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Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)

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Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center
1201 N.W. 16th Street
Miami, FL 33125

Phone 305-575-3388
Fax     305-575-3365

GRECC Director

Robert M. Jackson, MD (Interim)

Associate Director, Research

Ernesto Bernal-Mizrachi, MD

Associate Director, Clinical

Natasha Resendes, MD (Interim)

Associate Director, Education and Evaluation

Iriana Hammel, MD

Administrative Officer

Mitscher S. Gajardo, MBA

research foci heading
  • Frailty
  • High Need/High Risk
  • Stem Cells Reparative/ Regenerative Therapies
research heading
  • The Elizabeth Dole Center of Excellence for Veteran and Caregiver Research (EDCoE) (FY 25-2029)
  • Assessing the Effects of Unpaid Caregiving on the VA Workforce (FY 2023-25)
  • Improving Access to Geriatric Care in Rural Areas: GRECC Connect (FY 2016-26)
  • Understanding and Mapping Geriatrics Resources and Needs for Rural Older Veterans (FY 2022-25)
  • VA-IMPACT: Metformin in Pre-Diabetes on Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Outcomes.
  • VA-NIH Collaboration Recruitment to NIH Intramural Clinical Services (VA IN-DEPTH)
  • The Gulf War Illness Clinical Trials and Interventions Consortium (GWICTIC)
  • DEPTH: VA-NIH Investigative Deep Phenotyping Study of Gulf War Veteran Health
  • R01 Role of mTORC1 signaling in type 1 diabetes, 04/01/22-03/31/26
  • Targeting the longevity regulator PAPP-A with small molecule inhibitors 06/01/2023 – 06/30/2027
  • Targeting the chromatin scaffold Menin to overcome resistant to targeted therapy in melanoma. 07/1/24-05/31/27
  • SIRT7 as a novel therapeutic target in Ewing Sarcoma

education heading
  • Frailty Seminar Series: Monthly webinars, jointly organized by the Miami GRECC and Memorial Healthcare System, featuring internationally renowned speakers and worldwide audience.
  • Miami and Gainesville GRECCs have developed a workshop entitled ““Goals of Care Conversations” designed for PACTs and GEC (e.g., physicians, APRNs, nurses, social workers, psychologists). G13 This workshop was approved by VISN-8 and is being delivered as a “mini-residency” at each of the VISN’s VAMC facilities in FY2025.
  • The 2025 - VISN 8/GRECC Annual Conference will be held during April 15-17, 2025 (pre-conference day for select attendees on Mon, April 14th for BA training). The conference theme is “Advances in the Care of Aging Veterans: Interdisciplinary Topics” and is scheduled to take place over 3 days at the Orlando VA (Lake Nona) Auditorium. The purpose of the conference is to disseminate knowledge and innovative practices to promote independence and improved quality of life in older Veterans. The primary target audience for this event is clinician leaders from all healthcare disciplines who work on teams involved in caring for older Veterans in PACT, PMRS, HBPC and GEC services.
clinical heading
  • Caring for Older Adults and Caregivers at Home (COACH) – An Adaptation for Miami VA Dyads who are Addressing Dementia and Frailty (New)Coordinated Transitional Care (C-Trac) for Surgical Patients with Frailty, Older Age and/or Cognitive impairment at the Miami VA (Continuing)Veteran Directed-Care – An Investigation of Facilitators and Barriers for Program Expansion (Continuing)
  • Geri-Augmented Care Transitions (Geri-ACT) (New)
  • Addressing Behavioral Changes in Dementia in the CLC with AI (ABCD-CLC-AI) (New)
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence in a Narrative Medicine Program for Veterans (New)
  • Improving prediction of the GEC Long Term Institutional Care (LTIC) Prediction Model Using HERO CARE Survey with (and NLP) data (New)
  • Fidget Blankets for Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia (New)
 publications heading
  • Frailty Reduces Vaccine Effectiveness Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Test-Negative Case Control Study Using National VA Data Frailty Reduces Vaccine Effectiveness Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Test-Negative Case Control Study Using National VA Data - PubMed (
  • Frailty as a risk factor for post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 among US veterans during the Delta and Omicron waves Frailty as a risk factor for post‐acute sequelae of COVID‐19 among US veterans during the Delta and Omicron waves - Hammel - 2023 - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - Wiley Online Library
  • Association between specific unmet functional needs and desire to institutionalize among caregivers of older veterans Publication link
  • Measuring the unmet needs of American military Veterans and their caregivers: Survey protocol of the HERO CARE survey Measuring the unmet needs of American military Veterans and their caregivers: Survey protocol of the HERO CARE survey - PubMed (