Grantees are required to provide supportive services to eligible Veterans and their families. Required supportive services include employment outreach, case management, assistance in obtaining VA benefits, and assistance in accessing mainstream benefits. Grantees may also provide additional services such as temporary financial assistance with rent, utility, and childcare expenses.
Sample Housing Barrier Assessment Form
Sample Housing Preferences Assessment Worksheet
Sample Housing Stability Plan Form
Sample Staff Case File Organization Tool
SSVF Housing Stability Plan Template
Support Services Referral Tracking Tool
The Vet Centers
Sample Local Community Resource Checklist
Sample Outreach Activity Log
Sample TFA Allocation Case Load Tracker
Sample Housing Expenses Budget Form
A Hand Up - Increasing Income to Strengthen Stability
One Stop Employment Shops - A Look at the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
One Stop Employment Shops - American Job Centers
SOAR Toolkit for SSVF Providers
SSVF income Calculators for SOAR
SSVF Income Calculators for SOAR Presentation
Veterans and the Labor Market - Creating Connections for Successful Employment Part 1
Veterans and the Labor Market - Creating Connections for Successful Employment Part 2
Veterans Benefit Administration
Veterans Ebenefit Portal
Sample Spreadsheet to Manage Landlord Information
SSVF Housing Navigator Tool
SSVF Veteran Families Incentive Landlord Flyer