$(document).ready(function() {
//Any list item with a UL child is given the class "head"
//This is performed by checking every LI and seeing if there is a child UL within it
$('.accordion li').each(function() {
$this = $(this);
if($this.children('ul').length>0) {
$('.sub-menu li:last-child').addClass('lastChild'); //Fix for IE borders only
$('.sub-sub-menu li:first-child').addClass('firstChild'); //Fix for IE borders only
//add initial arrows
if($this.hasClass('head')) {
$('.accordion li > a span').empty().append('
$('.sub-menu li > a span').empty().append('
$('.sub-sub-menu li > a span').empty().append('
//Set keyboard interface
$('.accordion a').focus(function() {
$('.accordion a').blur(function() {
//Set initial speed for slide animation
$speed = 300;
//When an anchor within list item with class "head" is clicked
$('.accordion li.head > a').on('click', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the hyperlink from kicking in
$parent = $(this).parent();
$siblings = $(this).parent().siblings();
//Close arrows on all other sibling menu items
else {
//hide all sibling menu and sub-menu items
$siblings.find("ul ul").hide();
//Reset all other elements
//Toggle selection open/closed
.stop(true,true) //Clear any queue
.slideToggle($speed); //Toggle the slide
//Toggle arrow for selection open/closed
if($parent.hasClass('active')) {
else {
else {
else {
// collapse main menu for mobile
(!device.isDesktop) && $('#nav-wrap').find('.accessible-megamenu-top-nav-item > h2 a.active').removeClass('active').parent().next('.accessible-megamenu-panel').slideUp(200);
//Expand menu to current page at load
var urlPage = window.location.pathname;
if(urlPage.match(/\/$/)) {
urlPage = urlPage + "index.asp"; //Add index.asp to all urls that end with a slash
var urlPagei = new RegExp(urlPage,'i');
//Check if the current page is a homepage
$pageType = $("meta[name=type]");
if(($pageType.length) != 0) {
$pageType = $pageType.attr("content").toLowerCase();
//If not a homepage, expand nav to show current page
if($pageType != "homepage") {
$speed = 0;
$match = "false";
$('#leftNav a').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('href').replace(location.origin,'').match(urlPagei)) {
$match = "true";
return false;
$('#leftNav a').each(function() {
if ($match == "false") {
var indexPage = 'index.asp';
var urlIndex = urlPage.replace(urlPage.substring(urlPage.lastIndexOf('/')+1), indexPage);
urlIndexi = new RegExp(urlIndex,'i');
if ($(this).attr('href').replace(location.origin,'').match(urlIndexi)) {
return false;
$speed = 300;