of the shipment. The form will be assembled in sufficient copies to cover all handling points and provide a signed copy to the consignee. (2) TSPs may also offer an Electronic Signature Service that shows the movement of the shipment through the TSP system as recorded by certain electronic scans. When electronic tracking scans are used, neither actual signatures of persons handling the shipment nor a manually prepared Signature and Tally Record is required. However, a hard copy printout must be presented by the TSP to the consignee within three business days of shipment receipt. This printout will show scans at pickup and delivery and will also show movement as applicable into and out of terminals, stations, and/or hub locations. Upon request from the consignor or consignee, a TSP must be able to provide the identity of each person responsible for the scans, as reflected in the electronic records. d. In addition to all rates and charges for transportation, shipments on which 675 is provided at consignor's request will be subject to a charge of 675(1) $28.22 per shipment. ITEM 339 CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE SERVICE See Note 1 Item 155 1. In addition to the requirements identified in Item 155, the following applies to the air portion of air Constant Surveillance and Custody Service (CIS) shipments: a. For parked aircraft with Transportation Protective Service (TPS) material on board, ensure the aircraft is parked within the confines of a commercial airport that has access control under FAA rules and guidelines, or on a military installation or Government contractor location. If the aircraft is parked anywhere else, or if the sensitive cargo is removed from the aircraft or is waiting loading or unloading, the shipment must be under required degree of observation by employees of the airline transporting it as required by the terminal standards for motor CSS, defined in Item 155. As an alternative to observation, the shipment may be placed in a secure-holding area. b. Observation of the shipment is not required during the period it is stored in an aircraft in connection with flight, provided the shipment is loaded into a compartment that is not accessible to any unauthorized person. Conversely, if the shipment is loaded into a compartment of the aircraft that is accessible to an unauthorized person aboard, the shipment must remain under the constant surveillance of a cleared escort or qualified Transportation Service Provider (TSP) representative. Observation is required during loading and unloading operations and at any intermediate stops along the flight route. c. Route shipments accepted for transport under CSS only via TSPs that can provide CSS. 2. In addition to all rates and charges for transportation, air shipments on which CSS is provided at consignor's request will be subject to a charge of CIS(1) $75.00 per shipment. 3. Closed Area Storage (Security Cages) Requirements ITEM 341 EXPRESS TSP Classified and sensitive materials designated for transportation as air-express shipments are limited to the U.S. Postal Service, VA/GSA small package contract air Transportation Service Providers (TSP), or TSPs approved to provide Transportation Protective Services (TPS). Use of other non-approved TSPs is strictly prohibited. Section 4 Rail and Intermodal Transportation Service Provider Rules (New) This part describes the general requirements for rail and intermodal TSPs engaged in the transportation of Government freight. Rail and Intermodal TSPs will at all times comply with applicable federal statutes and regulations, or applicable state laws, when providing rail transportation on behalf of the Federal government. I. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR RAIL AND INTERMODAL TSPs ITEM 401 DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AND INSPECTION A TSP will be permitted to reserve the right to inspect any shipments where it deems necessary to determine the applicable rate based on its tenders. In the event of a discrepancy, the TSP will immediately contact the shipper in order to reach an accord as to the applicable rate. When the articles of the shipment are considered by the TSP to be incorrectly described on BL, the TSP will immediately notify Government personnel of the discrepancy on the applicable BL, and notate that discrepancy on the BL. Freight charges will be assessed according to proper description of the freight in question. ITEM 403 DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS See Item 41 in this publication. This section is deemed applicable to any motor transportation portion or leg of a shipment that is considered incidental to a rail TOFC/COFC Shipment. TSP will ensure at all times that any leg of a shipment involving carriage of goods by a motor TSP will be moved under the proper and lawful operating authority as required by applicable sections set forth in 49 U.S.C. ITEM 405 PROPORTIONAL AND COMBINATION RATES 1. Proportional rates are limited to traffic destined to, or originating at, specific points or territories. Proportional rates will apply when the entire shipment is performed by a TSP, or by a TSP performing motor transportation incidental to the rail shipment for TOFC/COFC shipments. See Definitions, Appendix D for more information on proportional rates. 2. Combination rates are determined by combining rates set forth in different applicable tenders in order to construct a through rate from one point to another. These through rate combinations may also include security services. See Definitions, Appendix D for more information on combination rates. 3. A TSP will indicate in each tender whether rates and charges may be used as proportional rates only or whether such rates may or may not be combined with another rate. ITEM 407 SUBSTITUTION OF FREIGHT CARS When a TSP is unable to supply a car that meets the length and/or capacity ordered by a shipper, a TSP may substitute a car of greater length and/or capacity or may substitute two or more cars, which equal or exceed the length and/or capacity of car ordered by a shipper. Freight cars that are utilized by a TSP to replace those originally requested by a shipper will contain the same equipment as the rail cars originally ordered. In such circumstances, the applicable freight charges will be based on the car(s) ordered by the shipper, and that fact will be annotated in writing on the BL by the shipper. ITEM 409 SWITCHING AND TRANSFER SERVICES TSP will submit joint and/or single line tender rates that include all charges for switching, drayage, other transfer services (including river crossings or ferry service) at origin/destination, intermediate interchanges, and stations, for shipments handled through these intermediate points, which are not stopped for special services at those intermediate points or interchange stations II. GENERAL RAIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES This part sets forth requirements a TSP will follow when providing rates for services offered when handling, storing, or transporting any type of Government freight. Rules contained in this part will be followed in order for TSP to continue as a VA approved TSP. ITEM 411 BLOCKING, BRACING AND TIE DOWN SERVICES FOR VEHICLES AND MILITARY TRACTOR TANKS 1. When requested by shipper, line haul rates submitted in a rail tender for vehicles will include blocking, bracing, and tie down (including materials and inspector) services on railcars. 2. In these circumstances, a TSP will complete the tender by entering zeroes in the charge. ITEM 413 COMPUTATION OF TANK CAR FREIGHT CHARGES 1. The applicable freight charges for tank car will be considered to be the greater of (except for those circumstances specifically provided for under the Exception provision in paragraph 2): a. The amount computed by multiplying the rail TSP rate by the minimum gallons stated in a TSPs applicable tender. b. The amount computed by multiplying TSP rate by the temperature-corrected gallons placed in the tank car at time of loading. Temperature-corrected gallons will be calculated by the loading facility through use of temperature-compensating meters or by manual conversion IAW appropriate tables contained in the most recent edition of the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS) at the time of shipment. 2. Exception: upon request, when the quantity transported is less than the minimum gallons stated in TSP tender, the minimum gallon amount in the TSP tender will apply regardless of the capacity of the vehicle furnished. ITEM 415 CRANE AT ORIGIN The type of crane at origin of a shipment will be determined by the specific requirements of the applicable shipment by the shipper (i.e., weight of shipment/item). When requested by a shipper, a TSP will provide crane service. Charge: 500 (1) $100.00 Per Hour. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 417 CRANE OPERATOR AT ORIGIN When requested by a shipper, a TSP will provide a qualified crane operator at origin for the period (based on hours of operation) requested by a shipper. Charge: 505 (1) $75.00 Per Hour. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 419 CRANE AT DESTINATION The type of crane at destination will be determined by the specific requirements of the shipment (i.e., weight of shipment/item) as determined by the consignee. When requested by the consignee, TSP will provide crane service. Charge: 495 (1) $100.00 Per Hour. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 421 CRANE OPERATOR AT DESTINATION When requested by consignee, a TSP will provide a qualified crane operator at destination for the period (based on hours of operation) specified by the shipper. Charge: 490 (1) $75.00 Per Hour. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 423 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE AT ORIGIN A TSP will provide a dedicated switch engine to move railcars at origin upon request by the shipper. Charge: LME (1)250.00 Per engine, per day. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 425 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE AT DESTINATION TSP will provide a dedicated switch engine utilized to move railcars at destination upon request by the consignee. Charge: LMD (1) 100.00 Per engine, per day. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 427 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE CREW AT ORIGIN When requested by a shipper, a TSP will provide services of qualified crew (engineer, brakeman and conductor) operators at origin. Charge: LTE (1) $240.00 Per shift, of eight hours work. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 429 DEDICATED SWITCH ENGINE CREW AT DESTINATION When requested by a consignee, a TSP will provide services of qualified crew (engineer, brakeman and conductor) operators at destination. Charge: LFD (1) $240.00 Per shift, per engineer, of 8 hours work. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 431 DEMURRAGE (STRAIGHT) 1. A TSP s notice of arrival will be provided to the consignee within 24 hours (except Saturday, Sunday or holidays) of actual arrival time. When required notice of arrival is not given within 24 hours of arrival, time will be computed from the first 12:01 AM after notice was actually given or after placement, whichever is earlier. The notice to be provided to the consignee will include: a. Car initials and number; b. Commodity; c. Points of shipment, and; d. Hold point, if the rail car is constructively placed short of the billed destination. 2. Free time will be computed from the first 12:01 AM after actual or constructive placement; subject to a  Do not deliver before requirement in the solicitation and BL. Saturday, Sunday and holidays will be excluded in computing free time. Free time will be allowed for each car as follows: DEM (1) 2 hours for loading. DEM (2) 2 hours for unloading. 3. After expiration of free time, the following charges per car per day or fraction thereof will be assessed until car is released. DEM (3) $50.00 for each of the first four days. DEM (4) $75.00 for each of the next two days. DEM (5) $100.00 for each subsequent day. 4. Termination of Demurrage. a. Demurrage will terminate when a shipper or a consignee notifies authorized rail personnel of the TSP that the rail car is available. The shipper or consignee will provide information to the TSP that includes the identity of the shipper or consignee, party furnishing the data and car initial and number. A TSP will maintain information provided by the shipper or consignee, as well as the date, time of receipt, and identity of party receiving the information. The recorded date and time will govern release of car. b. When the consignor or consignee cannot furnish the required information because of authorized personnel of the railroad not being on duty to accept the information, the consignor or consignee will have until 9:00 AM of the next day on which the railroad has such personnel on duty to furnish advice as to when the car was made available and the car will be considered released at the date and time it was loaded or unloaded and made available to the railroad. 5. When the same car is unloaded and reloaded, each transaction will be treated as independent of the other. In such circumstance, free time for reloading will not begin until 12:01 AM after completion of unloading and notification is given to railroad IAW paragraph 4 above. 6. Time for loaded or empty cars delivering on interchange tracks where Government/contractor personnel perform the switching will be computed beginning at 12:01 AM after actual or constructive placement occurs, and will continue until the rail cars are returned to the same or another interchange track and notification is given IAW paragraph 4 above. 7. When a railroad provides two or more cars for its own convenience in lieu of the car(s) ordered by a shipper, any demurrage charge that might accrue will apply only to the number of car(s) actually ordered. 8. Under no circumstances will a TSP charge demurrage charges in situations where the railcars are Government owned or Government leased cars, and rail cars are located on Government owned or Government contractor-owned rail tracks 9. When Government owned rail cars are located on railroad owned tracks for the convenience of the railroads, that period will be eliminated when computing demurrage charges. Government owned cars that are located on railroad-owned tracks at the request of shipper or consignee will be subject to demurrage charges as provided in this item. 10. When a TSP is unable to load, unload, receive, or dispatch to another railroad because of a railroad strike, the following will apply: a. The time from 12:01 AM after interference begins until 12:01 AM after interference ceases will be excluded by TSP when computing and filing a claim for demurrage. b. The time immediately preceding and time immediately subsequent to the interference will be consolidated into one period of detention. c. When by reasons of delay or irregularity in filling orders, or as the result of an act or neglect of the railroad or because of weather interference described in paragraph 11 below, cars are bunched and placed for loading or unloading in accumulated numbers in excess of the daily placing as ordered or in excess of the number daily received, the Government will be allowed such free time for loading or unloading as it would have been entitled to had the cars not been bunched. A claim, in writing, within thirty (30) days of receipt of demurrage bill must be presented to the railroad, certifying initial and number for each car in the bunching claim. 11. In circumstances where severe weather conditions (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, or similar acts of God) make it impractical or otherwise, impossible to load or unload a shipment, the duration in time of the severe weather condition will be eliminated in computing demurrage, provided the shipper/consignee advises the railroad/TSP of the nature and expected duration of the weather interference at or/prior to the time the rail car is released. 12. In circumstances involving abnormal traffic patterns or unusual scenarios, the applicable demurrage provisions for facilities and shipment that require specifics considerations will be negotiated in advance between authorized representatives of VA and the TSP. ITEM 433 DRAYAGE AT ORIGIN When requested by a shipper, a TSP will provide the labor/drayage services at origin to transport equipment to designated location. Charge: DPE (1) $65.00 Per Vehicle. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 435 DRAYAGE AT DESTINATION When requested by a consignee, a TSP will provide the labor/drayage services at destination to transport equipment to designated location. Charge: DPD (1) $55.00 Per Vehicle. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 437 EMPTY CARS ORDERED BUT NOT USED 1. A TSP will be entitled to submit an invoice charge for a railroad-furnished (car that was ordered by a shipper/consignee but not used, but such charges will only be owed if the order for those empty rail car(s) was not canceled prior to car commencing movement. 2. The provisions of this item will not be applicable to; a. Where a rail car is located at the time of the order at rail yard(s) or storage track(s) that service the shipper's facility; b. Where rail cars are moved or are placed merely for the convenience of the TSP, or; c. Where the rail car is refused by a shipper as unfit for loading or in a defective mechanical condition. 3. In situations involving consecutive empty movement that result from a shipper ordering but not utilizing Government owned or leased cars, charges will be submitted in TSPs tender. ITEM 439 INCENTIVE SCHEDULED DELIVERY 1. Failure to meet RDDs does not normally establish grounds for recovery of damages resulting from late delivery of a TSP. Incentive Scheduled Delivery (GDS) is a service offered by the TSP on their voluntary tender that guarantees on time arrival of the shipment. 2. A TSP who wishes to offer guaranteed delivery service in their tender will complete the paragraph set forth below, and forward to the shipping agency requesting GDS. A copy of the below statement will also be sent the VATLC Customer Service Center, (FAX 202-495-5496). The statement will include origin, destination and tender number that would be applicable to the guaranteed delivery service: Shipments under this tender have a normal transit time from origin to destination of GDS (1) ______ days, including the day of departure and day of arrival. Shipments that have been designated by origin and destination under this tender are guaranteed to arrive within a transit time of GDS (2) _______ days, which will include the day of departure and day of arrival. In the event a portion or all of the shipments under this tender, have a longer transit time than stated in GDS (2), the TSP agrees that GDS charges will be reimbursed to the shipper through the USPS mail or currently authorized small package carrier for an amount equal to twice the amount of the base transportation charges for the late shipments. This guarantee is provided at an added charge of GDS (3) $_______ per car for all cars moved under the tender. In the future, authorized Third party payment system (PayPort Express) or other authorized VA payment systems will be utilized. 3. The TSP will tender the executed statement set forth above and agree to provide GDS service prior to pickup of any shipment(s), as agreed upon and coordinated with shipper. TSP may agree on its own to service after shipment has been picked up. If GDS is requested by shipper after the initial TSP accepts delivery at origin, and the shipment is now with an interlining TSP, interlining TSP may bill a separate and independent bill via USPS mail or other authorized small package carrier. If an interlining TSP bills for GDS, supporting documentation, by BL and railcar number showing which car received this service, will be provided by the interlining TSP. ITEM 441 HEATER/REFRIGERATOR SERVICE 1. Upon request by shipper, a TSP will provide Heater/Refrigerator Service (HRS) to protect a shipment from heat or cold. Conditions and charges for heater or refrigerator service will apply for shipper or TSP owned rail cars, trailers or containers containing mechanical temperature controlling devices. When heater service is requested by a shipper, the service will not include the furnishing of alcohol or other auxiliary heaters. 2. Conditions: a. Any temperature specified by the shipper to protect the contents of the shipment concerning a certain temperature, or a temperature range, will be maintained by TSP during the entire shipment. b. When two, TSP-owned trailers/containers are substituted for a refrigerator car ordered by the shipper, TSP may only charge for the refrigerator car that was ordered. c. Any detention of rail cars that are equipped with mechanical temperature controlling devices are subject to the free time and demurrage provisions set forth in Item 203 of this part. Detention of trailers or containers in TOFC/COFC service equipped with mechanical temperature controlling devices are subject to the free time and detention provisions in Detention of Vehicles, Item 467, in this section. 3. Charges. When heater or refrigerator service is provided, charge will be as follows: HRS (1) $0.25 per highway mile, subject to a minimum charge of HRS (2) $45.50 per conveyance ITEM 443 IDLER CAR An idler is an empty car placed between a shipment and the next load. Idlers are required for shipments that overhang the end sills of a rail car and/or are of excessive weight. TSP tenders for shipments that require one or more idler cars may provide for an accessorial service charge of IDC (1) per idler car in addition to other applicable transportation charges. ITEM 445 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ORGANIZATION (ISO) CONTAINER SHIPMENTS 1. For shipments involving International Standard Organization (ISO) container shipments, not more than four ISO containers are permitted to be loaded on flat cars that do not exceed a combined total of 89-feet, 4-inches in length. If TSP is unable to furnish a sufficient number of rail cars to transport four containers, the TSP may furnish rail cars with less than four positions. Charges will be assessed on the shipment as if a sufficient number of four position cars were furnished. Example: For a shipment of 12 ISO containers, a TSP is permitted to furnish four, 3-position cars in lieu of three, 4-position cars, however charges will be assessed as if three, 4-position cars were furnished. 2. These shipments will apply only from/to private sidings or locations where facilities exist. ITEM 447 LOADING (LDA)/UNLOADING BY TRANSPORTATION SREVICE PROVIDER When Loading (LDA) or Unloading (LDL) services are requested by a shipper, TSP will ensure cargo is properly loaded and/or unloaded in a safe manner. This item will apply to shipper requests to load/unload freight, as well as instances where the shipper requests that the TSP load vehicles under their own power onto a rail car. There is normally no charge, if charges apply, they will be negotiated between the carrier and the VA. TSP requested to load freight or drive vehicles under own power onto railcars Charge: LDA (1) $ __________ Per Car. Option: Enter  $0.00  to perform at no charge. TSP requested to unload freight or drive vehicles under own power off railcars Charge: LDL (1) $ __________ Per Car. Option: Enter  $0.00  to perform at no charge. ITEM 449 MATERIALS 1. This Item is intended to authorize a charge for the material to secure the freight in accordance with American Association of Railroads rules, when the material is not supplied by the shipper. 2. A TSP will provide proper materials to safeguard and protect Government freight. TSPs are required as a matter of law to utilize specified materials for certain shipments pursuant to applicable safety regulations concerning federal safety regulations concerning the blocking, bracing and tie-down of freight. 3. TSP will ensure materials provided (to include pallets, crates, boxes, reels, dunnage, frames, and cleats) meet the USDA phytosanitary requirements. 4. Charge: AAM (1) $____ Per Car. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 451 PORTABLE RAMPS AT ORIGIN When requested by shipper, a TSP will provide one or more portable ramps at origin (SUC) to make transition from ground to end of a string of flat cars. Charge: SUC (1) $____ Per Ramp, complete. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. SUC (2) $____ Per Bi-level Ramp, complete. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 453 PORTABLE RAMPS AT DESTINATION  prices will be negotiated. When requested by consignee, a TSP will provide one or more portable ramps at destination (RAM) to make transition from end of a string of flat cars to ground. Charge: RAM (1) $____ Per Ramp. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. RAM (2) $____ Per Bi-level Ramp, complete. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 455 RELEASE VALUE RATES See the VA STOS and relevant RFO for information on released value rates ITEM 457 RETURN OF EMPTY CONTAINERS AND/OR PALLETS Line haul rates in TSP tenders may include the return of empty containers and/or pallets, (RMC), subject to the following conditions: a. Not less than two inbound shipping documents will be provided to an inbound TSP with a BL covering a return shipment. b. The BL governing the return shipment of empty containers and/or pallets will indicate which car(s) contains empty containers and/or pallets. c. Charges for stop-off in transit, re-consignment or diversion will not be permitted on return shipments s of empty containers and/or pallets (RMC). ITEM 459 SECURE AND RELEASE LOADS Prices will be negotiated. 1. A TSP will provide proper blocking, bracing and tie-down devices upon request by shipper or receiver, and will comply with industry standard, shipping agency instructions, the AAR Open Top Loading Rule, and as otherwise required by federal safety regulations. a. UBL (1) Secure chain tie-down loads, including supplying missing shackles and rings. b. UBL (2) Secure non-chain tie-down loads, including supplying all blocking and bracing materials. c. UBL (3) Releasing chain tie-down loads, including stowing chains so they do not get run over or fall outside of car. d. UBL (4) Releasing non-chain tie-down loads, including removing all blocking and bracing materials. 2. Charges: a. Charge: UBL (1) $_____ Per car. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. b. Charge: UBL (2) $_____ Per Car. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. c. Charge: UBL (3) $_____ Per Car. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. d. Charge: UBL (4) $_____ Per Car. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 461 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR LOADING RAILCARS (RDH) When requested by a shipper, a TSP may furnish an adviser/instructor who provides technical assistance for loading railcars (RDH) by training government personnel regarding the proper/correct procedures according to federal regulations concerning loading and/or securing freight onto railcars. Under this item, the advisor/instructor will not perform any other physical function involving loading/unloading freight on railcars. Charge: RDH (1) $175.00 Per Job. Option: Enter  $0.00 to perform at no charge. ITEM 463 WEIGHT ALLOWANCES 1. The term dunnage includes any items commonly referred to as temporary blocking, flooring, lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes or similar bracing or supports that are not part of a shipping package, container or conveyance. a. Gross weight of shipments and actual dunnage weight will be stated separately. b. Shipments that are loaded in closed or open rail cars (other than shipments in ISO containers, trailers or containers) will be provided an allowance for the actual weight of dunnage, which will not to exceed 2,000 pounds per car in the shipment. c. Shipments that are loaded in ISO containers or trailers/containers on flat cars (TOFC/COFC) will be provided an allowance for the actual weight of dunnage, which will not to exceed 500 pounds per ISO containers, trailer, or container. d. Any actual weight of dunnage that exceeds the maximum limitations set forth in paragraphs 1b and 1c above will be assessed for the weight of the dunnage at the cost of transporting the cargo. If a mixed shipment is involved, the actual weight of any excess dunnage will be assessed at rates applicable to lowest rated article in the shipment. e. In no event will any allowance be made for dunnage used in connection with bulk freight in closed cars at rates applicable to the article being transported. 2. The term  pallets as used in this item will include items commonly referred to as pallet sides, platforms, risers, runners, skids, fillers, separators, shrouds, covers, deck boards, metal braces, collapsible shipping bins, racks or shipping devices, used, iron or wood or iron and wood combined. a. Gross weight of shipments and actual pallet weight must be stated separately. b. Any shipment that is loaded in closed or open rail cars (other than shipments in ISO containers, trailers or containers) will be provided an allowance for the actual weight of pallets, which will not exceed 2,000 pounds per car in the shipment. c. Shipments loaded in ISO containers or in trailers/containers on flat cars (TOFC/COFC) will be provided a weight allowance for the actual weight of the pallets, which will not exceed 800 pounds per ISO containers, trailer or container, and which will be also subject to a maximum weight allowance of 2,000 pounds per car for the shipment. d. The weight of pallets that exceed the maximum limitations set forth in paragraphs 2b and 2c above will be assessed at the rates applicable to article being transported. For mixed shipments, the excess weight will be assessed at rates applicable to lowest rated article in shipment. e. When material that is not part of the pallet is utilized to protect the top of lading or to otherwise secure the load of the pallet, an allowance will be made for weight of the pallet but not for the weight of the material. III. TRAILER-ON-FLATCAR (TOFC) AND CONTAINER-ON-FLATCAR (COFC) RULES The rules provided in this part will apply to the rail movement of loaded or empty trailers/containers. Other rules set forth in other parts of this publication will also apply when applicable. These rules will also apply to containers without chassis that are moving in COFC service, where a TSP maintains lift on/lift off facilities at both origin and destination unless prior arrangements have been made to utilize lift on/lift off at facilities other than those of TSP performing the line haul service. ITEM 465 CUSTOMS OR IN BOND FREIGHT 1. A TSP may charge for those Customs or In-Bound Freight fees that have been actually incurred for customs or in-bond clearance of a shipment, subject to the provisions of this publication. 2. Any shipments that is detained or held in TSP possession in order to comply with customs or in-bond clearance requirements may be subject to charges listed in Detention of Vehicles, Item 467 and Storage of Vehicles, Item 497, in this section. For the purposes of this section, the term vehicle is defined as a trailer on flat car (TOFC) or COFC (Container on Flat Car). 3. When applying the storage rules and related charges in connection with a shipment, TSP will be required to immediately notify the Deputy Collector of Customs that shipment is available for customs inspection, and such notification will be interpreted as representing shipment delivery for the purpose of storage charges only. ITEM 467 DETENTION OF VEHICLES 1. Detention of Vehicles (DTB) will apply where trailers/containers that are railroad owned or railroad-leased are delayed at a shipper/consignee location or at ramp awaiting pickup by shipper/consignee, subject to the following conditions: a. Arrival notification must be provided to the consignee during normal operating hours. b. In no event will less than 48-hours free time be permitted per vehicle. Where a number of railroad-owned or railroad-leased vehicles are made available by a TSP on the same date, the free time permitted will be governed under the table below. If a shipper/consignee is unable to load/unload all vehicles within the free time allotted, chargeable time will begin on the next 11:59 PM after termination of that free time terminates, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. No other provision for the adjustment of free time due to bunching of railroad-owned or railroad-leased cars will be permitted Free Time AllowedNumber of Vehicles48 hours1-1672 hours17-2496 hours25-32120 hours33 and over c. The Government will be allowed free time to perform loading/unloading functions at a normal rate when cars are bunched and placed for loading/unloading, when the number of cars exceeds the number of railcars ordered or received daily due to the TSPs delay in completing or processing orders, an act or omission or neglect of a TSP that directly leads to the bunching of rail cars or weather interference. d. Computing time for charges. 1) Door-to-Door Service. Computation of time will terminate when a shipper acknowledges that the railroad vehicle is loaded and ready for movement or when consignee acknowledges that the railroad vehicle is unloaded and ready for movement. 2) Ramp-to-Ramp Service. Computation of time will terminate when: a) an empty vehicle is delivered to the TSP; b) a loaded vehicle with billing instructions is delivered to the TSP; or; c) forwarding instructions are given to the TSP with proper billing instructions. e. Detention Charges. 1) Where a railroad-owned or railroad-leased trailer or container is detained beyond the allowable free time, the following charges will apply: a) For each of the first four, 24-hour periods or fraction after expiration of free time, DTB (1) $_______ per vehicle. b) For each of the next two, 24-hour periods or fraction after expiration of free time, DTB (2) $_______ per vehicle. c) For each succeeding 24-hour period or fraction after expiration of free time, DTB (3) $_______ per vehicle. 2) When a TSP is requested to perform origin/destination terminal services, and the TSPs tractor and/or the TSPs employee remains with the vehicle at a shipper/consignee location, the following rules concerning delay or detention of the TSP vehicle will apply: a) Four hours free time will be allowed for loading/unloading of vehicle. b) Time is computed within normal operating hours at origin/destination, except when TSP is permitted by the shipper/consignee to work past this period. If the TSP is unable to complete loading/unloading within the allowed free time by the end of business day, free time will resume at the beginning of the next business day or when TSP actually begins work. c) When loading/unloading of vehicle is delayed beyond allowable free time, a charge of DTB (4) $_______ per hour or fraction will apply for delay beyond allowable free time until the vehicle is released by shipper/consignee. 2. In circumstances where a vehicle is unloaded, and then immediately reloaded at the same location, each transaction will be treated separately. Free time for loading will begin when free time for unloading ends. 3. If a TSP is unable to load, unload, receive or dispatch to a railroad because of a strike, the following rules will apply: a. Time beginning from the first 12:01 AM after interference begins until first 12:00 AM after interference ends will be excluded from computing time and charges. b. Detention before and after interference will be consolidated. 4. Free time and demurrage will be computed in accordance with applicable provisions provided in this publication. Demurrage charges will be in addition to applicable vehicle detention charges. Certain Government installations have specific agreements for storing and relocating TSP equipment for loading, unloading and/or detention charges, and those agreements will supersede the provisions of any inconsistency that might exist within the provisions set forth. ITEM 469 EXCLUSIVE USE OF TRAILER OR DROMEDARY See Item 31 in this publication for Exclusive Use of Trailer or Dromedary service. ITEM 471 FURNISHING CHASSIS FOR COFC SHIPMENTS A TSP will not supply chassis or other equipment for pickup or delivery of containers at a TSP ramp at origin to a TSP ramp at destination, except as follows: 1. A TSP providing line haul service may furnish chassis or other equipment at a charge of FCS(1) $_______ per shipment. 2. Unless otherwise arranged between the shipper/consignee and the TSP, chassis or other equipment furnished must be returned to the point where received and to the TSP from which received. ITEM 473 FURNISHING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 1. A TSP will furnish vehicles with all equipment necessary to safely transport Government freight and comply with federal safety regulations. 2. TSP-furnished vehicles containing surplus equipment that exceeds the amount necessary to safely transport freight will not be permitted to seek additional charges. 3. The equipment furnished by a TSP may be rejected by a shipper/consignee if the shipper/consignee considers the equipment unfit for transport. Rejected equipment will not be subject to charges for Vehicle Furnished but Not Used, Item 503, in this section. 4. This item applies only under TOFC Plans where a TSP is required to furnish vehicles. ITEM 475 HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE See Item 49 in this publication. ITEM 477 INTERMODAL SHIPMENTS (IMS) IML shipments normally do not have rate tiers that differentiate based on total weight, they are normally capped at 42,500 pounds. Due to this the below rates will be negotiated between the carrier and the VA when necessary. 1. This item describes provisions a TSP will follow when computing charges for intermodal shipments (IMS). See Definitions for more information on intermodal shipments. Intermodal shipments will be subject to additional charges shown below: a. Vehicles and equipment weighing less than 50,000 pounds: IMS (1) $_______ each b. Vehicles and equipment weighing 50,000 pounds or more: IMS (2) $_______ each c. Trailers or containers with chassis: IMS (3) $_______ each d. Containers or shelters without chassis: IMS (4) $_______ each 2. When a TSP furnishes a vehicle upon request of a shipper, and shipper subsequently cancels loading of that vehicle, a TSP will be entitled to charges indicated in Vehicles Furnished but Not Used, Item 27, in this part. 3. When shipper actions directly result in delay of TSP equipment, a TSP will be entitled to charges as indicated in Detention of Vehicles, Item 467, in this section. 4. A TSP will not trip lease any shipments that requires constant surveillance, or any shipment where the BL is annotated with the phrase  Trip-Lease Not Authorized. ITEM 479 PICKUP/DELIVERY ON SATURDAY (SAT), SUNDAY OR HOLIDAYS (HOL), OR NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE OR AFTER NORMAL OPERATING HOURS (PUD) Pickup and delivery on Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays charges, see Section II, Items 131 and 133 in this publication. ITEM 481 PICKUP AND DELIVERY AT PIERS AND WHARVES Lawful charges incurred by the TSP at piers and wharves for pickup and delivery will be advanced by the TSP for collection from the shipping agency IAW this publication. This item will apply only under TOFC Plans where the TSP provides pickup and delivery service. ITEM 483 NOTIFICATION OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING A TSP will at all times coordinate with sufficient advance notice to the receiving facility to ensure timely loading/offloading of Government cargo. ITEM 485 PRELODGING For prelodging services, see Item 7 in this publication. ITEM 487 REDELIVERY For Redelivery charges, see Item 19 in this publication. ITEM 489 RELOCATION OF VEHICLE (RLS) (Applies only to trailers dropped for loading/unloading) For Relocation of Vehicle charges, see Item 79 in this publication. ITEM 491 RETURN MOVEMENT OF PALLETS 1. Line haul rates may include the return movement of pallets (RMP) via motor service, subject to the following provisions: a. One trailer load of pallets will be returned for each 10 or less inbound palletized loaded trailers. b. Pallets will be returned to shipper of the original palletized freight. c. Return movement of pallets will be via reverse route of the inbound movement. d. Pallets should be loaded in same trailer within the free time allowed in this section. Detention rules and charges will apply when free time expires. e. Stop-off in transit is not permitted on return pallet movement. 2. To provide return movement of pallets under provisions of this item, TSP will enter RMP (1) in their tender and fill with zeroes in order to indicate that the charge is included in line haul charge. ITEM 493 SEALING OF VEHICLES For sealing of vehicles, see Item 13 in this publication. ITEM 495 SPLIT PICK UP (SPU) OR DELIVERY For split pick up or delivery, see Item 127 of this publication. ITEM 497 STORAGE OF VEHICLES This item sets forth mandatory requirements applicable to TSP when computing charges for storage of vehicles (SVS). 1. For vehicle(s) stored in or on the premises of the railroad that are held for delivery or any other reason directly attributable to acts of the consignee, the consignee will be allowed 48 hours free time at destination or at an intermediate stop-off point, to remove vehicle(s) from railroad premises or order that the vehicle(s) be delivered. 2. Vehicle(s) held on railroad premises at origin without billing instructions will be allowed 48 hours free time to tender the vehicle(s) for shipment. 3. Free time will be computed from first 12:01 AM following notification that vehicle(s) is available, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. 4. After 48 hours free time expires, SVS(1) $100.00 per vehicle per day will be assessed for each 24-hour period or fraction, including Saturday, Sunday and holidays, until vehicle(s) is removed from railroad premises. SVS will not apply when detention charges, Item 467, in this section, are applicable. ITEM 501 TENDERING OF MULTIPLE VEHICLES This item describes provisions a TSP will follow when computing charges for tendering multiple vehicles (TMV). This service is normally included in the linehaul rate, when necessary; prices will be negotiated between the carrier and the VA. 1. For multiple vehicle shipments, all vehicles must be delivered to TSP ramp within 48 hours after the first 12:01 AM after tendering the first vehicle, except in circumstances where the delay is due to a force majeure situation. 2. Any portion of multiple vehicle shipment that is received at a TSP ramp later than 48 hours after the first 12:01 A.M. after tender of the first vehicle will be subject to an additional charge of TMV (1) $375.00 for each 24 hour period in excess of 48 hours occurring before tendering of the final vehicle at TSP ramp. Free time will exclude Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. ITEM 503 VEHICLES FURNISHED BUT NOT USED For VFN charges, see Item 27 in this publication. IV. TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICE (TPS) FOR RAIL This part describes requirements a TSP will follow when providing General Security Service for sensitive items. GSS will not be provided unless specifically requested by the shipper. If GSS is requested for only some of the railcars involved in the shipment, reporting marks and the number of each railcar requiring inspection will be listed. ITEM 505 GENERAL SECURITY SERVICE 1. General Security Service (GSS) is a TPS that provides a basic level of security for a shipment. GSS requires seal tracing and inspection service for rail shipment of unclassified, sensitive cargo. GSS will include the following: a. TSP personnel will inspect and record rail cars located at major terminals for evidence of forced entry or tampering with seals or securing devices. At a minimum, the following information will be included in all TSP inspection record: 1) Name of TSP reporting; 2) Time of inspection; 3) Actual arrival time at terminal, and; 4) Actual departure time from terminal. b. If evidence of forced entry, vandalism, sabotage or tampering with seals exists, the TSP will immediately notify the shipping agency as provided in the shipping documents and VATLC Customer Service Center, (FAX 202-495-5496). 3. At any time, VA or the shipping agency may request to review or receive copies of any written documentation required above. The TSP is required to maintain all written documentation for a period of three years. 4. A TSP will provide GSS on shipments of single or multiple carloads moving on the same train at a charge of GSS $70.00 per car. Charges will be in addition to other charges for transportation of shipments requiring this service. V. RULES ON TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT) The rules and regulations provided in this part are applicable to transportation of HAZMAT as defined in 49 CFR, Part 172.101 as well as materials not specifically defined as HAZMAT per 49 CFR, Part 172.101, but are of a nature and character as to merit an extra measure of protection measures while in transit. TSP requirements provided in this part will be followed in order to retain GSA approval to transport Government freight. ITEM 507 ARRIVAL DURING OTHER THAN NORMAL OPERATING HOURS TSP will provide advance notification to consignee if arrival is expected to occur after normal operating hours. The TSP will retain custody of shipment until delivery. ITEM 509 DRAYAGE Drayage of HAZMAT shipments moving in rail TOFC/COFC/Intermodal service will be tendered only to qualified motor freight TSPs who are approved by VA. ITEM 511 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT) Hazardous material will be transported in compliance with regulations published in 49 CFR. TSPs are advised that interim notices of final rules that affect the CFR are published in the Federal Register. Special VA requirements related to rail transport of radioactive materials, other hazardous materials and substances, and hazardous waste are provided in this section. ITEM 513 INSPECTION AND LOADING OF RAIL CARS/VEHICLES 1. The TSP will ensure each empty rail car used to transport dangerous articles is inspected prior to loading to ensure compliance with 49 CFR Parts 174.104 and 174.81. The TSP will provide evidence of this inspection. 2. All shipments must be loaded and placarded according to 49 CFR Part 172 standards. 3. Rail cars must be properly sealed. The shipping agency may provide seals which must be used if provided. Otherwise TSP provided seals will be used. 4. For the motor portion of a rail TOFC/COFC, see Section 3 in this publication. Section 5 Ocean Freight Transportation Service Provider Rules (New) I. GENERAL OCEAN TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION This part describes general requirements for an ocean TSP who transports any Government freight. ITEM 601 COMBINING BILLS OF LADING BLs for government contract barge shipments or other ocean TSP shipments cannot be combined in the currently authorized Third party payment system (PayPort Express) with any other ocean shipment going to same destination under tug ocean tow, unless specifically approved in advance by VA. ITEM 603 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Under this item, prior to being qualified to perform as an ocean TSP, the TSP will affirmatively warrant and affirm that no other entity was used to solicit or otherwise secure its tender or paid a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. Under this part, TSPs are also required to ensure that only bona fide employees or established commercial or selling agencies can be used by a TSP to secure Government traffic. In the event that a TSP is found to breach or otherwise violate this warranty, the Government will have the immediate unilateral right to cancel the tender without liability or, at its discretion, deduct from the agreement price or consideration the full amount of that commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. The only exception to this general rule will be for fuel ocean TSPs, where brokers are permitted to be used. ITEM 605 GAS-FREE CERTIFICATION If a gas-free certificate is required to permit an internal inspection of an ocean/barge TSP prior to loading/unloading/welding, that certification will be provided by the TSP at no cost to Government. The gas-free certificate may also be used at destination for loading additional cargo. At any time, a TSP may be required to provide an entirely new gas-free certification to shipper/loader, which will be provided at no cost to Government. II. GENERAL OCEAN TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULES This part sets forth mandatory requirements for compliance by an ocean TSP when providing rates for services offered to handle, store, or transport any type of Government freight. Rules contained in this part will be followed in order for ocean TSP to continue as a VA approved TSP. ITEM 607 CARGO BLANKETING TSP will be responsible for furnishing inert gas and will be liable for any harmful effect on cargo when blanketing cargo. Time used to blanket cargo will not be deemed as freetime/laytime. ITEM 609 DEMURRAGE 1. A TSP will offer in its tender the following as free time allowed enabling a shipper and/or consignee to load/unload in barge. This free time will include removal of all dunnage, debris, and any special gear necessary to secure cargo in/on the barge, but will in no event exceed eight hours per day: DEM(1) $0.50 per hour to load (normally there is not a charge for this service) DEM(2) $0.75 per hour to unload (normally there is not a charge for this service) Bulk liquid TSP will enter: DEM(3) $0.20 Barrels Per Hour (BPH) to load (normally there is not a charge for this service) DEM(4) $0.25 Barrels Per Hour (BPH) to unload (normally there is not a charge for this service) 2. A TSP will grant Government a minimum free time of 1 hours at origin and destination for hook-up and inspection plus one additional hour for each 2,000 barrels of cargo loaded and discharged or other free time allowance requested in writing by Government and accepted, in writing, by TSP. 3. For Laytime (prorated to the nearest hour) in excess of allowed free time to load or unload, demurrage charges will be set forth in the tender as follows: DEM(5) Between $60 - $75 per hour if additional time is needed after two hours free time. 4. For shipments that involve the Return Shipment of a Retained Product, Item 637, in this section, will apply. 5. TSP will invoice Government Installations and facilities via USPS mail or other authorized VA electronic systems. In the future, an e-Bill may be submitted in the Third party payment system (PayPort Express). TSP will maintain the following supporting documentation: a. Notice of Readiness b. Notifications of Expected Arrival (48-, 24-, 12-, and 3-hour notices of ETA) c. Vessel logs d. Revisions to scheduled readiness date e. Written documentation describing charges billed and incurred by installation or facility. ITEM 611 EQUIPMENT 1. TSP will maintain and operate equipment IAW all applicable federal law and regulations, including but not limited to regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard, Government applicable port and state and local laws. All equipment provided will meet federal safety regulations, and be necessary and suitable under industry standards to load/unload intended cargo. Equipment tendered by a bulk fuel TSP will, at a minimum, contain permanent gauge point marks and calibration charts, including strapping charts and trim tables. Any tow vessel will have onboard dewatering pumps for emergency purposes. 2. If the equipment provided by a TSP is determined by a Government inspector to be unsuitable for loading/unloading intended cargo, the TSP will have the option to perform further cleaning or repairs at the TSPs sole expense or take appropriate actions to substitute acceptable equipment to meet the scheduled lift date. 3. Time used for the following actions will not be considered Laytime, Item 325: a. Cleaning or repairs, b. Loading delayed during the process of substituting and/or switching equipment, c. Time used in presenting, inspecting or cleaning of rejected equipment. 4. A TSP will be required to reissue Notification of Readiness, as specifically described in Item 327, when utilizing cleaned, repaired or replacement equipment. ITEM 613 EQUIPMENT ORDERED BUT NOT USED 1. If through no fault of the TSP, Government cancels an order and equipment has left point of dispatch, the TSP will assess charges for Equipment Ordered But Not Used (VFN)(1)$50.00 per Dry Container and $175.00 per Refrigerated Container. 2. The TSP has three options for VFN charges to calculate VFN, however, the charge must be the lowest of the three options and will be on a per movement basis: a. First Option: VFN 1: multiply by twice the number of hours from point of dispatch to point of cancellation. b. Second Option: VFN 1: multiply by number of hours from point of dispatch to next loading point. c. Third Option: Total freight charges for canceled shipment. 3. Release of the conveyance can be accomplished by any means within ordinary custom and trade; however, release must be confirmed in writing within one hour of the time of cancellation. Cancellation will be confirmed by email and to the dispatcher that the equipment was ordered from or a government representative designated by the TSP. 4. A TSP will bill Government installations and facilities via a VA carrier invoice package that will be submitted to the Washington, DC Central Office via USPS mail, small package mail, or in some instances, emailed. In the future an eBill in the currently authorized Third party payment system (Pay Port Express) will be utilized. The TSP will maintain the following supporting documentation: a. Notice of Readiness b. Notifications of Expected Arrival (48-, 24-, 12-, and 3-hour notices of ETA) c. Vessel logs d. Written notice of cancellation e. Other records to support the charges ITEM 615 INSPECTIONS 1. A TSP will be solely responsible for arranging for a qualified marine cargo specialist or surveyor to conduct an inspection of loading, as well as securing any type of ocean conveyance for movement. In no event will the Government assume any cost for this required inspection. Inspection arrangement will be coordinated in advance with the shipper/consignee. 2. Any equipment provided by a TSP is subject to the requirements set forth in Item 319, Equipment. In no event will rejection of defective or equipment that fails to meet industry standards or federal regulations during an inspection relieve the TSP from pickup and delivery requirements. 3. The TSP will fully comply with all applicable regulations concerning facility and vessel safety, security regulations and inspection criteria, as set forth in 33 CFR, Parts 6, 104-105, 109-110, 125-126 and 160; and 49 CFR, Part 176. ITEM 617 LAYTIME 1. Laytime starts at Notice of Readiness, except: a. If a vessel arrives earlier than the readiness date that was agreed to between Government and the TSP, the scheduled vessel will be loaded in its proper turn with other vessels that have arrived. Laytime will not begin until a vessel moors alongside or at 12:01 AM local time on the readiness date last agreed upon, whichever occurs first. b. If vessel arrives later than 12:00 PM on the day following the last agreed upon readiness date, the vessel will be loaded in its proper turn with other vessels. Laytime will not begin until a vessel moors alongside. 2. Laytime will continue 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without interruption from the start of laytime until the vessel is released by government quality representative. Laytime will apply to both loading and discharging operations. 3. If any of the circumstances set forth below occur after laytime begins, the TSP will add time to the basic laytime charges in paragraph 2: a. Vessel conditions does not permit loading or unloading. Increased laytime will include, but not be limited to: shifting vessel(s) from lay berth, anchorage, or fleeting area; shifting one ocean TSP for another during loading or unloading; substituting and/or switching equipment for cleaning or; other causes beyond control and without fault or negligence of the Government. b. Delay of vessel reaching its berth due to the act, omission, or negligence of the TSP. c. Rules or standard practices of an owner or operator of a vessel, or the regulations of a port authority prohibit loading or unloading. d. Undue delay caused by the acts of omissions of a TSP concerning loading/unloading the vessel, or releasing the vessel for sailing beyond Government control, absent any negligence of intentional act of the Government or its product/storage contractor that proximately causes undue delay. ITEM 619 NOTICE OF READINESS A TSP will submit Notice of Readiness (NOR), prior to performing loading/unloading, when mooring at dock for acceptance by authorized personnel at the docking facility. If dock space, product, or personnel are not available and the TSP is directed to a lay berth, anchorage, or fleeting area, NOR may be tendered to authorized personnel from that location. When mooring is permitted and dock clearance is given, the TSP will shift immediately to the assigned berth. In no event will the time required for vessel shifting, berthing, or mooring will not be considered as Freetime/Laytime. ITEM 621 NOTIFICATION 1. The TSP will provide notification of at least 48 hours to the port before the estimated time of arrival (ETA), and continue to provide updates at 24, 12, and 3 hours before ETA. At least 24 hours before vessel dispatch, the TSP will provide shipper/consignee the name of vessel(s) nominated and point of dispatch. The TSP will provide updates at least 24-hour intervals until arrival. 2. The TSP will furnish shipper/consignee daily reports notifications until arrival at destination and confirm these notifications in writing. 3. Any TSP claim for demurrage that is submitted for payment without supporting notification will be returned unpaid. ITEM 623 PERFORMANCE When authorized, the TSP will proceed to a designated loading point. If the TSP cannot furnish its equipment on date the vessel was ordered, Government will be permitted to substitute another qualified TSP to furnish transportation. The TSP, upon failing to perform its obligations will be liable for all additional charges Government incurs in arranging substitute transportation, and in no event will the TSP receive any compensation for that shipment. ITEM 625 PROTECTION AGAINST THE ELEMENTS At the shipper's request, the TSP agrees to provide proper protection of the cargo from the elements, which will include protection from salt-water intrusion or adverse weather conditions. ITEM 627 STOWAGE 1. A reasonable and safe berth for vessel(s) to remain afloat will be provided by the Government facility or Government contractor during loading/unloading. The TSP will fully comply with all applicable federal safety regulations. 2. In the event that Government or its representative is unable to provide proper berthing at the time of docking, in order to avoid damage to persons or property, the TSP will be responsible for removing the equipment, including movement of power equipment (tug/tow), and stowing it in a secure area. Charge for Stowage will be STO(1) $300.00 per ocean TSP. 3. Shippers/consignees who incur lawfully owed charges under this item will be billed through USPS mail or via an authorized small package carrier. In the future authorized Third party payment system (PayPort Express) or other VA electronic payment systems will be utilized. The TSP will, at a minimum, maintain the following supporting documentation: a. Notification of Readiness b. Notifications of expected arrival to consignee and shipper (48-, 24-, 12-, and 3-hour notices of ETA) c. Vessel logs d. Other records to support claim. ITEM 629 U.S. COAST GUARD PORT AND VESSEL SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 1. When a TSP is engaged in the transportation of HAZMAT as defined in 49 CFR, Part 171, the TSP will comply with applicable U.S. Coast Guard port and vessel safety and security regulations as defined in 33 CFR Parts 6, 104-105, 109-110, 125-126, and 160; and 49 CFR Part 176. The TSP will also be required to remain current on that status of any terrorist threat levels advisories, as published by the Department of Homeland Security. 2. The TSP will coordinate with Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) in obtaining all necessary permits and permissions for loading and transport of cargo found in 33 CFR, Part 126.19, and Government will assist the TSP if required. The TSP will obtain all required lawful permits from the COTP prior to handling HAZMAT applicable to operations (49 CFR, Part 176.99.) TSP will also comply with all additional safety and security instructions concerning TSP operations involving: sensitive and protected materials; radioactive material and; other dangerous articles. 3. The TSP will develop and maintain a vessel security plan that provides proper security and protection of cargo. The security plan will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Twenty-four hour watch; b. Access controls; c. Lighting, and; d. Terminal security standards 4. Coast Guard Form 4260, Application and Permit to Handle Hazardous Materials, is divided into three major sections: a. Application completed by facility/vessel b. Permit completed by the COTP c. Inspection completed by vessel master 5. Coast Guard Form 4260 will be submitted to the COTP having jurisdiction over the load and discharge location. Applications will be submitted at least 30 days in advance of movement. 6. The COTP and the approval authority may place special requirements on loading/unloading operations, including but not limited to: a. Limitations/prohibition of bunkering b. No smoking c. Appropriate lighting d. Vessel crew fire drills e. Procedures outlined in 49 CFR, Part 176.108 and 176.180 f. Limitations of transit times and routes 7. TSP will comply with all special requirements required by the COTP at no additional cost to the government. 8. The TSP will permit the COTP to provide assistance regarding loading and stow plan of the vessel. 9. The TSP acknowledges that the COTP may deem it necessary to escort loaded vessels in/out of port, and that coordination may be required during these operations. III. RULES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF BULK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (EXCLUDING BULK LIQUIDS) This part sets forth the TSP requirements that apply to any TSP who transports bulk petroleum for the Government. The TSP will comply with the following of these rules in order to continue to qualify as an approved VA TSP. ITEM 631 CONTAMINATED FUEL Except when damage to the bulk petroleum cargo is due to a force majeure situation, if a vessel/barge arrives at the unloading port in a contaminated condition, the TSP (at the discretion of the installation/activity controlling the movement) will be required to reimburse the Government. ITEM 633 DELIVERY DATES 1. If Government modifies or revises the readiness date after a TSP has dispatched vessel(s) for intended routing, the shipper/consignee will have the right to cancel the shipment. 2. A TSP may request revision of the readiness date by obtaining written consent by the shipper/consignee within 72 hours prior to the existing readiness date. The shipper/consignee reserves the right to reject any requested revision to the readiness date. If a shipper/consignee does not consent to the requested revision of the TSP, readiness date will remain unchanged. 3. If a TSP cannot provide the proper and necessary equipment on the agreed upon readiness date, Government will have the option to cancel the shipment or permit TSP to arrive after the agreed readiness time. TSP will obtain written confirmation from the shipper/consignee concerning the established and revised readiness date. ITEM 635 OUTTURN 1. Except as otherwise provided, a TSP will be liable for any shortage in outturn exceeding one-half of one percent (0.5%) in volume as computed from shore tank gauges of the bulk petroleum and based on the value of product replacement. 2. The vessel master or mate will be required to take computations from the vessel permanent gauge point marks and calibration charts, with assistance from Government, and gauge the vessel for quantity aboard the vessel after loading, as well as before unloading the vessel. 3. A TSP will not be liable for any shortage in outturn if the comparison of quantity aboard vessel(s) after loading and before unloading taken from vessel permanent gauge point marks and calibration charts does not exceed one-half of one percent (0.5%) in volume. The TSP will be responsible for any fuel carried away (see Definitions, Appendix A). ITEM 637 RETURN SHIPMENT OF RETAINED PRODUCT 1. When consignee fails to accept a total shipment, any product remaining within the vessel must be promptly returned to shipper or shippers designee. 2. In such circumstances, the TSP will charge hourly demurrage rates provided in the tender section of this publication not to exceed (DEM 6) $250.00 per hour, which will begin at the time of departure of TSP equipment from the vessel or consignee, and terminating at the time of release of the vessel by the Government Inspector at discharge point. 3. The TSP will submit charges under this item through USPS mail or other authorized small package carrier. In the future, an eBill will be submitted via the authorized Third party payment system (PayPort Express) or other electronic payment processing systems. At a minimum, the TSP will maintain the following supporting documentation: a. The shipping and receiving forms for the shipment; b. A TSP-generated form certified by the receiving vessel or activity and certified upon returned to origin by the shipping terminal or other designee at destination. ITEM 639 VARIATIONS IN QUANTITY 1. Only a shipper/consignee will have the authority to authorize variations in product quantity. The quantity delivered to a TSP will be measured by shore tank gauges that have been corrected to 60 Fahrenheit, and must be witnessed and certified by an authorized government representative. To ensure the safety of the cargo, a TSP will coordinate any request to transport a lesser quantity with shipper/consignee and will offer a reasonable fee, with Government approval. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in paragraph 1, the total quantity of a shipment is approximate with custom usage of the trade and governed by demand of the service. The quantity delivered to the TSP for any individual lifting requirement may vary by a standard deviation of plus/minus 10 percent. The TSP will transport quantity within its full capacity of the provided equipment at no change in rates or other types of charges under the terms of its tender. Bids within the TSPs tender cannot exceed 90 percent of estimated cargo percent quantity. IV. RULES FOR TRANSPORTING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS This part sets forth the rules and regulations applicable not only to hazardous materials (HAZMAT) as defined in 49 CFR, Part 172.101, but will also apply to materials that are not defined specifically as HAZMAT per 49 CFR, Part 172.101 that due to their special nature, character, or security requirements of the cargo, require an extra measure of protection in transit. ITEM 641 MOVEMENT OF SHIPMENTS REQUIRING TPS 1. The TSP will fully comply with all governing federal and Government safety and security regulations and rules with respect to loading, unloading, handling, stowing, and transporting HAZMAT, and other sensitive materials. The applicable rules and regulations are more fully set forth within the following legal authorities: Title 33 CFR Parts 6, 104-105, 109-110, 125-126, and 160; Title 49 CFR Parts 105-107, 110, 130, 171-173 and 176; 2. Prior to loading TPS shipments at a Government port, Government port personnel, in conjunction with USCG port security and TSP personnel will ensure all required pre-load safety and security measures are taken. See Performance, Item 331 and Return Shipment of Retained Product, Item 347 in this publication for guidance. Section 6 - Fuel Related General Rate Adjustment ITEM 701 FUEL RELATED GENERAL RATE ADJUSTMENT (1300) The provisions of subsections A through E of this section govern a Fuel Related General Rate Adjustment (FRGRA) that Motor and Rail/Intermodal Freight Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) participating in this STOS makes to its line haul charge. Provision F addresses fuel rate adjustment for Air Freight TSPs and Provision G addresses fuel rate adjustment for Ocean Freight TSPs. General. The FRGRA provides a TSP flexibility to obtain reasonable relief from sudden and unforeseen increases in diesel fuel prices. Additionally, the FRGRA requires a TSP to correspondingly discount its line haul charge when there are sudden and unforeseen decreases in diesel fuel prices. Since fuel related rate adjustments for gradual changes in a TSPs fuel related costs over a longer period of time are beyond the purpose of this provision, a TSP should consider gradual fuel price changes when it submits or supplements its STOS rates during a rate filing open window if such changes significantly affect the TSPs operating costs. Application. The FRGRA is applicable to all VA negotiated/accepted rate offers as well as rate offers negotiated/accepted by a Federal agency that participates in the STOS. The FRGRA may be waived or altered only by the Freight Program Management Office (FPMO) or appropriate Federal agency that negotiated/accepted the rate offer. A. Setting Baseline. Diesel fuel price ranges and corresponding applicable percent rate adjustment levels were collaboratively established with the motor TSP industry as of November 2000. The levels specified in this section reflect current standard industry practice and will be reviewed and revised on an as-needed basis. B. Determination of Adjustment. Each Monday, or first working day thereafter if the Monday falls on a Federal Holiday (after referred to as Monday), the Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA), posts the National U.S. Average diesel fuel price. If a FRGRA is justified under subsection D of this section based on each Mondays posting, the FRGRA applies to shipments picked up the ensuing Wednesday through the following Tuesday (Note: shipment pickup date is controlling for FRGRA purposes). A TSP is responsible for monitoring diesel fuel prices each Monday using one of the sources identified below to determine whether a FRGRA will apply for the one-week period beginning the upcoming Wednesday through Tuesday of the following week. EIA Website: http://www.eia.doe.gov/ EIA Weekly Petroleum Status Report EIA Hotline: (202) 586-6966 B. Amount of Adjustment. If on any given Monday National U.S. Average diesel fuel prices, as published in one of the sources identified in subsection D1, exceed or fall below the neutral range specified in the table under subsection D2c, a TSP will compute its FRGRA under subsection D2a or b, as appropriate. If the National U.S. Average diesel fuel prices exceed the neutral range, the TSP may increase its line haul charge by the appropriate percentage specified in the table under subsection D2c; or If the National U.S. Average diesel fuel prices fall below the neutral range, the TSP must decrease its line haul charge by the percentage specified in the table under subsection D2c. C. Increase/Decrease Schedule: The following table specifies the percentage FRGRA to be applied based on diesel fuel cost per gallon: Cost Per GallonPercent DecreasePercent IncreaseFor each 5 cents per gallon below $1.00, subtract 0.5%NEUTRAL RANGE$1.00 $1.1000$1.11 $1.150.5$1.16 $1.201.0$1.21 $1.251.5$1.26 $1.302.0$1.31 - $1.352.5$1.36 $1.403.0$1.41 - $1.453.5For each 5 cents per gallon above $1.45, add 0.5% D. Billing Procedures. A TSP must clearly show the amount of any diesel fuel rate adjustment, either an increase or a decrease (discount), as a separate line item on all affected freight bills, Transportation Service Orders (TSOs), or bills of lading. F. Air Freight Fuel Surcharges. 1. Determination of Adjustment. The fuel surcharge is an index-based surcharge that is adjusted monthly. Changes to the surcharge will be effective the first Monday of each month. The surcharge will be based on the U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC) prices for kerosene-type jet fuel reported by the U.S. Department of Energy for the month that is two months prior to the adjustment. 2. Adjustment Schedule: Kerosene Fuel PricePercent changeFromTo $ 2.40  $ 2.52 -4 $ 2.53  $ 2.66 -3 $ 2.67  $ 2.80 -2 $ 2.81  $ 2.95 -1 $ 2.96  $ 3.11 Neutral Range $ 3.12  $ 3.27 1 $ 3.28  $ 3.45 2 $ 3.46  $ 3.63 3 $ 3.64  $ 3.82 4 $ 3.83  $ 4.03 5 $ 4.04  $ 4.24 6 $ 4.25  $ 4.46 7 $ 4.47  $ 4.69 8 $ 4.70  $ 4.94 9 $ 4.95  $ 5.20 10 G. Ocean Freight Fuel Surcharges. Bunker adjustment factors are determined independently by each shipping line. Bunker adjustment factors must be documented on the ocean bill of lading and/or ocean TSP invoice as a separate line item. APPENDIX A ITEM 1 -- DEFINITION OF TERMS ACCESSORIAL SERVICES Services performed which are additional, supplemental, or special, in addition to the basic transportation service. ACTUAL PLACEMENT The placing of a TSP conveyance in an accessible position for loading or unloading, or at a place specifically designated by the shipper or consignee. ACTUAL VALUE RATE A rate based on the actual value of the material shipped. AGREED VALUATION The value of articles in a freight shipment agreed upon as the basis of which the freight rate is assessed. This valuation establishes a value beyond which recovery cannot be had in event of loss or damage in transit. AIR TAXI Air transportation from a TSP offering non-scheduled air services of passengers or cargo, on a charter or contract basis. Aircraft, having a gross takeoff weight of less than 12,500 pounds and operating under the requirements of Federal and State bodies, can be either fixed-wing or helicopter. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) Organization that serves as coordinator of a voluntary standardization system for the U.S. private sector. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIAL (ASTM) Organization for standardizing petroleum industry specifications and testing methods. APPEAL Procedures that allows reconsideration of a TSP in non-use or disqualified status. ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES Arms, ammunition, and explosives are those items set forth within the scope and intent of Department of Defense Manual 5100.76-M, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives. ASTM TABLE 6 Standardized table for converting a measured volume of fuel to a standard 60 degrees Fahrenheit. ASTRAY CARGO Shipments or portions of shipments found in a TSPs possession or delivered to a government activity for which billing (e.g., waybill, freight warrant) is not available or which is being held for any reason except transfer. BARGE A category of vessel designed as non-self-propelled units for the carriage of cargo on the weather deck or in holds or in tanks. The units are towed/pushed by another ship (tug or pusher vessel). BARGE BOOMING - A floating barrier around the barge during receipt/issue of a petroleum products shipment that operates to prevent the spread of any accidental spills. BARREL Standard unit of measurement in the petroleum industry, equivalent to 42 standard U.S. gallons. BATCH Specific volume of fuel in a refinery or pipeline that is processed, treated, or moved in one operation. BEST VALUE A procurement evaluation and selection mechanism that permits the government to select TSPs to support Defense Transportation System requirements based on a combination of price-related and non-price-related factors. Examples of non-price-related factors that may be considered in a Best Value evaluation include, but are not limited to, the TSPs quality of service, past performance, claims experience, ability to perform service within stated requirements, ability to respond, routing, ability to provide in-transit visibility, and commitment of transportation assets to readiness support. If past performance is chosen as an evaluation criterion, some factors to look at may include, but are not limited to, on-time pickup and delivery percentage, percentage of shipments involving lost or damaged cargo, number of claims, and TSP availability. Under this procurement evaluation method, price is not the only factor considered for selection of a TSP. Ultimately, award should be made to the TSP that represents the best value to the government under the stated evaluation criteria. BILL OF LADING A contract for carriage of cargo made with a TSP that also operates as a receipt of the goods and documentary evidence of title to the goods. A common transportation term for the basic agreement that underlies shipment of goods. A document issued by a TSP to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery. For government traffic, this term is used interchangeably with  Government Bill of Lading (GBL) or  Commercial Bill of Lading (CBL) . The Bill of Lading is the primary document used to contract for transportation and related services from commercial TSP, including freight forwarders. BODILY INJURY INSURANCE An insurance policy that pays for injuries caused to other individuals in the event of a vehicle accident. BOXCAR The term "boxcar" encompasses all cars with AAR car types codes beginning with A, B, L4, or S, as described in the STB R. E. R. 6413 (Official Railway Equipment Register). BROKER   Broker means a person who, for compensation, arranges or offers to arrange the transportation of property to be performed by an authorized motor TSP. Motor TSP (or persons who are employee or bona fide agents of a TSP) is not a broker within the meaning of this section when it arranges or offers to arrange the transportation of shipments which it is authorized to transport and which it has accepted and legally bound itself to transport (49 CFR, Subpart A, Sec. 386.2).  Broker means a person other than a motor TSP, or an employee or agent of a motor TSP, that as a principal or agent sells, offers for sale, negotiates for, or holds itself out by solicitation, advertisement or otherwise as selling, providing, or arranging for, transportation by a motor TSP for compensation. BUNCHING The accumulation and placement of cars for loading or unloading in excess of current orders or in prevention of normal and customary loading/unloading schedules. BUNKERING The act or process of supplying a ship with fuel. CARGO BLANKETING Filling a cargo tank and associated piping systems (and other adjacent spaces when specified) with a liquid or inert gas to prevent fires or explosions. CARRY AWAY Bulk fuel exceeding 10 barrels that remains onboard once discharging is complete but before line drop. If Carry Away is verified by Government and vessel Master or mate, then TSP will be liable for all carry away bulk fuel transportation costs. The shipper or consignee will invoice TSP for costs of the carry away amount exceeding 10 barrels. CHASSIS A wheel assembly or bogie for street or highway movement of containers. CLASSIFICATION YARD A system of railroad tracks within a defined area used for receiving, dispatching, classifying, and switching rail cars. CLEARED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER A commercial TSP who has met the following criteria for handling SECRET shipments: a. Can provide the TPS requirements established by a TO. b. Has authorization by law to perform transportation services and qualifies under required security requirements to provide the required transportation protective service. c. Has a SECRET facility clearance issued by the Defense Security Service. d. Has furnished VA with an applicable tender, agreement, or contract that provides for PSS. COASTWISE Domestic traffic receiving a carriage over the ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico, (e.g. New Orleans to Baltimore, New York to Puerto Rico, San Francisco to Hawaii, Alaska to Hawaii). Traffic between Great Lakes ports and seacoast ports, when having a carriage over the ocean, is also termed Coastwise. COMBINATION RATES Combination rates are when two stand-alone rates are combined to make a thru rate. See also Proportional Rates. DEFINITIONS (APPENDIX D) CONSIGNEE Is the actual intended recipient of a shipment. The person, military installation, or Government contractor receiving the shipment from the TSP is considered as the consignee. CONSIGNOR The person or activity that is the supplier or shipper of a product. CONSTRUCTIVE PLACEMENT When a TSP conveyance cannot be placed for loading, unloading, or at a point previously designated by the shipper or consignee, and is placed elsewhere, it is considered as being under constructive placement. TSP must notify the Transportation Officer of installation where the conveyance(s) has been constructively placed in writing the date, time and cars numbers that were placed CONTAINER - A reusable shipping conveyance not less than 20-feet in length, outside measurement, loaded or empty, without bogie or chassis, fitted with devices permitting its ready transfer from one mode of transportation to another, and constructed to enable the attachment of removable bogie or chassis for further transportation. CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES (CONUS) United States territory comprising the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, including adjacent territorial waters but excluding Alaska and Hawaii. United States territory, including the adjacent territorial waters, located within the North American continent between Canada and Mexico. CONTROLLED CRYPTOGRAPHIC ITEM Communication Security equipment declassified by the National Security Agency. Controlled Cryptographic Items requires accountability when shipped by commercial transportation by use of paper or electronic signature service. Classified keying material associated with Controlled Cryptographic Items must be separately transmitted according to requirements for its classification. CONVEYANCE A rail car, trailer or container used to transport a shipment. Any of a number of different vehicles (water TSP, tanker, railcar, tank truck, etc.) used to move petroleum products. COURIER Individuals who are United States government military members or civilian employees, or Department of Defense contractor employees granted with authority to be responsible for continuous surveillance and control over movements of classified material. Individuals designated as escorts or couriers must possess a Department of Defense-issued security clearance at least equal to the level of classification of the material being transported. DANGEROUS ARTICLES Material includes, but is not limited to certain types of chemicals and commodities, such as Flammable Liquids, Flammable Solids, Oxidizing Materials, Corrosive Liquids, Compressed Gases, and Poisonous Substances DAY Calendar day of 24 hours. DEADHEAD A transportation term for a movement by a TSP when the vehicle transports no passengers or freight. DECK BARGE Non-self-propelled vessel, usually flat bottomed and rectangular in structure, having an intact deck for the carriage of bulk materials. It is also commonly referred to as a scow, lighter or hoy. DEFICIT WEIGHT RATING - Calculation of the price for transporting a greater weight than the actual total weight of the goods to be transported with the aim of achieving a lower price. DEMURRAGE A charge made on rail cars or vessels (including barges) held by or for a shipper or consignee beyond the allowable free time for loading and unloading, for forwarding directions, or for any other purpose. Charges for demurrage are considered to be in addition to all other lawfully owed transportation charges. DESTINATION The place to which a shipment is consigned or where the TSP delivers cargo to the consignee or agent. DETENTION A charge made on trailers or containers held by or for the benefit of a shipper or consignee beyond the allowable free time for loading or unloading, for forwarding directions, or for any other purpose. Charges for detention are considered to be in addition to all other lawfully owed transportation charges. DISQUALIFICATION Administrative action taken by the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) or theater Commander that result in excluding a TSP from transporting Department of Defense shipments, either from one or more origin points for specific routes or for all routes. This administrative action can also include the exclusion of a TSP or storage firm from participation in the Department of Defense Personal Property Shipment and Storage Program at one or more installations for a definite or indefinite period of time. DIVERSION Service offered by a TSP that allows a consignor to divert an en route shipment from its original consignee or port of destination to another, or the changing of the mode or designated route of a shipment from that shown on the original transportation documentation while the shipment is in-transit. Government APPROVED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER A transportation provider who possesses legal operating authority to conduct transportation services, who also meets all established Government requirements and has received an official notice of acceptance to transport Government Freight by VA. DOOR-TO-DOOR SERVICE From shippers origin to consignees receiving point. DOUBLE BROKERING Describes a practice where a legitimate broker decides to give a load to a second broker, who then finds a TSP. The term also includes a practice where a motor TSP agrees to transport freight for a broker (under the guise it will haul the freight), and the TSP subsequently re-brokers it to another TSP, Or when a TSP (that also has broker authority) accepts a brokered load (as the TSP) and then tenders that load to another TSP through its brokerage operation (without the brokers knowledge or consent). DRAYAGE A charge for the local transportation of property for a movement that terminates within 30 miles of origin of the shipment. DRY CARGO BARGE Non-self-propelled vessel, usually flat bottomed and rectangular in structure with cargo space below deck, usually used to transport bulk commodities on rivers and canals. The cargo space may be covered or uncovered. Industry commonly refers to these barges as open/covered hopper barges. DRIVEAWAY The movement of a vehicle under its own power by a driver furnished through an authorized commercial motor TSP. DROMEDARY BOX A freight box carried on, and securely fastened to, the chassis of a truck tractor, step deck or flatbed trailer, is also demountable, and can be handled with a forklift truck. It is protected by a Ply metal shield and may be equipped with doors on each side that can be locked with a padlock and sealed. Each dromedary will be considered a separate conveyance. DROPPED TANK TRAILERS Trucks/containers or trailers left on the terminal for unloading at a later time without the services of the motor TSP upon authorization by the terminal operator. DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE A protective service utilized for SRC III, IV, and Uncategorized AA&E that is more specifically described in Item 103, Dual Driver Protective Service, for detailed guidance. DUNNAGE Lumber or other material used to brace and secure cargo to prevent damage during shipment. DUNNAGE ALLOWANCE A flat fee that seeks to compensate drivers for assembly or building materials required to properly block and brace a load. Dunnage must be specifically requested by a shipper in order for the allowance to be properly paid. eBILL Functionality in the currently authorized Third party payment system (PayPort Express) that is used to request a debit (from a shipper to a TSP) or a credit (from a TSP to a shipper). The party initiating the eBill will not be paid until the other party approves the transaction. An eBill is most commonly used to reconcile or adjust shipment payment amounts for shipments that have already been approved. ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE The transfer of data by linking computer systems through a communications network, in order to accomplish the Government objective of ensuring all tenders are originally filed, billed, and administratively updated through an EDI in order to create a semi-paperless environment. EMERGENCY Any situation that would prevent a shipment from safely reaching its destination, such as undue delay caused by a force majeure circumstance. Any  situation associated with in transit Government AA&E or OSM that endangers the material itself, the public, the transporting TSP s personnel/equipment/facilities, or threatens national security due to potential loss or loss of Ordnance-related, highly sensitive technology. The broad term  Situation is intended to include, but not be limited to, accidents, fire, hijacking, theft, civil disturbance, equipment failure, labor strikes, natural disasters, and threatened or real attack. EMPTY MOVEMENT OF TRAILER An accessorial charge per vehicle per deadhead miles traveled from point of dispatch to point of origin, which will be in addition to the line haul rate. These charges require consignor or consignee endorsement on BL. EMPTY TRAILER RETURN An accessorial charge for returning an empty trailer from destination to origin upon the shippers cancellation. ESCORT/FLAGMAN/TELEPHONE An accessorial charge when requested by the shipper to reimburse for the cost of hiring of additional personnel to perform additional necessary services directly associated with the movement of specialized cargo. EXCLUSIVE USE When requested by Government personnel, a TSP will devote the entire trailer or dromedary to the movement of a specified shipment. See Item 31, Exclusive Use of Trailer or Dromedary, for detailed guidance. EXPEDITED SERVICE When requested by Government personnel, the TSP guarantees the delivery of shipment prior to the Standard Transit Time. See Item 35, Expedited Service, for detailed guidance. FORCE MAJEURE Contract provision that exempts parties for non-fulfillment of obligations due to unforeseen and/or unpredictable conditions beyond their control and without fault or negligence of the breaching party. For example, natural disasters, acts of God, public enemy, freight embargoes, or weather. FREETIME The period of time during which there is no charge (i.e. demurrage) by the TSP to load, stow, and secure the general cargo to the vessel and to unload the general cargo and accompanying material from the barge. FREIGHT Goods to be shipped. A term used to classify the transportation of goods carried by commercial vessel or vehicle. FREIGHT ALL KINDS Consists of those commodities that a TSP offers to transport at one inclusive rate or change regardless of their classification rating in the NMFC or UFC, or differing transportation characteristics. FREIGHT FORWARDER (AIR)  Also known as an indirect cargo air TSP and is defined in 14 CFR 296.3 as  any U.S. citizen who undertakes to engage indirectly in air transportation of property, and uses for the whole or any part of such transportation the services of an air TSP [TSP] or a foreign air TSP [TSP] that directly engages in the operation of aircraft under a certificate, regulation, order, or permit issued by the Department of Transportation or the Civil Aeronautics Board, or the services of its agent, or of another indirect cargo air TSP [TSP]. FREIGHT FORWARDER (SURFACE)  As defined in 49 USC 13102(8); a person holding itself out to the general public (other than as a pipeline, rail, motor, or water TSP) to provide transportation of property for compensation but specifically excludes  a person using transportation of an air TSP. See 49 U.S.C 10102. In general, surface freight forwarders are firms, other than a railroad, motor, water, or air TSP, or an air freight forwarder, that undertakes all of the following functions: to assemble and consolidate shipments, provide for assembling, consolidating, performing or providing breakbulk, and distributing services. Surface freight forwarders assume responsibility for the transportation of such property from point of receipt to point of destination, and utilize the services of authorized TSPs who possess proper operating authority for the transportation to be provided. FUEL SYSTEM ICING INHIBITOR (FSII) Is a Military jet fuel additive that absorbs small amounts of water from the fuel that prevents freezing in aircraft fuel systems. FULL VISIBLE CAPACITY When a LTL makes the loading of additional items impossible and this load requires a TL rate to move. FVC is indicated by the shipping agency on the BL to get the TL rate. GOVERNMENT BILL OF LADING (GBL) The bill of lading utilized to transport freight of the U.S. government, to procure transportation of freight and related services from commercial TSP for movement at Government expense. GOVERNMENT BUSINESS DAY (GBD) Any business day (i.e., Monday through Friday) that is not a Federal Holiday. GOVERNMENT CARGO RECOVERY EFFORT PROGRAM (GOCARE) Formerly known as the Government/GSA Joint Astray Cargo Program. The program sets forth the procedures for handling astray freight and convey general information concerning TSP initiatives, property identification numbers, foreign military sales, and other issues. GOCARE provides commercial TSP with points of contact to resolve astray government shipments. HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITION NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE An accessorial charge assessed for movement of the shipment or partial shipments from or to positions beyond an immediately adjacent loading or unloading position. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL/SUBSTANCE A substance or material determined by the Secretary of Transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce. This term includes hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, elevated temperature materials, materials designated as hazardous under the provisions of 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 172.101 and 172.102, and materials that meet the defining criteria for hazard class and divisions in 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173. HOLIDAYS Federally-designated holidays, as provided by Title 5 of the U.S. Code: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. IMPROPER EQUIPMENT Failure by a TSP to provide the specific equipment requested by Government personnel in order to perform specific transportation/logistics requirements. IN BOND A shipment that has not cleared U.S. Customs. IN TRANSIT VISIBILITY The ability to track in real time the identity, status, and specific location of Department of Defense shipments of unit and non-unit cargo (excluding bulk petroleum, oils, and lubricants), passengers, medical patients, and personal property from point of origin to the consignee or destination. INADEQUATE EQUIPMENT TSP equipment that is deemed inadequate to perform transportation services due to its defective condition, or where operation of the equipment fails to meet DOT safety regulations, or equipment whose design or defect lacks proper security features required to properly secured freight, or equipment that has broken, missing or improper seals. INTERMODAL MOVE Being or involving transportation by more than one mode of transportation or type of TSP during a single journey. An intermodal move occurs when two or more different modes such as rail, truck, barge and/or sealift are used to move cargo from origin to destination. An intermodal move may occur in CONUS and/or OCONUS such as in Alaska, Hawaii, etc. The term  intermodal move can be used interchangeably with  more than one mode. INTERNAL  Vessel movements (origin and destination) which take place solely on inland waterways. An inland waterway is one geographically located within the boundaries of the contiguous 48 states or within the boundaries of the State of Alaska. LAKEWISE Waterborne traffic between the United States ports on the Great Lakes System. The Great Lakes System is treated as a separate waterway system rather than as a part of the inland waterway system. In comparing historical data for the Great Lakes System, one should note that prior to calendar year 1990, marine products, sand and gravel being moved from the Great Lakes to Great Lake destinations were classified as local traffic. From 1990 on, these activities are classified as lakewise traffic. LASH/SEABEE BARGE A barge, usually flat-bottomed and rectangular in structure to be lightered aboard a mother ship. LASHING Ropes, wires, chains, steel straps, or other special devices used to secure cargo. LATE Occurs when there is an unexcused failure to deliver the shipment by the end of normal operating hours on the Required Delivery Date (RDD). LAYTIME The time between when a vessel moors alongside or at 0001 hours local time on the latest agreed readiness date, whichever occurs first. It ends when loading or unloading begins. LESS-LOAD RATES Rates or classes that apply to a quantity of freight less than the truckload weight specified for the same article. LINE FILL The quantity of fuel required to completely fill a section of pipeline. LINE HAUL Transportation of cargo over TSP routes from point to point to point of destination, excluding local pick-up, delivery, local drayage, and switching services. LOADING OR UNLOADING The movement of lading past the tailgate of the vehicle including the placement on, or the removal of lading from, a conveyor extending into the vehicle, as well as the stowing, stacking, and breaking out of the lading within such vehicle. LONG TERM LEASE - Leasing a company's vehicle to another transportation service provider for a duration of more than 30 days. TSP must abide by lease provisions of 49 CFR, Part 376. LOSS TOLERANCE Is an agreed percentage of fuel that is lost during transit or when placed in storage due to minor leaks and evaporation, etc. MANIFEST A document specifying in detail the passengers or items carried for a specific destination. MILITARY TRAFFIC EXPEDITING SERVICE (MTX) An expediting service provided by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) for military carload shipments. This automated service uses a central computer file electronically linked with member railroads and is capable of reporting on single-line and joint-line movements. Passing or progress reports are controlled by an MTX number assigned by the AAR. MILVAN  A Government-owned or -leased demountable container, conforming to U.S. and International standards, used for the movement of military cargo. MOTOR TSP  Shall have the same meaning and intent as  motor TSP as defined in 49 U.S.C. 13102(4), as a person providing commercial motor vehicle (as defined in section 31132) transportation for compensation. MULTI-MODAL SERVICE  Involving transportation by more than one mode of transportation or type of TSP during a single journey. Multi-modal service occurs when two or more different modes such as rail, truck, barge and/or sealift are used to move cargo from origin to destination. Multi-modal service may occur in CONUS and/or OCONUS such as in Alaska, Hawaii, etc. The term  more than one mode can be used interchangeably with  intermodal moves. NEGOTIATED MOVE  A negotiated move is a consignment of one or more shipments, from one or more shippers, over a period not to exceed one calendar year, moving to one or more consignees, at one or more destinations. Included within this definition are split pickups at origin and destination points and stop in transit to partially load and/or unload. NO SHOW Failure by a TSP to pick up a shipment on the agreed date and time. NORMAL OPERATING HOURS Period of time the facility or installation is regularly open for business Monday - Friday to receive and discharge freight. NON-USE LETTER Correspondence that places a TSP in non-use status for a period of time at either an installation or nationwide level. OTHER SENSITIVE MATERIAL (OSM) Materials other than AA&E that require monitored movement in the discretion of the owning Services due to concerns regarding the hazard, posed to the public, high value items, or security classification. OVERNIGHT SERVICE (D1) - Shipment to be delivered to consignee during consignees normal operating hours, on the next business day following the consignors requested pickup date of shipment. OVERDIMENSIONAL A shipment that contains one or more non-divisible articles, which measure in excess of 636 inches (53 feet) in length (OVERLENGTH), 102 inches (8 feet 6 inches) in width (OVERWIDTH), or 162 inches (13 feet 6 inches) in height from the ground to the top of the article after loading (OVERHEIGHT). Exception: A shipment is not considered over length for interstate or intrastate movements, when the gross length dimensions of the tractor and loaded semi-trailer combination are within the maximum gross length for such equipment combination on interstate and federally designated highways or other state highways and supplemental routes. OVERTIME Hourly charges incurred beyond established working hours and which exceed the total number of regular working hours per week. OVERWEIGHT Shipments where the cargo exceeds 45,000 (including shipments loaded on lowboy equipment). Additional information is more fully described under Item 119, Overdimensional Freight Service/Overweight Permit Shipments. PALLET Piece of equipment that facilitates mechanical handling of stacked (palletized) goods for fork-lift trucks. The term also includes pallet sides, platforms, risers, runners, skids, fillers, separators, shrouds, covers, deck boards, metal braces, collapsible shipping bins, racks or shipping devices, used, iron or wood or iron and wood combined. PERISHABLE GOODS Unpreserved, unprocessed, and untreated commodity that may spoil within a short time period even under normal handling and shipping conditions. PERSONAL PROPERTY Possessions other than real estate or building. Personal property is movable and includes tangible (appliances, car, furniture, jewelry) and intangible (bonds, right to a benefit, shares of stock) items whose ownership belongs to the individual, also called chattels. Property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business. PIPELINE All parts of a physical facility to transport water, gas, or petroleum, including a line of pipe, valves, and any other appendages attached to the line of pipe. PRIORITY SERVICE (SG) - Next available flight; shipment may be required anytime during a 24 hour period, no specific time for pickup or delivery stated (consignor may insert time requirements on BL IAW TSP quote). PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLE (POV) Belonging to, restricted to, or intended to be sued for the personal use of an individual. PROPERTY DAMAGE Damages caused to a Department of Defense (Government) members/employees personal and/or real property, including rental property, or grounds associated with the property by a Government approved TSP/agent or direct procurement method contracted agent while picking up or delivering Government sponsored shipments. PROPORTATIONAL RATES Rates that are not intended to stand alone, and may only apply in conjunction with another proportional rate. See also Combination Rates. QUALIFIED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER REPRESENTATIVE A person employed by a TSP or terminal involved in the handling of Government shipments moving in security service, and who is: a. Designated by TSP or terminal management to attend a transportation conveyance. b. Aware of the sensitivity of Government material moving under transportation protective service(s). c. Knowledgeable of the safety, security and emergency procedures that must be followed. d. Authorized to move a transportation conveyance and has the means and ability to do so. e. Cleared under the Government Industrial Security Program to handle SECRET shipments and has TSP issued identification when providing Protective Security Service. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Material causing spontaneous emission of radiation, either directly from unstable atomic nuclei or as a consequence of a nuclear reaction. Of, exhibiting, or caused by radioactivity. RAIL TANK CAR A railcar designed to carry liquefied loads or cargo. RAIL TSP A rail as defined in 49 U.S.C. RAMP-TO-RAMP SERVICE Occurs when an empty vehicle is delivered to the TSP; when a loaded vehicle with billing instructions are delivered to the TSP or forwarding instructions are given to TSP with proper billing instructions. REDELIVERY When a shipment is tendered for delivery and delivery cannot be accomplished due to the fault of the consignee. Where redelivery is required, the TSP will notify the consignee of the on-hand shipment and arrange for a mutual agreement regarding a redelivery date. REFUGE LOCATION A military activity designated in the Terminal Facilities Guide as meeting requirements for the temporary storage of classified or protected material (excluding Class 1, Division 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 explosives) that affords security for shipments of such cargo in emergency situations. RELEASED VALUE RATE The rate applied to a specific shipment that applies to an agreed level of liability assumed by the TSP in transporting that shipment in the event of loss or damage. REPORT OF SHIPMENT An advance notification of shipment provided by a shipper to the consignee not later than 24 hours prior to the shipment arrival. For ammunition shipments, notification must be made not later than two hours after shipment departure. REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE (RDD) A date when transported cargo must arrive at its destination and complete offloading to properly support mission requirements. The calendar date when material is required to be delivered and offloaded by the requisitioner. ROUTING OR ROUTE ORDER An order issued by a routing officer that specifies the mode of transportation and the means within that mode by which a shipment will move. SECOND DAY SERVICE (D2) - Shipment to be delivered to consignee during consignees normal operating hours on or before the second business day after consignor requested pickup date of shipment. SECURED AREA An area to which access is controlled and is under regular, periodic surveillance by security personnel. SECURE HOLDING AREA In non-emergency situations, protection provided by an installation to a TSPs vehicle transporting sensitive or classified cargo that arrives after hours or at the discretion of an installation commander. The installation commander must make the same kinds of determinations as for  Secure Holding Location/Safe Haven or  refuge. SECURE HOLDING LOCATION/SAFE HAVEN  A location owned by Government, or a VA approved TSP owned secure holding facility that is utilized for the temporary parking of commercial TSP motor vehicles transporting Categorized AA&E or classified materials. This term will also include circumstances where emergency assistance is to be provided by an installation to a TSPs vehicle transporting Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 ammunition and explosives due to circumstances beyond a TSPs control (such as severe weather or vehicle breakdown). A primary consideration by the installation commander is whether the load poses an unacceptable hazard to personnel or operations. This determination involves an analysis of the quantity-distance factors involved and the ability to locate the vehicle away from populated areas. SENSITIVE CARGO Small arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E) that are a potential danger to public safety and can be used by militant, revolutionary, criminal, or other elements for civil disturbances, domestic unrest, or criminal actions, to include Ordnance as defined in the Government 5100.76M, Physical Security Of Conventional Arms, Ammunition And Explosives. SHIPMENT A separately identifiable collection of goods to be carried: A quantity of freight tendered for transportation by one shipper, at one point, one day, on one bill of lading, for delivery to one consignee at one destination. SHIPMENT REFUSAL Failure of a TSP to accept or decline a shipment within one hour of offer. SHIPPER A Service or agency activity (including the contract administration or purchasing office for vendors) or vendor that originates shipments, who performs planning, assembling, consolidating, documenting, and arranging for the movement of material. SHORING Technique used to distribute the weight of a cargo piece over a greater area than its load bearing area (also called a footprint or contact area). SMALL ARMS Man portable, individual, and crew-served weapon systems used mainly against personnel and lightly armored or unarmored equipment including handguns; shoulder-fired weapons; and light automatic weapons. Included in small arms are comparable foreign arms, United States prototype arms, and illegally manufactured weapons retained in inventory for training, familiarization, and evaluation. SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION A cartridge or family of cartridges intended for use in various types of hand-held or mounted weapons through 50 mm. Within a caliber designation, these weapons may include one or more of the following: rifles (except recoilless), carbines, pistols, revolvers, machineguns, and shotguns. The explosives effects are largely confined to the package. No projection of fragments of appreciable size or range is to be expected and does not significantly hinder emergency response efforts or the effects of explosion are completely confined within the article itself. ONE TIME ONLY BID A single consignment of one or more pieces from one shipper at one time at one origin address receipted for in one lot and moving to one consignee at one destination address. Included within this definition are split pickups at origin and destination points and stops in transit to partially load and/or unload. SPOTTING/DROPPING The detachment of a trailer from a power unit (tractor) and its placement at a specific site designated by and in full possession of shipper, consignee or other designated party SUBCONTRACTOR A contract by which a company or person agrees to render services or materials necessary for the performance of another contract; one who performs services under contract to a TSP without privity of contract with the government; a secondary contract in which the person or company originally hired in turn hires somebody else to do all or part of the work. TANK BARGE Non-self-propelled vessel constructed and arranged for the carriage of liquid cargoes in tanks integral to the hull or independent of the hull. Pumping arrangements may be provided on board or left to shore equipment. Typical cargoes would include petroleum and other liquids. a. Single Hull Tank Barge - A tank barge with the sides and the bottom being single hull. b. Double Hull Tank Barge - A tank barge with the sides and the bottom being double hull. c. Double Sided Tank Barge - A tank barge with the sides being double hull and the bottom being single hull. d. Double Bottom Tank Barge - A tank barge with the sides being single hull and the bottom being double hull. TANK TRUCK A vehicle designed to carry liquefied loads or cargo on roadways TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED GALLONS  The volume correction to gallons at 60 degrees Fahrenheit (sometimes referred to as  net volume ). TERMINALING  Receipt of fuel from an incoming transportation mode for the purpose of issuing that fuel for movement by another transportation mode. Terminaling charges may include but are not limited to fees for throughput, tank, truck, barge, or railcar loading, additive injection, filtration and dock fees. Some of these fees may be included as separate accessorial charges in the TSP's tender. THIRD PARTY PAYMENT SYSTEM (TPPS) The third party payment system is an electronic freight transaction tracking and payment system and is required to conduct business with Government. The current authorized third party payment system is PayPort Express, a service of Citi. TIME-DEFINITE DELIVERY (TDD) The delivery of freight at a time and destination specified by the receiving activity. OWAWAY SERVICE The transportation of Government freight when the cargo is towed by a TSP truck-tractor, but not loaded in or on TSP equipment. TOWBOAT/PUSH BOAT Self-propelled vessel designed to tow/push barges and pontoons. The hull is usually rectangular in plan and has little freeboard. A pair of knees of ample strength and height engages barges of various depths to maneuver the tow. TRACTOR A mechanically powered unit used to propel or draw a trailer or trailers on the highway. TRAILER A trailer is a reusable shipping conveyance not more than 53-feet in length, outside measurement, constructed for use in transporting commodities via highway and equipped with permanent wheeled undercarriage, or mounted on a bogie or chassis. Trailer also means a demountable trailer body with wheels or a container mounted on a bogie and equipped with a device for coupling to a tractor for movement. TRANSLOADING Cargo removed from one conveyance and directly reloaded on another conveyance for movement or movement of dromedaries from one conveyance to another. Refer to Section B, Item 97, Transloading Transportation Protective Service (TPS) Shipments for more information. TRANSMIX A mixture of fuel, which occurs in a pipeline shipment that is caused when one batch of fuel pushes against another causing part of both batches to mix together. TRANSPORT VEHICLE A cargo carrying vehicle such as an automobile, van, tractor, truck, semi-trailer, tank car, or railcar used for transportation of cargo by any mode. TRANSPORTATION AGENT Person(s) (military or civilian) designated or appointed by the Transportation Officer to perform traffic management functions TRANSPORTATION OFFICER (TO) Person(s) designated by the commander of a military activity to perform traffic management functions. TRANSPORTATION PROTECTIVE SERVICE (TPS) A commercial TSP service performed according to Department of Defense standards that provide in-transit physical security for shipments of Secret, Confidential, or sensitive material. TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER (TSP) Includes motor TSPs, rail TSPs, pipeline TSPs, water TSPs, tank truck TSPs, freight forwarders, brokers, and third party logistics (3PL) companies. TRIP LEASED A vehicle lease of 30 days or less in duration between a TSP and leasing agent involving the power unit. TRIP LEASING Leasing a company's vehicle to another transportation service provider for a single trip. TRUCKLOAD RATES Truckload rates or classes are those for which a truckload minimum weight is provided, and charges will be assessed at the truckload minimum weight shown in the TSP tender, except that actual weight will apply when in excess of the truckload minimum weight. Minimum of 20,000 pounds and greater will be considered truckload minimums for shipment planning purposes. TUGBOAT Self-propelled vessel with a V-shaped bow designed for the towing (and pushin!"67BDFGRTde  # $ % με hh= hhSghyh|hMO h(Oh(Oh2&Th#h(Oh hhh5CJ aJ hK@<5CJ aJ h6gh5CJ aJ h45CJ aJ h6gh=5CJ aJ hj+5CJ aJ h=ha!"7CTy}% ( ) H i z q  gd\$a$gd6g$a$gd5ygd\% & ' ( ) G H \ ] h i j k m x z ˸|rha|hZVRG@G hhjh6h6UhQhSg hE/hSg h}5CJ h6ghY5CJ h6ghz5CJ hK@<5CJ h6gh(O5CJ h45CJ h6gh5CJ h5CJ h|h}hCB*CJaJph$jh+HB*OJQJU^Jphhht }ht }0JB*CJOJPJQJRH_HaJehfH!hphq rsHtHwh   * O P Q k l m n o p q r ڹˮxˮfˮ#jJ2h6UmHnHu#j1h6UmHnHuhqh\e0JRHimHnHu&h\e5;CJPJ\aJmHnHuhjmHnHu#jP1h6UmHnHujh6UmHnHuh\emHnHuhqh\e0JmHnHuh6jh6U(       ! 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VEHICLE A flatbed, converted van, open top or a trailer or container as more fully defined. VESSEL A watercraft or other artificial contrivance that is used, is capable of being used, or is intended to be used, as a means of transportation by water. 49 U.S.C. 12103(25). WATER TSP A person who performs water transportation for compensation, including both vessel, barge, or other artificial contrivance as defined in 49 U.S.C. 12102(26). Also referred in this document as a Water TSP. APPENDIX B ANSI CODES FOR ACCESSORIAL SERVICES ANSI code Description 020 Address Corrections (SPE Only) 045 Advancing Charges 140 Call Tag Service (SPE Only) 405 Fuel Surcharge/Adjustment 490 Crane Operator at Destination 495 Crane at Destination 500 Crane at Origin 505 Crane Operator at Origin 520 Overdimensional Freight Service (Truckload) 520 Charges of Weight (SPE Only) 675 Signature and Tally Record Service AAM Materials AAS Attendants Accompanying Government Freight Shipments ADL Advance Loading Service AFN Aircraft Ordered But Not Used (SPE Only) AIB Additive/Conductivity/Icing Inhibitor Service AIR Sends Service Level/Type Information (SPE Only) ARG Rail Armed Guard Surveillance Service BLK Blocking, Bracing and Tie-Down Service for Rail CGC Caboose/Guard Cars Furnished/Occupied CHN Chains and Binders CIS Government Constant Surveillance Service CLN Cleaning CSP Caboose/Guard Cars Furnished/Occupied CTR Circuitous Routing DDP Dual Driver Protective Service DEL Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Shipment Delivery (Motor) DEL Receipt and Issue (Pipeline) DEM Demurrage (Straight) DEP Detention: Vehicles with Power Units DET Detention: Vehicles without Power Units DPD Drayage at Destination DPE Drayage at Origin DRS Disaster Recovery Surcharge (Pipeline) DTB Detention of Vehicles ECR Escorts and Couriers (SPE Only) ECS Empty Cars Ordered But Not Used ELS Extra Lights EMT Empty Movement of Equipment ERS Equipment, Empty Trailers Return of EVC Excess Valuation (SPE Only) EXC Exclusive Use of Trailer or Dromedary EXD Extra Driver EXP Expedited Service FCS Furnishing Chassis for COFC Shipments FPT Freight All Kinds Shipment Tracking FRT Filtration Service GDS Incentive Scheduled Delivery GSS General Security Service HAN Additional Handling (SPE Only) HAZ Hazardous Materials Handling (SPE Only) HHB Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle HOL Sunday/Holiday Pickup/Delivery HOS HOX Hose EDD EDO HRS Heater/Refrigerator Service IDC Idler Car IMP Impactographs IMS Intermodal Shipments LAS Loss of Product LDA TSP to Load (Rail) LDL TSP to Unload (Rail) LFD Dedicated Switch Engine Crew at Destination LIE Liability of TSP LMD Dedicated Switch Engine at Destination LME Dedicated Switch Engine at Origin LTE Dedicated Switch Engine Crew at Origin MES Escort/Flagman/Telephone Service MEN MET MTX Military Traffic Expediting Service NFY Shipment Notification (SPE Only) NOR Notice of Readiness ORS Receipt/Issue Other Than Normal Operating Hours PAJ Pumping Equipment PER Overweight Permit Shipment POD Proof of Delivery Service (SPE Only) PRL Prelodging PSS Protective Security Service PTS Protective Tarping Service PUC Pickup Charges for Scheduled Services (SPE Only) PUD Pickup/Delivery (on workdays outside normal operating hours) RAM Portable Ramps at Destination RCC Reconsignment/Diversion RCL Redelivery RDH Technical Assistance for Loading RIS Rail Inspection Service RLS Relocation of Vehicles RMC Return Empty Containers/Pallets RMP Return Movement of Pallets RSS Restricted Speeds RSV Reservation Portion of Vehicle SAT Saturday Pickup/Delivery SDL Split Delivery SEV Security Escort Vehicle Service SFT Special Train Service SNS Satellite Motor Surveillance Service SOC Stop-off in Transit SPA Allowances SPU Split Pickup SRG Storage SRS Surveying Routes SRS Security Recovery Surcharge (Pipeline) STO Stowage SUC Portable Ramps at Origin SUP Inspector Requested for Loading SVS Storage of Vehicles TER TSP to Unblock, Unbrace and/or Untie (Rail) TMV Tendering of Multiple Vehicles TOW Towaway UBL Secure and Release Loads URC Loading-Unloading by TSP VFN Vehicles Furnished but not Used WDS Waterfront Delivery WTV Weight Verification  APPENDIX G REFERENCES Each reference applies to its current edition, unless otherwise specified. Due to numerous reorganization efforts, the guidance in some of the references may have been or will be reissued in other publications. It may be necessary to consult a functional area expert to determine the most recent guidance. 1. Association of American Railroads, Open Top Loading Rules Manual. 2. American Trucking Associations, ATA Hazardous Materials Tariff, ICC ATA 111-series. 3. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Part 205, Aircraft Accident Liability Insurance 4. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Part 296.3, Indirect Cargo Air TSP 5. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 32, Part 619.4, InsurancePublic Liability and Cargo. 6. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 6, Protection and Security of Vessels, Harbors, and Waterfront Facilities. 7. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 104, Maritime Security: Vessels. 8. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 105, Maritime Security: Facilities. 9. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 109, General. 10. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 110, Anchorage Regulations. 11. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 125, Identification Credentials for Persons Requiring Access to Waterfront Facilities or Vessels. 12. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 126, Handling of Dangerous Cargo at Waterfront Facilities. 13. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 126, Section 126.19, Issuance of Permits for Handling Designated Dangerous Cargo. 14. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Part 160, Ports and Waterways SafetyGeneral. 15. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Part 101, Subchapter G, Section 101.40, Transportation and Traffic Management. 16. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Part 101, Subchapter G, Section 101.41, Transportation Documentation and Audit. 17. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Part 101, Subchapter G, Section 101-41.302-3, Terms and Conditions Governing Acceptance and Use of GBLs. 18. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 105, Hazardous Materials Program Definitions and General Procedures. 19. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 106, Rulemaking Procedures. 20. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 107, Hazardous Materials Program Procedures. 21. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 110, Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and Planning Grants. 22. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 130, Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plans. 23. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 171, General Information, Regulations, and Definitions. 24. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 171, Section 171.15, Immediate Notice of Certain Hazardous Materials Incidents. 25. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 173, Section 173.53, Provisions For Using Old Classifications of Explosives. 26. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 171, Section 171.8, Definitions and Abbreviations. 27. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 172, Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, And Training Requirements. 28. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 172, Section 172.101, Hazardous Materials Table. 29. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 172, Section 172.504, Table 2, General Placarding Requirements. 30. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Subchapter H, Section 172.700, Purpose and Scope. 31. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Subchapter H, Section, 172.701, Federal-State Relationship. 32. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Subchapter H, Section 172.702, Applicability and Responsibility for Training and Testing. 33. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Subchapter H, Section 172.704, Training Requirements. 34. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Section 173, ShippersGeneral Requirements for Shipments and Packaging. 35. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 174, Section 174.81, Segregation of Hazardous Materials. 36. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 174, Section 174.104, Division 1.1 or 1.2 (Explosive) Materials; Car Selection, Preparation, Inspection, and Certification. 37. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 176, Carriage by Vessel. 38. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 176, Section 176.108, Supervision of Class 1 (Explosive) Materials During Loading, Unloading, Handling and Stowage. 39. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 176, Section 176.180, Watchkeeping. 40. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 176, Section 176.99, Permit Requirements for Certain Hazardous Materials. 41. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 177, Carriage by Public Highway. 42. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 177, Section 177.834(l)(1) Carriage by Public Highway, General Requirements. 43. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 371, Section 371.2, Brokers of Property, Definitions. 44. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 382, Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing. 45. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 383, Commercial Drivers License Standards; Requirements and Penalties. 46. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 384, State Compliance With Commercial Drivers License Program. 47. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 385, Safety Fitness Procedures. 48. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 386, Rules of Practice for Motor TSP Safety and Hazardous Materials Proceedings. 49. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 387, Minimum Levels Of Financial Responsibility For Motor TSP. 50. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 387, Section 387.9, Minimum Levels of Financial Responsibility. 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 388, Cooperative Agreements with States. 52. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 389, Rulemaking ProceduresFederal Motor TSP Safety Regulations. 53. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 390, Federal Motor TSP Safety Regulations. 54. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 390, Section 390.5, Definitions. 55. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 391, Qualifications of Drivers. 56. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 392, Driving of Commercial Motor Vehicles. 57. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 393, Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation. 58. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 395, Hours of Service of Drivers. 59. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 396, Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance. 60. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 397, Transportation of Hazardous Materials; Driving and Parking Rules. 61. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 1005, Principles and Practices for the Investigation and Voluntary Disposition of Loss and Damage Claims and Processing Salvage. 62. National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., National Motor Freight Classification, Tariff STB NMF 100 series. 63. National Motor Freight Traffic Associations, Inc., Directory of Standard Multi-Modal TSP and Tariff Agents Codes (SCAC/STAC), STB NMF 101-Series. 64. National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Continental Directory of Standard Point Location Codes, STB NMF l02-Series. 65. RAILINC, Mileage Allowances and Rules Tariff, STB RPS 6007-Series. 66. United States Code, Title 5, Part III, Subpart E, Chapter 61, Subchapter I, 6103. 67. United States Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 44, Section 922, Unlawful Acts. 68. United States Code, Title 49, Subtitle IV, Part A, Chapter 101, Section 10102, Definitions. 69. United States Code, Title 49 Subtitle IV, Part B, Chapter 131, Section 13102, Definitions. 70. United States Code, Title 49, Subtitle IV, Part B, Chapter 137, Section 13712, Government Traffic. 71. United States Code, Title 49, Subtitle IV, Part C, Chapter 155, Section 15504, Government Traffic. 72. United States Code, Title 49, Subtitle VI, Part B, Chapter 311, Subchapter III, Section 31132, Definitions. 73. United States Code, Title 49, Subtitle VIII, Chapter 601, Section 60101, Definitions. 74. United States Code, Title 49, Subtitle VIII, Chapter 605, Section 60501, Secretary of Energy     Department of Veterans Affairs Uniform Rules Tariff No. VA-100A December 11, 2013  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT vii  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 96  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 115 knlnnqq~~~ ~!~#~`bY[hkӁՁ')egCE02~ӆՆ02kmhjˉ͉_aͽhgChah0@hohMhWHh!h_ hWHhWHh^hWH5%hWHhWHB*CJOJQJaJphJnnnn|| 5$Ifgd^zkd$$Ifl408i! X0144 layt^nnnn}} 5$Ifgd^xkds$$Ifl08i! X0144 layt^nnnn}} 5$Ifgd^xkd$$Ifl08i! 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