Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)
Technology Enhancing Cognition and Health (TECH-GRECC)
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
University Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15240
Phone 412-360-2917
Fax 412-360-4922
GRECC Director
Steven M. Handler, MD, PhD, CMD
Associate GRECC Director
Robin Jump, MD, PhD
Associate Director, Research
George F. Wittenberg, MD, PhD.
Associate Director, Clinical Innovation
Michelle I. Rossi, MD, MPH
Associate Director, Translational Research
Daniel E. Forman, MD
Associate Director, Education and Evaluation
Jennifer Pruskowski, PharmD, MS
Administrative Officer
Dawn M. Fuhrer, BA
Mission of the TECH-GRECC
The TECH-GRECC serves as a local and national resource for the development, implementation, demonstration, evaluation, and dissemination of technology that benefits research, education, clinical innovation, and care for older Veterans.
![research foci heading](../images/research_foci_heading.png)
- Mechanisms of recovery and the development of novel treatment strategies for stroke, vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and the chronic effects of TBI
- Pharmacoepidemiology, drug safety and clinical and translational informatics to improve medication and patient safety in the long-term care setting
- Developing novel clinical care systems that address pain and long-term care in elderly Veterans
- Using telehealth to support primary and consultative care, behavioral health, and socialization in the long-term care setting
![research heading](../images/research_heading.png)
- Role of tau protein and drug discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy
- Mechanisms of white matter injury and recovery in stroke, vascular dementia and TBI
- Novel clinical pathways for elderly Veterans with chronic low back syndrome
- Prehab and modified cardiac rehabilitation for older adults
- Novel rehabilitation strategies for motor and language
- Identifying risk factors for elder abuse in older Veterans
- The assessment, treatment and neurocognitive and psychosocial bases of aphasia
![education heading](../images/education_heading.png)
- Interactive interprofessional education activities during which students teach each other
- Training of primary care-based practitioners in evidence-based interdisciplinary chronic pain management
- Advanced training in geriatrics scholarship following completion of clinical training
- Chronic Pain Management Guide: A Tool for Managing Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
- The TECH-GRECC Age Friendly Workshop enhances the dissemination and implementation of the Geriatric 5Ms for VA health professions trainees
![clinical heading](../images/clinical_heading.png)
- Improved access of rural Veterans with cognitive decline to interdisciplinary telehealth team (Promising Practice TeleDementia Clinic)
- Collaboration regarding telehealth care to rural Veterans w/other GRECC clinical teams throughout the nation in the Virtual Geriatrics group (previously GRECC Connect)
- Implemented e-consults to reconcile medications and deprescribe inappropriate medications in older Veterans (Geriatric Polypharmacy e-consults).
- Virtual caregiver support program for caregivers of Veterans with dementia (Promising Practice Teledementia Caregiver Support Group)
- Innovative cardiac rehab program that manages cardiovascular disease in older adults and addresses the context of multimorbidity, frailty, cognitive impairment, disability and polypharmacy(Gero-Fit)
- Improved care of older Veterans with chronic low back pain (Aging Backs Clinic).
- Promote successful transitional care, which translates into improved process measures (e.g., medication reconciliation) and outcomes (e.g., avoidable ED/hospitalization) (COMPASS transitional care program).
![publications heading](../images/publications_heading.png)
- Association of Routine Preoperative Frailty Assessment With 1-Year Postoperative Mortality.
- Frailty predicts referral for elder abuse evaluation in a nationwide healthcare system-Results from a case-control study.
- Leveraging single-cell RNA sequencing to unravel the impact of aging on stroke recovery mechanisms in mice.
- Impact of Geroscience on Therapeutic Strategies for Older Adults with Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Scientific Statement.
- Genetic deletion of Krüppel-like factor 11 aggravates traumatic brain injury.