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Definitions:The compensation program provides monthly benefits to Veterans in recognition of the effects of disabilities, diseases, or injuries incurred or aggravated during active military service. xDisability pension is payable to certain wartime Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled, or age 65 and older.The life insurance programs provide servicemembers and their families with universally available life insurance (available to all servicemembers and their families without underwriting), as well as traumatic injury protection insurance for servicemembers. The objective of the VA Home Loan Guaranty program is to help eligible Veterans, active duty personnel, surviving spouses, and members of the Reserves and National Guard purchase, retain, and adapt homes in recognition of their service to the Nation.)Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Education ProgramsDisability Pension Disability Compensation The VR&E Program provides a wide range of vocational and employment services to Veterans, active-duty servicemembers and eligible dependents. These services are designed to help servicemembers and Veterans choose a career path and assist them in achieving their employment goals.Home Loan Guaranty Fiscal Year1 The totals shown here are for the six life insurance programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (USGLI, NSLI, VSLI, VRI, SDVI, and VMLI). Life insurance programs that are administered by Prudential Insurance Company of America and supervised by VA are not included here. For more information on life insurance programs, see the Annual Benefits Reports located at: http://www.vba.va.gov/REPORTS/abr/index.asp.Education programs provide Veterans, servicemembers, reservists, and certain family members of Veterans with educational resources to supplement opportunities missed because of military service. There are seven active education programs.(Disability Compensation Recipients (DCR)"% Change in DCR From Previous Year#Disability Pension Recipients (DPR)"% Change in DPR From Previous Year-Education Beneficiaries (EB)!% Change in EB From Previous Year.Home Loans Guaranteed (HLG) During Fiscal Year"% Change in LIP From Previous Year"% Change in HLG From Previous Year=Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Participants 0% Change in VR&E Partisipants From Previous YearLife Insurance Policies1 (LIP).Summary of Veterans Benefits: FY2000 to FY2016pSource: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration, Annual Benefits Reports, 2000 to 2016.Prepared by the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, Office of Enterprise Integration, Department of Veterans Affairs, August 2018"TA FEsI+J> ccB g2 +|pڋ  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?((\?)ףp= ?M \\vacoprtx\HP LaserJet P4515 3T!C odXXLegalDINU" P=N:SMTJHP LaserJet P4515 PCL6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLResolution600dpiOrientationLANDSCAPE_CC90HPOrientRotate180FalseDuplexNONEPaperSizeLEGALMediaTypeAutoCollateONOutputBinAutoHPImageShiftOffHPAutoDuplexScalingTrueColorMode24bppTextAsBlackFalseTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineRETChoiceTrueHPBackSidePrintingFalseJPEGEnableBestSmoothingTruePrintQualityGroupPQGroup_1HPColorModeMONOCHROME_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNTHPBornOnDateHPBODHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPXMLFileUsedhpmcpap6.xmlHPStaplingOpposedFalseHPPCL6PassThroughTrueHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPSmartDuplexOddPageJobTrueHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEDOWN-NOROTATEHPManualFeedOrientationFACEDOWNHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNStaplingNoneHPManualDuplexDialogModelModelessHPManualDuplexPageOrderEvenPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1TrueHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPStraightPaperPathFalseHPSendPJLUsageCmdCURIHPCoversOther_PagesFront_Cover_from_Feeder_InputBinNoneBack_Cover_from_Feeder_InputBinNoneJRConstraintsJRCHDPartialJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOffHPConsumerCustomPaperTruePSAlignmentFileHPZLSwn7HPSmartHub_OnlinediagnostictoolsTRUEHPSmartHub_SupportandtroubleshootingTRUEHPSmartHub_ProductmanualsTRUEHPSmartHub_CheckfordriverupdatesTRUEHPSmartHub_ColorprintingaccessusageTRUEHPSmartHub_OrdersuppliesTRUEHPSmartHub_ShowmehowTRUEPSServices_PrintcolorusagejoblogTRUEHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_514_HID_265PIUPHdLetter o [none] [none]4Pd?VACOGARINT44dCOM SurrogateDllHost.exeC:\<WINDOWS\system32\DllHost.exe"]XX333333?333333?&<3U} }  }  }  } } } +,r@,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,,,,@@@@@@@, DEEEEEEEEEEEE F G G H H H H H  H  H  H  H  HI@@Jj K~ L:A K~ MTDA K~ NOA  K~  Lʱ  K~  O @  KID@K>PGK$a? 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